Georgetown University Early Action 2014

<p>@sprevite. Newmans Own extra bold…do you have one of those Keurig machines by chance? I have a huge box of that coffee downstairs thats how I recognized the name.</p>

<p>EA:Chicago, Gtown, Notre dame</p>

<p>RD: UPenn, Stanford (just for laughs), Northwestern, USC, Duke, Columbia, WUSTL</p>

<p>@moralitycougar, ahah DO IT. lol.
however, i don’t need it, i’m running on pure adrenaline right now. haha.</p>


<p>if this drags on until tuesday this whole thread will go insane. people are already on bake sales to pay GU $$, owls, and twilight</p>

<p>So far I’ve applied to:
Georgetown (obviouslyyy)


<p>And then if I don’t get into georgetown ill also apply to bucknell,colgate and uva. buttt I hope I don’t have to do that hahaha
I’ve been like involuntarily visualizing what’s going to happen when I open my letter… I’m really trying to prep myself for the worst so that if I do end up getting in it’ll be an awesome surprise instead of a cruel shock</p>

<p>@eagle2010, yes I do have a keurig machine. i just got a new onee it’s super spiffy it makes iced coffee too! ahha highlight of my life. lovessit!!</p>

<p>DAYUMMMM! Iced coffees too? Guess what I’m adding to my list for Santa…haha. We have one of the older ones and sadly it doesnt do iced coffees.</p>

<p>I’ve been involuntarily visualizing me having to tell my teachers that I didn’t get in, and then I feel like I’m jinxing myself… So I think about reading the words, “GOOD JOB!”… but then I think I’m jinxing myself. And it’s a vicious, vicious cycle.</p>

<p>A lot of us seem to be applying to USC and duke… Seems pretty random haha</p>

<p>Ive been visualizing all of the possible eventualities too. My least favorite by far is the EA deferral, RD waitlist, Waitlist denial situation.</p>

<p>I’ve applied to Georgetown (obviously) and ASU (w/ their honors college) and I’m in the process of applying to GW, American, and Occidental. </p>

<p>I think if I have to wait until Tuesday, I might punch myself in the face (although I have a bad feeling I will have to wait :frowning: I have bad karma and self control issues…I’m pretty sure there is a special place in hell for people like me who read spoilers/last pages of books ha ha)</p>

<p>I totally agree about the vicious cycle. I fluctuate hourly thinking I’m going to get in to “Why don’t they just flat out reject me, I’m going to Community College” (or at least, my owl will be the colors of Eagle’s CC lol)</p>

<p>ahha lol good choice for the wishlist, eagle2010. and i’m just weird that way so i’m not applying to USC or duke haha.</p>

<p>For the millionth time tonight I’ll wholeheartedly agree with you, munlover28.</p>

<p>I’m also dreading the uncomfortable consolation that ill receive from friends/family/teachers…
And being waitlisted sounds miserable because you’re nervously awaiting an acceptance that could come at any time (or not at all…)</p>

<p>@lalalala038, i completely agree.
i don’t want to face my family or friends, because they all know and it’ll make me super sad:(
“Don’t worry, it doesn’t mean that you won’t get accepted to other schools, or better yet, get accepted there, you just have to wait!”. . .I clearly have issues with waiting.</p>

<p>oh yeah i really dont want to have to put up with all the “oh i’m so sorry, i know how much you wanted it” talk</p>

<p>Wow this is a seriously epic thread - I feel so honored to be among this great gtown EA crowd!!! Just jumping in here… I’ve already applied to 4 UCs (Cal, UCLA, UCSD, and UCD) and RD: Oxy, GWU, Tufts, CMC, Northwestern, Dartmouth, Stanford.</p>

<p>I’m semi-in love with my entire list but Georgetown is my soulmate…</p>

<p>If mail moves on Sunday, then Sunday does in fact count of one of three days, and I’ll get my letter tomorrow, yes??? Freaking out!</p>

<p>Agreed, lalalalalala, just… uncomfortable consolation. My lit teacher was like, “oh you’ll be fine, you’re totally in…” I won’t be able to face him if I don’t get in.</p>

<p>@morality yeah I always hear “oh you’re so in!” even though I know a lot of people are just saying it to be nice/encouraging, it’ll be so awkward when I don’t!</p>

<p>Over dinner tonight my dad says (for the zillionth time) you’re gonna get in there. If he’s wrong he’ll have the same fate as my deferral owl.</p>