Georgetown University Early Action 2014

<p>omg i still havent done my interview yet.
I completed my app on October 30 and didnt hear from georgetown about the alumni interview. I called the office like a week and a half ago and they gave me this email addresses so i contacted a bunch of people. The interview organizer person said that he will arrange me an interview soon, but if the decisions are done by friday…oh crap im freaking out :confused: Does this mean that I will be deferred? Am i the only one who hasnt been offered an interview still? :frowning: i dont live in a foreign country or anything!</p>

<p>My guess is that they’ll take much of next week to organize and to mail stuff out… Imagine that they already saw our apps and made the decisions T<em>T I’ve been playing the deferral scene over and over in my head just so when it actually happens, I’d be used to it already T</em>T</p>

<p>@thickfreakness i completely agree it is getting harder and harder to work as d-day comes nearer! </p>

<p>I’ve really wanted to go to Georgetown for a couple years now, but i know my scores and stats aren’t too great so i’ve been trying to prepare myself for that dreaded deferral letter as well! i guess i would prefer an outright rejection than deferral if they really didn’t want you.</p>

<p>Why must they wait a whole week to send out decisions?! That is aggravating!</p>

<p>D got email from G’town today saying EA app incomplete b/c transcript and college counselor rec not received yet Naviance says they were sent a while ago. She has until 2 p.m. west coast time tomorrow to have the school fax this info. GRRRRRRR. Do we have to double check every single thing her HS says they did to make sure they really did?? Call each of the colleges she applies to??</p>

<p>yes, i would call, you don’t want to take any chances.</p>


<p>Yes, you do. IF you want to make sure all the ends are tied up. We are NOT yet as capable as we think we are…in this electronic age. It’s a pity. I’d love to see us slow down, back up, and provide quality before quantity (make sure the online systems WORK before we use them and spend MUCH more time dealing with the correction of glitches than we would have if we’d performed the task manually in the first place). The devil’s in the details.</p>

<p>Ex: My D applied to our state college. She was invited to send in a separate scholarship application, and did so…on time. HOWEVER, it also required 2 recommendations. She “invited” her teachers through the actual scholarship process. The college said they sent an e-mail to these teachers. We found out, a week AFTER the recommendations were due, that one teacher didn’t get hers done in time and the other never got the “invitation” (on their behalf, I’ll add that this college gave VERY VERY little time to do this). But that the college understood this was presenting a hardship to far too many good students, this could have cost our family as much as $64,000 in the two scholarship for which she’s eligible. </p>

<p>As for me though…no…I don’t think YOU need to follow up. I’ve already told my daughter this is HER responsibility and HER fault for not following up and that she’d BETTER check every single detail at every single college. I recommended she make folders, with all pertinent data on the front (application deadlines, how many SAT IIs, how many recommendations, the date she did each, her verification that each was received), etc. etc. </p>

<p>The kids who can take care of all these things, are the kids who will succeed. If we rely on college admissions personnel and/or high school counselors to get our children into “good” colleges…well, I’ll just say they’d better have some safeties on their list too. </p>

<p>Good luck to ya!</p>

<p>Is it on the website that today was the last day to send things in? Didn’t get any type of letter or email to say anything was missing. Is notification regular mail or email?</p>

<p>Well, all’s well that ends well. After several emails, faxes and phone calls (I am not exaggerating) D got an email with one hour and 20 minutes to spare that her EA app was complete. Phew.</p>

<p>do they send decisions thru email first or mail first?</p>

<p>I don’t think they send them through email at all…</p>

<p>They only send international student decisions over email, if you’re in the US you get it in the mail. People should start expecting the first ones Saturday-ish.</p>

<p>what if you are an international student who goes to boarding school in the united states???
do they send it by mail to my country?</p>

<p>They will probably send it to your boarding school, unless you specified a different mailing address on your application. That’s my guess, but I really don’t know. Check your application and see what you put down as your mailing address.</p>

<p>Does anyone know how many days it should take for letters to be mailed along the northeast coast? I’m talking below NY, btw.</p>

<p>I heard EA decisions will be sent out this Friday!</p>

<p>ahh I’m from MD and hoped that it’d get here on friday :(:frowning: i guess no sleep for me on friday night!</p>

Where did you hear this? I suspected this because it’ll be the last business day of the week, so the letters will have the weekend to get through the system and hopefully be at your house on the 14th or 15th.</p>

<p>Hmm since emails are instant, does that mean international students must wait until exactly 15th?</p>

<p>a la - </p>

<p>Its okay about the subject tests. I took all three on saturday. It was not necessary for the application, but required for admission.</p>

<p>not necessary for the application but required for admission? That’s definitely wrong. It is not necessary for EA to apply or get admitted. But as for RD it is necessary. (although i have heard some say that technically it is not mandatory for RD but HIGHLY recommended)</p>