Got room in RCE -- 3rd floor

<p>Just checked out of curiosity (for the 1st time today)…and there are still 190 male 4-person suites available (with all 4 spots open). I assume there are similar # of female suites avail. There are many more rooms in the non-suite dorms of course, and many more spots with just 1,2, or 3 spots open.
After all the hoopla, I think this went well. Proof in the pudding, as they say.
FWIW, here is breakdown of available # of 4-person MALE suites (with all spots open), for those picking tomorrow or in the future. I do not know if Housing has set aside any for Freshman, or if they are include in the below figs.
LS-E: 13
LS-W: 18
Pres I: 67
RC-E: 9
RC-W: 0
RCS-No: 4
RCS-So: 26
RSE: 17
RSW: 8
RSN: 27</p>



<p>Didn’t one of those boys spend 11-12 hours trapped in a car with my D? Surely he must have said SOMETHING to her, right? Even if it was “Can we take a bathroom break?”</p>

<p>Slippy, our boys are neighbors. Mine got RCE 3rd floor as well. Terrytw should be happy.</p>



<p>I think it was more like 9 - 10 hours, because they broke the sound barrier at least twice. And YES, he did chat with her. I know for a fact he chatted with her - NON-STOP - for at least half that time. It was a holiday miracle! :)</p>

<p>Actually, I think of talking to a girl more as in “hey, she’s cute, and maybe one day I would ask her for a date.” My son did have a great female friend who was his engineering lab partner (brilliant girl, now studying engineering at Annapolis). So he will talk to a girl - will say Hi back if she speaks first, will answer questions and he will study together with a girl - but for the time being, I’ve given up hope of him finding a girlfriend who will become my Facebook friend and fill me in on all that goes on there at UA. </p>

<p>Oh, and beth’s mom’s daughter is an awesome, confident driver. That girl could get anywhere in any situation. I should bedazzle her a “queen of the road” crown!</p>

<p>beth’s mom - </p>

<p>My boy would talk to a girl. It would go something like this: Excuse me Miss, would you mind moving? Your torso is blocking my view of the computer screen.</p>

<p>^^ I’ll warn D to be careful in the CBH lab. Wouldn’t want her getting between NRDSON and his computer screen.</p>

<p>My S and his roommates will be living on the 3rd floor of RCW. :slight_smile: He could not be happier.</p>

<p>Aw come on, most of the guy CBHers aren’t TOO socially awkward. . .
But I’ll be sure not to block any computer screens, all the same. ;)</p>

<p>My roomies and I got onto the 4th floor of RCS-S this morning. Yay for just barely making the “rising junior” cutoff!</p>

<p>My group is now in Ridgecrest South-South Tower. I’m nervous, seeing these numbers about how many available rooms.</p>

<p>They had previously been on Riverside West, Fourth Floor, which is the top floor, so I’m guessing they chose the fifth floor because it’s the top floor as well?</p>

<p>No laundry facilities on the fifth floor, though?</p>

<p>I don’t think they care about the kitchen.</p>

<p>From what I gathered, one of the good friends that did not want to be a roomie is on the same floor, so they’ll at least get to be floormates.</p>

<p>Hope there are some engineering majors on that floor next year!</p>

<p>My DS is also on the 3rd floor of RCE, having a proper oven and cooktop is important to him.</p>

<p>Sent from my GT-P5113 using CC</p>

<p>I’ll post here, because I started here. An update:
As of this am, here are the #s for 4-person suites (males only), with all 4 spots open:
LS-E: 7 (-6 from yesterday)
LS-W: 16 (-2)
Pres I: 63 (-4)
RC-E: 8 (-1)
RC-W: 0 (0)
RCS-No: 0 (-4)
RCS-So: 18 (-8)
RSE: 17 (-1)
RSW: 5 (-3)
RSN: 29 (+2)
TOTAL: 162 (-28)
Lot of movement today (rising Sophomore pick day and last day to move around).
Only 26 open honors 4-somes.<br>
Don’t quote me (addition skills might be off), but when I search for 1 spot in ANY honors housing, I get the following:
RCW: 8 beds open
RCS-No: 31 beds
RCS-So: 115 beds
RCE: 53 beds
That’s only 207 honors beds/spots remaining, so I’d say UA has set aside quite a few honors suites for incoming freshmen.</p>

<p>That’s good news, thanks for checking. :slight_smile: Approximately how many honors freshmen are there usually? Around 1000?</p>

<p>Very, very rough numbers:</p>

<p>There are APPROXIMATELY 28,000 undergrads on campus, assuming the students are evenly distributed between classes (which they are not), there are APPROXIMATELY 7,000 students per class. For the last couple years, APPROXIMATELY 25% of incoming freshman have been in honors, so about 1750 incoming honors students.</p>

<p>Now all those students don’t want honors housing. Some have housing waivers to live with relatives or in family owned houses, some choose to live in traditional housing due to costs or because they want a specific dorm such as girls wanting to be in Tut, some choose other living learning communitites such as Blount or male engineers selecting Bryant, some choose to live in non-honors housing because their preferred roommates are not in honors. I have absolutely no idea how many honors students elect to choose non-honors housing options, but if we use a completely random estimate such as 30%, then 70% will want honors housing - which would be 1225. If only 50% seek honors housing then it would be 875. </p>

<p>Housing will know the approximate percentage of honors students that want to choose honors housing based on past numbers, they will also know much more accurate numbers on how many incoming freshman and specifically, how many incoming honors freshman need housing. If there aren’t enough beds available after recontracting completes, I suspect they will add an additional honors area in one of the other dorms.</p>

<p>Jrcs…love it! I’m secretly hoping that indeed there is not enough honors housing in Ridgecrest complex, and they decide to re-turn Riverside West into Honors housing. :slight_smile: That’s where my S + others decided to stay because they love it so much.</p>

<p>Here are the number that I can see for a Girl:</p>

<p>All four rooms open:
LS-E: 6
LS-W: 16
Pres I:63
RC-E: 8
RCS-No: 1
RCS-So: 17
RSE: 16
RSW: 5
RSN: 29
TOTAL: 161</p>

<p>When I search for 1 spot in ANY honors housing, I get the following (NOt INCLUDING ABOVE SUITES!)
RCW: 16 beds open
RCS-No: 42 beds
RCS-So: 33 beds
RCE: 23 beds</p>

<p>Combined with the four beds in the fully open suites: 219 honors girls beds</p>

<p>So it looks like they need roughly twice as many beds as are showing up. Do we think those will mostly be in completely empty suites? It seems like they wouldn’t be holding back single beds from upperclass room selection, since presumably those suites have upperclassmen in them.</p>

<p>In any event, I feel much better about the chances of my S and his roommates being able to find an empty suite at the first selection time. Although they had been thinking about RCW, which seems like the building they are least likely to find open, so I’ll encourage them to have a backup plan. Looks like RCS-S should be safe no matter what.</p>

<p>Just an assumption here, but I don’t think suites with four open rooms are even considered “Male” or “Female” until one or the other gender first claims a room there. That would probably be why the numbers of open suites you posted are so close. Once a female or male choose a single room in a suite, then it becomes a gender specific suite and will only be seen by that gender for choice of the other rooms in that suite.</p>

<p>Great assumption!</p>

<p>i am pretty sure the suites are identified as male or female suites before someone chooses them. otherwise, single boys could pick a room in every suite, leaving no suites left for girls.</p>

<p>unlikely, of course, but possible if the rooms were not tagged as male or female.</p>

<p>oh! i just went back and looked at the number of open suites and with the numbers being so similar … you may be right. hmm. i don’t know!</p>

<p>Yeah, one would think…but why are the Male/Female open 4-somes #s IDENTICAL (ok, 1 off, probably accounting for time diff between when I posted about males and bama posted about females and someone took 1)?</p>