GW 2022 RD

@theoneandonly22 This isn’t a good sign for us…

@Kd6410 I wouldn’t necessarily jump to conclusions lol, I saw last year that someone who had “New student-fall 2018” ended up getting waitlisted. I’m sure it isn’t indicative, it could just mean that they haven’t processed my financials yet.

I submitted my financial aid documents 10 days ago and didn’t receive confirmation from GW that they received them until 5 days ago. My status says “New Student - Fall 2018”

I’ve taken a string of L’s so I’m not hoping for anything. They’re ED acceptance rate is around 62% and the overall is 40% which means RD is 18%. However, with ED II they probably filled in even more spots so RD is going to be low this year.

@Kd6410, I’m not sure where you got that information from, but that’s incorrect.
Based on the Common Data Set from 2017-2018, the Regular Decision acceptance rate was 40.2% and the ED acceptance rate was 54.5%
There were 26,977 total applications in 17-18 and 11,059 total acceptances.
There were 1,471 total ED applications in 17-18 and 802 ED acceptances.
This means that there were 25,506 total RD applications in 17-18 and 10,257 total RD acceptances.
10,257 acceptances divided by 25,506 applications equals an approximate RD acceptance rate of 40.2%

@Kd6410 pretty sure you did the math wrong

@theoneandonly22 I did not see that but I’ll take your word for it. I took an average number for ED acceptance from what I’ve seen around the internet (no, not the most reliable but it’s the best I had). I’d assume overall acceptance would include ED so the ED rate + whatever RD is would equal 40%

@Kd6410 I took the numbers directly from GW’s 2017-2018 Common Data Set, meaning that these are official numbers that GW reported. I’m pretty sure that the University itself is the most reliable source lol.

I wasn’t disagreeing with you I was explaining my thinking. No need to try to fight about it.

So i found my gwid, but where cna i find the Pin

@Kd6410 I wasn’t trying to fight lol, just citing my source ¯_(ツ)_/¯

Yeah im sure whatever it says on the financial aid portal isn’t indicative of anything. We’ll find out for sure later this week.

@shafthalf should be ur bday - mmddyy

@Kd6410 RD pool >> ED pool

i just scoured the rd 2021 thread to see if there was any correlation between a New Student status in GWeb and an acceptance but i really don’t think it there is one, so hopefully people seeing an “Under Review” message can have some peace of mind!~

Literally don’t know where any of you are seeing these buttons but it’s fine I can wait rip

just went to check the finaid portal again and got a 503 error. anyone else?

@gyo1535 yeah, I just checked and the same thing happened to me. I wonder what it means!

@NycAks2022 i also went to check the studentebill site, and now am not allowed to make a deposit… ?

@abbeyabbey0117 I have the same thing. Any idea what it means?