GW 2022 RD

Also @violingirl20, you should be able to login under the Student Section.

Oh hey guys! I just checked by logging under student section and it says I can submit my deposit. I wonder if it’s a sign

I was very curious and logged in to see if the deposit thing worked. I was able to get all the way to being able to pay the deposit. Was anyone not able to get in?

@jyp2pm1 I really hope so! At this point I just want to know. lol

Okay i got in and I got all the way to being able to make a deposit. Hopefully it’s a good sign?

I am able to make an undergraduate deposit but it seems like it would let me make a law school deposit as well… So I am guessing it is not an indicator of admissions

I never got a Gweb thing can someone help?

You should be able to see it at the top of your portal

Has anybody not been able to get in and pay the deposit?

I was able to get in! I think I’m in lmao

@greenfrogmemes Don’t be too sure lol, if everyone can get into the portal then it likely doesn’t mean anything. The only official admissions decision is the one in your letter.

I was able to get in. I hope it’s a good sign… especially since I got waitlisted from AU…

I know that this has been discussed in this oortal before but what is the date that we are thinking for decision release? I’m so anxious, I just want to know whether I got in or not!!

@waiting4acepting Well we initially thought it would be today, since the CSS PROFILE said financial aid notification is on 3/23, but apparently it won’t be today.

Still can’t find this Gweb thing

People thought the same about U of Miami during EA because of the CSS profile

Hate to be a downer but it worked for me as well. However, I noticed that along with all the different options of what your paying (undergrad admissions, law school, etc) there were also different terms (they still had options for 2017). I think it doesn’t mean anything especially since no one has had trouble getting to it. I think we’re just gonna have to wait until they release them.

Every thing that I’ve looked at says just…by early April. Whatever that means

is there anyone who applied for financial aid but doesn’t need to submit all of the extra stuff?

Hey guys! I was accepted to GW via ED I! For some reason, though, I also (and still) get the emails that they send to HS counselors, and so they just sent a spring email update saying:

Regular Decision applicants for the fall 2018 semester can expect to receive their decision in the last week of March. Please make sure your students have successfully set up their student application portal before decision release.

And given that for both ED I and II this year, decisions were released on a Thursday at 5 o clock, that’s my best guess…

Good luck to everyone!!