GW Regular Decision 2023

@BL3001 and @notmaggie GW provides full-ride scholarships to local DC high school seniors every year. They surprise all the students with the awards on a specific day each year, so that is what that whole social media stuff today was about.

Has anyone heard of folks receiving likely letters this year as in past years?

@ibjunior whoa my stats are really similar to yours. my uw gpa is a 3.28 and w gpa is 3.72. my sat is a 1360 though. i think you should have a decent chance as your ECs are good and your major doesn’t seem like it would be too impacted at GW. I think if your letters of rec are good you should have a decent chance at getting in

ahhh that’s crazy i’m glad to hear someone else with a lower UW… good luck to you tho!! i hope we both get in, but if not, there’s another place for us :slight_smile: @sagh527

is GW releasing decisions TODAY?

They haven’t yet so who knows at this point. Hang in there! @01pabs
I assume they are finishing the last applicants and as soon as they’re done, they’ll release them…

Hey , I just noticed it says I am missing FA documents and when I click it goes to the GWeb. When I get in it personal contact info, FA but its not asking for any docs. Can everyone see the GWeb? What is it for?

Just for the record, I didn’t apply for FA so I thought it was odd.

are we getting our decision via letter or email/portal

@cp2019 pretty sure by portal, i would check it around 5/6 just to see

@ibjunior Where did you guys hear it was releasing a decision today?

@brock19 speculation, but no one knows for sure

@brock19 basically someone posted that they found an email from someone who works at GW dated March 20th that they’re releasing decisions “tomorrow” which means today

If decisions are released tonight, how would we view them? Log in through our GW undergrad portal?

@selmac yep, emails are usually sent but they’re always delayed

wait is it confirmed its coming out today?

@kerlykerls no, but there’s a good chance it is

omg wow that was so unexpected

OMG i just got an email it’s coming out at 5pm!!!

if im west coast should I just check my portal around like 3?