Has anyone been accepted to TCU for the 2013 fall semester??

<p>Can you link the link for the blog?</p>

<p>[Horned</a> Frog Blog](<a href=“http://tcuadmission.■■■■■■■■■■■■■/]Horned”>http://tcuadmission.■■■■■■■■■■■■■/)</p>

<p>D has the same message and we are in CA also. I agree that you shouldn’t be worried if your status hasn’t changed. It took my son a long time to hear and the news was positive. Good luck to all.</p>

<p>We live in Granbury ( near Fort Worth). Sons says it has been mailed also! Keeping fingers crossed! Can’t believe we have to wait til tomorrow!!</p>

<p>Got the same message. I live in CA!</p>

<p>Mine has not changed and I am in San Antonio Tx!!! I am extremely nervous right now! Is it possible that they have not updated all of the accounts for those that have had letters sent in this first wave?? Does anyone know when the next wave is going to be sent out??</p>

<p>My status is now stating that my letter has been sent. Does anyone know whether or not the letter will announce admittance into nursing clinicals for those who declared nursing as their major? Also, what about a decision on the Honors College?</p>

<p>@Vaultjunkie - I have no idea on either of those. My guess is that it will tell you both but I am not sure. Also, I was wondering, do you know when today your account updated exactly? Had you possibly checked it say this morning and it not say anything and then checked it later and it be updated? I’m just wondering if they are all updated at the same time like early in the morning or if it’s that they are updated throughout the day…? Does anyone have any idea as to when more letters are going to be sent??</p>

<p>@vaultjunkie - I just found this! I think this will tell you what you are looking for regarding the honors college … <a href=“https://honors.tcu.edu/admission.asp[/url]”>https://honors.tcu.edu/admission.asp&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>@devinheller The last time I had checked my status was on Tuesday, so I am not sure as to what exact time it was updated. However, I did read that this was the first wave of letters going out (not all will be so congratulatory) & if you do not receive a letter this time, (therefore your status would not have changed) it does not mean anything really…just that they simply did not get to your application yet, due to the large number of them.</p>

<p>@devinheller Thank you for the link! It was very helpful, and it appears that the Honors College will notify students separately at a later time. Also, I know the board has been reviewing this wave of letter for 4 weeks, so my guess would be that the next round won’t be for at least another month, probably more.</p>

<p>S status says decision has been mailed and we live in Dallas suburb. He received the scholarship/financial aid brochure a few days ago and the personalized postcard more than a week ago. I am sure for those who haven’t gotten any of that, they probably just got my S ap processed sooner. Good luck to everyone!</p>

<p>Has anyone from Arlington area heard anything yet?</p>

<p>My daughter’s status changed today notifying her that a decision is being sent to her. She has been accepted to Baylor, Auburn, Kansas State, Oklahoma State and Colorado State but TCU is her firsts choice. She has already been scheduled for an official visit to TCU in Jan. so I am expecting that the coach would know if she had been accepted right?</p>

<p>A decision has been sent to my mailing address too. I should know within a few days!</p>

<p>3 people’s status at my school had changed but mine hasn’t!</p>

<p>We received a scholarship packet also…but it is just a little booklet outlining the difference awards and FAFSA. I would not say “packet.” Im wondering the same if it means anything…as the deadlines are soon and our status is still, your application is complete! HUH. Why would they send this information?</p>

<p>I live in West Texas and mine has been mailed!</p>

<p>We are in California……</p>

<p>Anyone with the last name N heard anything?</p>