Has anyone been accepted to TCU for the 2013 fall semester??

<p>My portal changed but i received no letter. I did however receive a holiday card today that said “we at TCU wish you the best this holiday season as you continue your search throughout the semester.” Does this mean that i didnt get accepted because my portal said i should be receiving a letter.</p>

<p>From California too and my letter still haven’t come in the mail :(</p>

<p>My daughter received an acceptance letter today. She has a 27 ACT and a 4.1 weighted or 3.9 unweighted GPA. I felt pretty sure she could get in. Not sure we can pay for it though!</p>

<p>What does that mean that your portal changed? Just curious…</p>

<p>SNAIL MAIL. @Brodfilm I feel your pain. Waited all day by the mailbox, post came and no letter. All junk mail. Typical Saturday. Hopefully the portal will change with the decision soon!</p>

<p>My daughter received her acceptance letter today. We are from Kansas City.
She had a 30 ACT and a 4.0 GPA. My son is at TCU and absolutely loves it! He has nothing but positive things to say about his experience there!</p>

<p>My son got his acceptance letter yesterday. He got a 34 ACT and 3.97 GPA. He was homeschooled. His EC are not that great. Now he has a choice to make between Baylor and TCU. Baylor has wooed him much, much more. He’s been to 2 special invitation events in addition to his first visit. So I think he is leaning that way. I sure wish TCU had a special overnight, stay in the dorms, here is what we have for bright students kind of program.</p>

<p>Accepted! Status changed on portal to "Congratulations on your admission! We look forward to welcoming you to the Horned Frog Family. I’m so happy right now! Best part: my parents started crying this morning when I told them because they were so proud!</p>

<p>For those of you with the message from last Thursday that your letter was sent out, check your portal again today! We are OOS, so no letter yet, but the portal message was changed to “Congratulations!”</p>

<p>I’m not telling my daughter so she can experience the envelope in the mailbox excitement next week.</p>

<p>Anyone’s portal not change and still says “your decision letter has been mailed…?”</p>

<p>Portal changed today…accepted…sofar accepted by Baylor, Tulane, Alabama as safety…and now TCu…3 more to go…but D will likely choose betweenTCU and Tulane…any recommendations?</p>

<p>Any idea when scholarships come?</p>

<p>ACCEPTED!!! 33 ACT 3.15 GPA from an incredibly competitive harsh grading private school, decent EC’s kick-butt essay, and I didn’t see my revs but they were from teachers who liked me, so lets assume good :P</p>

<p>Accepted from NJ! Woo no letter yet, just saw my status online change :slight_smile: 2nd Texas school I’ve been accepted to! (Baylor)</p>

<p>I just got in from NJ too!!! im so stoked.</p>

<p>Calmomof three–My thoughts between TCU and Tulane…I’m from Louisiana but went to TCU (many moons ago) and my daughter was just accepted to TCU. New Orleans and Fort Worth are like night and day…both great cities but very different. Tulane is definitely more of a party school but might be a tad harder to get into. Tulane probably has more students from up east but more students from Louisiana attend there now than
pre-Katrina, I think. My daughter’s good friend is planning to attend Tulane (extremely bright girl) but another friend (National Merit Commended) is dying to get scholarships for TCU. Fort Worth is a cool city and I loved the proximity to Dallas and all it has to offer. You have to worry about evacuating New Orleans for hurricanes if you attend Tulane…just throwing out some things to think about. Both great schools just very different.</p>

<p>No letter in PA, but says accepted online</p>

<p>@Sisterrita… thanks for input… D originally fell in love with TCU after visiting…applying to Tulane was afterthought. But now more serious because of amount of scholarship…no idea yet what TcU will give in merit aid…Tulane gave way more than net price calculator predicted… I was also concerned that TCU maybe less cosmopolitan coming from Ca…she wants to do business … Not sure which one has better program… We will visit and let her decide then. Assuming that Tcu will give at least some merit…</p>

<p>Yep… After being accepted… Immediately that thought pops up…how can we pay for it without going broke or settling the kid with a bunch of debt…</p>

<p>If my portal did not change to “congratulations”, does that mean I was not accepted?</p>