Has anyone been accepted to TCU for the 2013 fall semester??

<p>Twodown12go: Thanks!! Pretty great feeling. And yes, I applied to Vandervilt (just got letter, denied sadly), Belmont, Emerson (Boston), Wooster (Ohio), U Texas, Colorado U, And wake forest. TCU is in the top 2. I’m just waiting to what they offer financially. What about you?</p>

<p>Big Envelope came Monday Dec. 3rd, portal changed on Tuesday!!! that was torture waiting… I applied early Oct… Anybody else from Florida…? Paid my depoist/ and Dorm depoist… can not wait… Accepted at Auburn, University of Tampa, still waitng on FSU and
U of M… I dont care about those anymore… TCU first choice…Go Frogs!! Just wish they had LAX!</p>

<p>I still haven’t heard anything, should I be worried?</p>

<p>My daughter received acceptance letter last week. Just heard from the scholarship office yesterday.</p>

<p>My daughter received a merit scholarship offer, and is also a NMSF. Have you talked to them about add’l NMF scholarship at all?
We haven’t had a chance to take an offical tour. We are in the DFW area and keep thinking we have plenty of time. The year is going too fast!</p>

<p>I’m from FL also! I’m still waiting to get something in the mail :blush:
I’m so nervous!!</p>

<p>Has anyone not heard back yet? My portal hasn’t changed and gotten anything in the mail.</p>

<p>3.1 GPA
26 ACT
1720 SAT (550 CR, 550 Math, 620 Writing)
Long, good resume
Personal interview with admissions rep
Brother at the school on the baseball team
Freedom of Expression video
Expressed extreme interest in school
Go to a high-ranking private school</p>

<p>Did I get denied?? I have friends with lower stats at my school getting deferred, but nobody has gotten denied. I’m the last one to hear back and I’m on the edge of my seat as TCU is my first choice!</p>

<p>It took almost 2 months to hear back for me. I applied near the end of October and got my acceptance package at the beginning of December.</p>

<p>My D had everything in by end of October, got TCU acceptance letter week before Christmas. Still haven’t received anything about scholarship if any.
We are waiting on another school that sent out large batch of acceptances on 12/18. We never got anything, but heard through their facebook page that they were on break for 2 weeks, and would be sending out next batch early next week. I’m sure you’ll be hearing soon after TCU admissions office gets back from break.</p>

<p>Tcubaseball33, your test scores are pretty average for the school, if you have shown that much interest to them I wouldn’t think you would get deferred. If you haven’t heard anything, continue to wait. Before I got my acceptance my portal said something about them reviewing my application.</p>

<p>My portal changed on Thursday, 12/24/12 to:
“Thank you for applying to TCU, Dylan. Your decision letter has been mailed” </p>

<p>Big envelope arrived today!</p>

<p>I applied on 12/10/12.</p>

GPA 4.85/3.60 W/UW
SAT 2150 (Math 750; Reading 740; Writing 660)
Varsity Football and Baseball (All 3 years)
Considerable amount of community service</p>

<p>Got acceptance package! Letter states will hear about scholarships by March 1</p>

<p>My admission decision was just mailed today. I am applying as a transfer, so I’m keeping my fingers crossed.</p>

<p>Is there a deadline for scholarship consideration? I haven’t sent in my app yet.</p>

<p>I thought I read somewhere that to be considered for merit scholarships you had to apply by Dec. 15.</p>

<p>Scholarship received today.
Faculty Scholarship $44,000 ($5,500 per semester for 4 years)</p>

<p>Dec. 15 was the merit cut off</p>

<p>Dean’s scholarship- $8500/semester-
$68,000 over 4 years, can be used for study abroad!</p>

<p>Hi everyone! Congrats to all on the scholarships and acceptances! I was wondering, however, has anyone that has gotten deferred heard a final decision yet?? I was deferred back in December and I’m getting extremely anxious to hear! Just wondering if anyone is in the same boat as me? Thanks!</p>

<p>Was accepted today on 2-9-13. </p>

Sat: 1380 first time
1600 second time
ACT: 21</p>

<p>AP/Honors Classes: AP Statistics, AP Spanish, AP Macroeconomics, Pre Calculus Honors </p>

<p>GPA: 3.86</p>

<p>…To the people who says its hard to get into TCU…nah</p>