<p>So, as the title suggests, I'm Asian-American. An Over-Represented-Minority. The thing is, studies have shown that an Asian who gets an SAT score of 1600/1600 has the same chance at a school as a Black/ African-American who scores 1150/1600.
That discrimination is extremely shocking. Revolting, even.</p>
<p>In a society where a tiny bit of discrimination against blacks, hispanics, Native Americans, gays, religions, etc creates a huge media uproar, Why have we just "accepted" the fact that Asians are at an EXTREME disadvantage in the process? </p>
<p>Asian parents come from a so-called "disciplinary" culture that emphasizes hard work. Those who push their children to do so much are thwarted by the fact that they are at an almost equally large disadvantage. How could the parents and their children work so much and yet not even use a bit of effort to try to question the system?</p>
<p>Racism is not okay. Ever. The infamous Affirmative Action "required federal contractors to take 'affirmative action' to hire without regard to race, religion and national origin." However, it also needs to compensates for "past" discrimination. How can repeated discrimination account for past discrimination? More racism does not help counter racism in any way.</p>
<p>This obvious and glaring act of racism is disgusting, and Asians NEED to do something drastic. Protests, maybe? Letters to legislators, President, media; Petitions.
Seriously. Look up "Asian discrimination" and you will find many articles and studies citing terrible statistics. </p>
<p>The only two questions that need to be answered are:</p>
<p>1) Are Asians second-class people, thereby making their accomplishments less important?
2) Will YOU do something necessary and take action?</p>
<p>All you Asians out there who feel discriminated against, or even non-Asians who wish to help, please help.</p>
<p>Let's build ideas and share them together. Together we CAN change things for the better, for future generations of Asians and for a more just and ethical world.</p>
<p>Please post any ideas on how to chance this, or even just any knowledge, insight, or experiences about this topic.</p>