Honors invitation = Acceptance?

<p>I got one of these suckers too. I applied 1/1 with 1400 and a 3.6. I am not applying to honors because my curriculum vitae would be horrendous because I probably can't fill up half a sheet for it.</p>

<p>I applied on the 14th of january and i got the letter today about applying for the program.</p>

<p>GPA: 4.05
ACT: 30</p>

<p>The honors program at Virginia Tech does not require an invitation. You can just contact the honors program and request an application and you will be considered. Admissions makes it sound like you need to be referred and that the honors program has specific requirements, but really anyone can apply and be considered for honors.</p>

<p>but they only send it to you if you are "qualified" right?</p>

<p>I haven't got one yet. I turned in my application a few days before the deadline so that's prolly why I haven't recieved it yet.</p>

<p>Admissions will send the letter only if they deem you as "qualified". For those that may be disconcerted by this, what admissions and the actual honors program deem as qualified are different. The admissions approach is more stats based, whereas the actual admittance is looked more holistically.</p>

<p>I got an invitation today too. If I get into engineering, what benefits will honors (if i get accepted to honors) engineering have over regular engineering? Also, why is honors engineering an extra burden?</p>

<p>It's a burden because it is difficult to maintain a 3.5 (you can pretty much only make 1 B). Engineering is harder than most other disciplines so to maintain that kind of GPA is going to be that much harder. Kind of like HS - the kid who makes all As in AP courses vs the kid making all As in college prep courses. The main benefit is having course preference. With so many people taking the same courses, you will find it difficult to get in to the class of choice. Plus, Honors lets you make almost any course an Honors one by way of a "contract" between you and the professor. If you decide to do Honors, you have to take at least 1 or more Honors courses a year. The info is all there - basically you get course preference, it looks really good on your resume when you are looking for internships/coops, and you graduate with, Idk, a few extra bells and whistles in your cap and gown.</p>

<p>Thanks for replying Zimmer. I have decided to apply for honors.</p>

<p>Ok I have some more question about honors</p>

<p>For the Curiculum Vitae, it says:</p>

<p>Your curriculum vitae is an academic resume. It is a clear, organized list of principal activities and honors in college (indicate responsibilities and leadership); athletic records; extracurricular participation; and involvement in your professions. List in categories.</p>

<p>Since I am a high schooler, does this apply to me? Also, the honors program needs two recommendations. How should they be done, since no forms were given?</p>


<p>That curriculum vitae is something that is done in college. You will write a preliminary one that gets updated every year. Don't worry about it now. As you progress through your 4 (or more!) years, you will update this as you become involved in things at VT. </p>

<p>Did you get recommendations for any of your other college applications? Ask those teachers if they would do another for your Honors. Otherwise, pick two teachers you have a good relationship with and ask them if they would write a rec for you for the Honors program. This is basically a short letter saying what a good student you are, good work ethic, honest, what a great addition you will be to the Honors program, blah, blah, blah. You should give the teacher a copy of the letter of invitation to the Honors Program so they know what it is.</p>

<p>I submitted mine online yesterday, I hope that I'll get in! for the personal statement, I just used an essay that I had submitted to my other colleges, is that ok?</p>

<p>received by email today</p>

<p>Early notification of admissions offers was sent on February 22 to those students who are admissible and statistically eligible to apply to University Honors and whose applications were completed and evaluated prior to this date.</p>

<p>I can confirm the above. I got that e-mail 12 minutes ago. Did everyone get that e-mail? </p>

<p>I just find it odd they'd be telling everyone about scholarships and how to apply to grants if they were not going to admit you.</p>

<p>So if I have received an honors invitation in the mail, I can expect to see a letter of acceptance tomorrow or next week?</p>

<p>It seems to be that way.</p>

<p>yeah i second archrivals questions</p>

<p>Did the notice go out to everyone (as in people who had not already been told they were "honors eligible"?)</p>

<p>How come I didn't get the invitation ? 1340 Math+CR, 4.0GPA.</p>

<p>The notification is on the VT Web site.
February</a> Hokie News | Undergraduate Admissions | Virginia Tech</p>