How long did it take for A&M to give you their admissions decision?

<p>aggie88 and anyone else who may be interested – here is the response we got about why the class rank line vanished:</p>

<p>“Thank you for calling this to our attention. There’s been a hiccup in the system which is being addressed as I write this; you do not need to worry. Your class rank was assigned on September 5th, and your admissions file is complete.”</p>

<p>@cromette: Same here, and DESPERATELY NERVOUS omg hahah :></p>

<p>Y’all should probably make a new thread. This one’s 3 years old, haha.</p>

<p>@izelkay: Never realized that HAHAH :> I guess we should create one when results start coming in yeah ? :)</p>

<p>OMG GUYS I AM SO PARANOID T.T Supposedly we’re going to hear back 2 to 3 weeks after all our stuff is processed right? Which means decisions should be coming out sometime soon omg. I know someone mentioned that they only release decisions once a week (it might have been cromette, sorry if it isn’t you :slight_smile: ), is that true?</p>

<p>My parents so aren’t helping LOL. If anything they’re making me more paranoid, I keep telling them I’m an auto admit but my dad keeps saying that I shouldn’t assume any results until I actually get them and my mom keeps telling me things like you might not qualify for auto admit, what if the policy doesn’t extend to US citizens who DON’T reside in the US (I’m living overseas at the moment) and stuff like that. Only they repeat it like a million times a day and it’s gotten to the point where suddenly I’m doubting whether I’ll even get in. </p>

<p>Okay rant over :stuck_out_tongue: I hope I don’t sound like some crazy kid, the stress from applications is really freaking me out gosh. My main question is: the criteria for auto academic admit is on the admissions website, so as long as I meet all of that admission is guaranteed right? Has anyone ever heard of auto admits who were well, denied? (Wow that sounded so …ironic)</p>

<p>I really wanna know soon omg A&M is one of my top two choices !!! Once again, GOOD LUCK GUYS :)</p>


<p>Yes, that is what the gentleman in the admissions office said - letters are sent out once a week.</p>

<p>If you have doubts about the auto admit, you could always call the admissions office and talk to them. They are very nice. </p>

<p>I wouldn’t freak out too much though. I KNOW my D is auto admit, she had her app in on Aug. 6th, everything’s been processed since the 26th, and she hasn’t heard yet. I’m not sure they’ve sent out letters yet. Take 10 deep breaths. LOL. I’m sure you’re fine.</p>


<p>Well it’s only been a little over two weeks since your d’s application and about a couple of weeks since mine so given that they only release decisions once a week I’d guess we’ll be hearing back either this week or next. I’m going to ask if they’re going to release a batch of decisions anytime soon, so if I find out anything I’ll definitely post it here ! :)</p>

<p>Hey guys, so I contacted Admissions and they said I’m an auto admit woohoo such a relief :></p>

<p>They also said things are moving a little slowly cause it’s just the start of the admissions process, but they’re intending to send out the first wave of decisions next week or the week after, so I guess we have that to look forward to :slight_smile: AIS will change once they mail out the decision ! :)</p>

<p>How did you contact them? AIS or did you call them?</p>

<p>@jbg: All my contact with them has been AIS or admissions office email (admissions at I live overseas, calling is really weird cause of the time zones and stuff :)</p>

<p>Glad you made contact and got the information. I understand about the timezones. I work in an international company and have done a lot of business at 2 AM.</p>

<p>Has anyone else noticed a change to their howdy account?</p>

<p>Last week my sons Howdy account only had</p>

<p>Home Applicant</p>

<p>Now is has </p>

<p>Home Applicant My Record My Finance</p>

<p>Hope it is a good sign!</p>

<p>My daughter’s still just says Home and Applicant…</p>

<p>@jbg1204 - Yes - That is a good sign!</p>

<p>^@jbg: Yup mine says the same too !! Does that mean like a kind of unofficial acceptance or is it just protocol to do that ? Like do waitlisted/denied applicants get that too?</p>

<p>@cromette: Hahah yeah, I’m 12 hours ahead of Texas time!!</p>

<p>@XOXO… If my memory serves me correctly, sometimes tabs start opening on Howdy before you get the official acceptance on AIS. That is what we saw first on my son’s Howdy last year before he was notified on AIS.</p>

<p>Oh cool !!! :slight_smile: that’s kinda a relief to me then :slight_smile: seems a little strange that howdy gets updated faster than AIS but well I’ll take whatever I can get :)</p>

<p>@ JBG1204 & xoxoviviannn,</p>

<p>Yes, my D’s page is the same. Noticed the change Aug. 30. Her stuff was all processed on the 26th.</p>

<p>@JBG: When was all your son’s stuff processed by? I’d tell yall when my Howdy portal tabs changed but I don’t actually remember the date, I tend to check AIS much more frequently than Howdy hahah :)</p>

<p>He applied on 8/8, everything was proccessed by 8/21 except high school transcript was 8/28 and since his high school does not rank they assigned him class rank on 9/5.</p>

<p>When did your stuff process?</p>

<p>My oldest is a senior in the Corps at A&M, he didn’t find out until the end of April. He did the Gateway Program. </p>

<p>We just don’t know how long it takes if you might be an auto admit.</p>

<p>If history repeats, last year the process with many seemed to be…changes to Howdy/AIS were noticed late late Wednesday or Thursdays. Acceptance packets were mailed out that same Wednesday and usually received by the following Saturday.</p>

<p>If you are seeing the finance tab, that is a good sign that you should be recieving your NICE packet in the mail soon. Now that it looks like they have gotten the ball moving, things will move very fast for auto admits. Turn around can be anywhere from 2-4 weeks from application date.</p>