How long did it take for A&M to give you their admissions decision?

<p>I think the general consensus is that if you’re an auto admit, then you’ll hear within 2 to 3 weeks of everything being processed. From what admissions told me that’s pretty true as well. </p>

<p>I got everything submitted and processed by 29/08. </p>

<p>Thanks aggiemom2016 !!! :slight_smile: I’m excited to get mine :slight_smile: Sadly they won’t start sending til next week or the week after, so looks like it’s more waiting for us hehe :)</p>

<p>GUYS I GOT MY ACCEPTANCE !!! Not the hard copy letter (said to be posted 14/09 on AIS) but yknow AIS has step 5 : respond to the admissions decision and when I click it it says congrats on being admitted and asks me to register for NSC ! </p>

<p>Madly excited :smiley: I’m jumping around right now!!! cromette you should have gotten it too, your d’s paperwork was done before mine ! :)</p>

<p>Great news; congrats.</p>

<p>My son’s AIS portal also updated today and he has received his acceptance as well. The one thing that was not clear was which major he was admitted into - I guess that will be specified in the hard copy letter.</p>

<p>Thanks, A&M, and best wishes to all!</p>

<p>Thanks izelkay !!! :)</p>

<p>computersci: Yup me too, but this early in the admissions cycle your son will probably get into his first choice major anyway :slight_smile: Totally looking forward to getting my hard copy too :D</p>


<p>We just checked my son’s. He got accepted too!</p>

<p>Yeah!!! </p>

<p>Good luck to everyone else waiting to hear!</p>

<p>Same thing happened with my son today! And, the housing application opened up…</p>


<p>So exciting omg first acceptance :D:D:D</p>

<p>My D is in too! YAY!!! Congrats everyone!</p>

<p>Does anyone know if any majors have filled up by now?</p>

<p>I doubt any majors have filled up yet. My D applied for Mechanical Engineering. She knows she’s accepted to A & M by the AIS site, but we don’t have her letter yet. I called the office and asked when and how we might know if she got into her major. The young lady on the phone told me that most likely she was in if she had applied and been accepted this early. She said the major should appear in the actual letter my D receives.</p>

<p>Congratulations!!! Not to criticize and I know it’s tempting to “help”, but it’s really better if the students themselves take over the process of dealing with TAMU. It’s against the honor code for them to give you their howdy password (a friend of mine actually got ‘caught’ logging into her son’s account which was pretty funny), so it’s great for her to deal with all this with you just around to advise if she gets confused.</p>

<p>Enjoy the rest of her senior year. It goes by too fast!</p>

<p>Why would you think that I have her howdy password? We look at her portal together at home. We saw her acceptance Saturday night and I helped her apply for housing. I don’t have her password. I make the phone calls because it is impossible for her to do so. She’s in school and band practice.</p>

<p>Oh, I see! I guess I would have had her email admissions, but I could see if she’s that busy that you’d want to call yourself. </p>

<p>Sorry if I misinterpreted. It’s kind of a sore subject with me. I have several friends who were calling admissions often trying to get information. One of these friends actually attempted to call her D’s advisor, but the advisor said “I only deal with students directly”.</p>

<p>I didn’t mean that you had her password - that was just my example of how/when parents need to “let go”. The fact that my friend got caught just makes me laugh. </p>

<p>Again…congrats to your D.</p>

<p>I see. This is my third kid in college. She’s watched her sisters go through it too, but she still asks for help. I make her do stuff on her own, but I AM involved in the process, and I do help when asked. She’s emailed admissions before, but sometimes it helps to talk to a person directly. I never call advisers, professers, or anyone like that. I call the people that have to be paid. For us, the money matters are far too serious to be left to a relatively inexperienced, extremely young adult. I think even the Aggie portal has a way for parents to check on finances, although I haven’t looked at it yet. Freshman year, especially fall semester, I’m pretty involved and asking a lot of questions of my kid and they’re asking a lot of questions of me - after that - not so much. :slight_smile: I’ve found that for MY kids, and OUR relationship that works pretty well. Each has to do what they believe is best.</p>

<p>And thanks! She’s very excited. Now the fun begins.</p>

<p>Your kid can give you access to Howdy - if you go to the main/log in page, you will see the link at the bottom for info about giving parent access. I have my own Howdy log in that allows me access to see basic campus news and alerts, my D’s grades, and, of course, access to the billing and payment section. At the NSC’s this year, they stressed the importance of kids giving parents access (especially if they are the ones footing the bill). </p>

<p>I have mentioned this in another thread, but feel it is worth saying again - A&M’s official means of communication to students is their TAMU email. Once the student accepts admission and sets up the account through Howdy, all school email will go to that account and certain ‘official’ emails won’t forward to an external account. My D was emailing from her Gmail account and didn’t realize that they were responding to her, because she thought everything was forwarding.</p>

<p>just checking – has anyone who saw changes on their howdy or ais sites gotten the acceptance letter yet?</p>

<p>I have a quick question, I’m sorry if it seems silly. How long does it generally take to receive your UIN information to set everything up with AIS and the Howdy portal after you’ve submitted your application? As a point of reference, I submitted my application on Monday along with my SAT scores and my transcript will go out on the 24th.</p>

<p>My sons acceptance letter came today!</p>

<p>My son’s documents were processed on Aug 23 and his acceptance letter arrived yesterday (Sep 18).</p>