I thought I was prepared for everything

<p>I hope so…he spends so much of his free time alone…he has never been “outgoing”. It just breaks my heart when I know there is so much fun stuff going on at school and he is missing out.</p>

<p>Get On Board Day is tomorrow night. Maybe your S will find a group to join.</p>

<p>Here is a list of all the clubs. <a href=“- My SOURCE”>https://ua.collegiatelink.net/organizations&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Txbamamom - our introverted DS was in the MDB last year (can’t fit it this year). You need to not worry, the other bands kids won’t allow him to be alone !!</p>

<p>I can show you a number of FB pictures of our DS with a large group as proof… They become very tight. DS is still tight with a few of them.</p>

<p>Memphis Guy- thanks that is good to hear.</p>

<p>Cuttlefish123- I text DS with the info for the GOBD, he has a class until late, but maybe he can catch the tail end. As Memphis Guy will attest to MDB takes up so much time he may not be able to do something else this semester, but hopefully he will find something interesting. Thanks</p>

<p>txbamamom: You are so welcome! They will have a GOBD next semester too.
I didn’t realize your S was in the MDB. That is just fantastic!! Hope he enjoys every minute of it. I know those band kids work their hearts out. :)</p>

<p>So as each day, week and now month goes by my DW and I are realizing that our DS is becoming increasingly less dependent on us. Actually I realized this 3 weeks ago but pretended for the sake of my DW that he still is dependent on us. NOW THIS I definitely was not prepared for. Maybe if I cut off his meal plan, i can get him to call more often…lol</p>

<p>I believe that DS is finally adjusting…after the game in Atlanta we noticed that he updated his facebook status to: Living in Tuscaloosa, AL. I am taking this as a good sign.</p>

<p>LOL NYBama. Feelin ya there on that one. I sent DD a text this weekend that basically said we were the ones funding this little party adventure she is on with all of the wonderful benefits of a great education. That is she expects her debit card to go thru for any further purchases she best CALL us, not text. It worked :)</p>

<p>So glad to hear that I am not the only one who isn’t getting phone calls from DS. He informed us last night through his sister that he is not coming home until Fall Break. In his defense, all of his closest friends from home have scattered and he sees no reason to come home. Therefore, we are making a trip to Ttown next Thursday/Friday to see him in person!</p>

<p>D told me this morning that since finals are so close to Thanksgiving that she was not going to come home over Thanksgiving. It is a $450 ticket right now. She said that she would probably go home w/ one of her sorority sisters.</p>

<p>Last year, as a freshman, D had 7 offers of Thanksgiving dinner. From friends, sorority sisters and even an instructor who was kindly collecting kids with no place to go, she had a ton of choices. So parents with freshman, don’t dispair is your student is not or cannot come home. Southern hospitality is real and alive at 'Bamam! ;)</p>

<p>DD just texted yesterday to say she had plans for both Fall and Thanksgiving breaks with sorority sisters and friends (we were not planning on flying her home for either - we are going down right before Fall break and Thanksgiving is too close to finals to make a trip home worth it).</p>

<p>I admit we were starting to second guess our family decision to leave her at UA through the breaks, but are now happy to hear about the kindness extended to her by AL and MS families. Now off to research interesting goodies to have delivered to the host families in appreciation!</p>

<p>I booked DD’s flights for Thanksgiving over a month ago. The pickings were slim then. However, we are still toying with the idea of going to Alabama for Thanksgiving ourselves. Thought about flying ourselves to Mobile and have her meet us there then head to Gulf Shores for a few days. Her roommats family is going to Gulf Shores for Thanksgiving as well. </p>

<p>I have not done anything with Fall break yet. She thought about coming home the weekend before for HS homecoming but DD2 threw a fit, she does not want DD1 getting all the attention now that it is her turn for homecoming. HC is HUGE here in Texas with Homecoming Mums and all. Want to know what a Homecoming Mum is:
<a href=“https://mobile.twitter.com/The_QueenMum[/url]”>https://mobile.twitter.com/The_QueenMum&lt;/a&gt; You have to watch the video! FTR, our school does not go THAT crazy and I do not care for mums that are not school colors.<br>
Sooo, guess DD will stay in T-Town for Fall Break. </p>

<p>If we head to Alabama for Thanksgiving then DD is more than welcome to have friends that are there with no familiy to join us.</p>

<p>^^Good Lord! My Dallas SIL has tried to explain the TX mum thing to me - I had NO IDEA how extreme the tradition gets. It’s a wonder high school boys can afford them on top of all the other HC costs. I guess they really do everything bigger in TX! :)</p>

<p>MereMom- That is why a lot of moms learn the art of mum making…we wear the hot glue battle scars…but save a ton of money and get a unique mum. I dont have twitter so I cant see the video, but different schools have traditions with regard to size…finding different items to decorate them with was the real challenge.</p>

<p>txbamamom, you can google “Southlake Queen Mum Homecoming” and find the youtube video. It is CRAZY! One of the “games” I play with my D’s is find the most hideous mum and get a picture of it. I’ve got one a friend sent a pic of from the Houston area, it is UGLY! For DD1’s jr year hers had lights on it. The small Christmas tree decorations usually have some great things to use for the trinkets. DD loved sitting in class all day and finding new things in it. She would pick out mos things for it then I’d make it and after a certain point she could not see it till it was presented to her the night before by her date/bf when they present each other with their mums. Made a many of garters and mums the last 4 years. Got 4 more to go.</p>

<p>Wow! The mums are amazing and almost look like a dress. Do the moms always make the mums?</p>

<p>I was looking for that video, but found another…it is called Mum Insurance…a spoof some kids did based on those funny allstate commericials. It is hilarious.</p>

<p>Good luck with 4 more years of mum making ahead, I am glad to retire my glue gun and hope I can walk through a store now without trying to figure out how things could fit on a mum.:)</p>

<p>All of you Texas Moms…you’ve completely freaked me out. I just moved to TX and I did NOT know about the HC Mum. I have a high school sophomore. Should I start on a mum now? (as if Sorority Rush wasn’t enough to send me over the edge)</p>

<p>Yes ma’am. Id take to some of the other moms or get a hold of last years year book and see if there are pics posted of mums. If there are any Hobby Lobbies or Micheals in your area, they are probably already putting out trinkets, ribbon and starter mums. If your daughter is going with someone, she will need to get him a garter. He will probably handle her mum. But, Id do some checking just in case. Ill PM you.</p>

<p>Now I’ve seen everything…</p>