
<p>He didn’t embarass me. Updyke no more represents Bama fans than Cecil Newton represents ministers.</p>

<p>Updyke’s actions were those of a mentally unstable moron who happens to root for the same team I do. He isn’t an alum of UA nor is he even a season ticket holder.</p>

<p>I don’t condone what he did but I also don’t give a damn about their trees. They’ve been killing the things for years with nary a concern. </p>

<p>I can’t wait for a PETA lawyer to file a class action lawsuit on behalf of all the farm animals that have been molested by auburn grads and fans over the years. That’s a cause I’ll donate too :-)</p>

<p>The rivalry is not 50/50. It’s 60/40 at worst in Bama’s favor. So any story giving the barn equal time and footing is biased in my opinion.</p>

<p>It’s not even 60/40. It’s more like 75/25. The stores in Alabama always have a much, much, much larger Bama section than they do Auburn section because there are many more Bama fans. At some stores there are entire Bama depts…and the Auburn stuff is relegated to another dept combined with other college and prof teams’ stuff.</p>

<p>Does anyone know how much CBS-sports paid Bama (the home team) for the broadcast?
Bama has many fans that have never been to the school. Auburn’s fans are mostly alums or those who have kids there…so a much smaller number.</p>

<p>True, MOM!
From Indy: Tonight, I was sitting in a local high school, for a Parent “Swim Team” Meeting, wearing my new ROLL TIDE jacket from the weekend. Two separate sets of parents gave me a hardy “Roll Tide.” Then the Athletic Director turned toward me and stated that 5 former very good students are currently attending BAMA.
I smiled proudly accompanied by a quick nod of agreement.</p>

<p>Then, I kindly asked the Swim Coach to refrain from giving my athlete “information papers” with the AU logo on them. I believe that he understood it was half jest, half serious! In case he didn’t “get it” and if there’s a next time, I’ll torch them outside of his office. That’ll get his attention!</p>

<p>The older daughter let her little sister know that those “things” are not allowed in our home. I’m not sure where the indoctrination even began. After campus visits, it was “BAMA love and War Eagle is stupid…”</p>

<p>If NJ hates AU, 1/2 as much as I hate PENN STATE right now, I need to hop the next plane to Malanai’s fav “chill” spot right along with him!
My blood is boiling over this nonsense!! Honestly, I’ve never “hated” any University for whatever reason but at this moment…LOATHE is not even close!</p>