Where will you be tomorrow night?

<p>Well, the day (or evening) is fast approaching for the greatest game ever and I was wondering where all of us will be watching the game tomorrow night. Although my son is on his way back to Bama, we will be here in NY watching from our own comfy couch, having our own little living room tailgate. How about you?? </p>

<p>Want to keep track of our very own “Bama CC’ers”? Post below :)</p>

<p>Robotbldmom and husband: New York
Son: Bama</p>

<p>Roll Tide Roll
To Victory!!!</p>

<p>My prospective Bama D and I will be watching from Illinois. I’ll be in the basement on my elliptical machine (killing two birds with one stone and burning off nervous energy) and she’ll be in her room studying for finals with her TV on (I’m predicting more game watching than studying will be going on.</p>

<p>We will be in our Chicago area basement (we won’t disturb our neighbors with our yelling if we go underground) cheering on the Crimson Tide. DS has finals the next day but has been studying hard all weekend so that he can watch the game. He’ll do a little studying during halftime but I know that he won’t be able to concentrate during the game!</p>

<p>We will be in T-Town this Thursday-Saturday visiting the campus! Can’t wait!!!</p>

<p>Roll Tide Roll!!!</p>

<p>^^^ Enjoy your visit and please post afterwards, we’d love to hear about how it went. If you’re like most of us here, it will be an excellent experience and the visit recaps are also so helpful for others that may be lurking in the shadows and not yet active here! Good luck and Roll Tide Roll!!!</p>


<p>Thank you and I will report back on Sunday. DH and DS visited last January and fell in love with the school. I’m so excited to finally get the chance to see it in person!</p>

<p>Roll Tide!</p>

<p>H & S will be in NOLA! I will be at home alone in the family room with my own private tailgate- take-out & a glass of wine. I think I am going to record the game & start it a few mins later. I am such a jinx with games, my S1 hated when I watched the Giants as they would always lose. But I feel that if I’m watching it and it already happened that can’t be my fault. Crazy, I know. I think it will be a fairly late night.</p>

<p>lovemykids2, should be a great week to be in Tuscaloosa, with an opportunity to partake in the post BCS celebration.</p>

<p>We will be watching the game with our son, either at our home or at a sports bar/restaurant here in the far Western Subs of Chicago.</p>

<p>Leaving work early (the game starts at 3:30 HST) to watch it in glorious HD at home with my wife and cats. Son flies back to Bama today and barring his seemingly inevitable travel snafus will watch the game in Tuscaloosa with friends.</p>

<p>Son and friends arrived in NOLA around noon today…no game tickets…they just want to be in the middle of the whole thing!! </p>

<p>Wife and I will have some friends over along with future bama daughters posse! </p>

<p>Roll Tide</p>

<p>My family will be watching from the comforts of our sofa. Having some tailgate type food. My son will be in NO marching with the Million Dollar Band. I have my Million Dollar Band Mom T-shirt on today. We also have a large banner hanging in from of our house. Oh, we so hope to see him on the TV. Roll Tide Roll!</p>

<p>Did I mention we live smack dab in the middle of VT/UVA country? But our Roll Tide banner is flying high.</p>

<p>I’ll be watching from the comfort of my own room (for some reason my dad doesn’t like football :O) while studying for my AP midterms. hah. hokiefan: I live smack dab in the middle of UVA/VT territory too! Small world.</p>

<p>^^^^Study FIRST, Football SECOND!! Heresy, I know :)</p>

<p>I’ll be in the Dome, which is a short walk from my office building. Family of five, but i only have two tickets Taking my LSU-crazy daughter instead of my Bama-bound son.</p>

<p>Bama son is in NOLA…no ticket, but will tailgate and has a hotel room. lol</p>

<p>We’ll be watching from our home.</p>

<p>Bama grad will be watching with an alumni group at a restaurant near his grad school.</p>

<p>H and I watching from our living room in SWVA. DS in NOLA staying with a roommates Aunt. Evidently a VERY nice house in NO. Filmed part of the movie Deja Vu in the house!! No ticket, just wanted to be part of the atmosphere! He’s having a ball. Text me this afternoon that he was enjoying a po’ boy. SOOOO jealous!!!</p>

<p>bamafan: You’re from southwest virginia too?! Crazy!</p>

<p>Idinct, just because it’s a superstition doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be careful! DS is a huge Giants fan, and we are expected to follow lots of game day rituals. It was his idea to look into UA, too.</p>

<p>DH and I will be watching from the couch here in PA. DD is flying back to school tomorrow, and “should” be settled in by game time. She doesn’t have a TV, so I don’t know where she will watch.</p>

<p>i have bunko! : ( so i guess i will DVR and watch it starting at about 9.</p>

<p>Tailgate party at The Ferg tomorrow:</p>

<p>The Rematch: Bama vs LSU
6:30 pm - Ferg Game Room<br>
Student tailgate & viewing party. A taste of New Orleans with jambalaya & king cake. Free t-shirts & more. </p>

<p>The Ferg at UA
No ticket? No problem. Watch the game @TheFergUA with all kinds of free food, t-shirts and more. Roll Tide!</p>

<p>Check out the link on facebook</p>

<p>Live in UCLA, USC country so no big UA watching zone here, but son is home and we’re watching at home, told some friends there’s going to be BBQ pulled pork, etc. if they want to see a REAL GAME. </p>

<p>Also sending hubby to work with a couple of BAMA candy boxes we ordered. Hope he doesn’t have a meeting as I have his Alabama polo ready for work. Game day means Bama attire all day. </p>
