
<p>Ahh… right. I forgot that the SEC just throws out the third team. In 08, the Big 12 had a three way tie with OU, UT, and Texas Tech, and they just took OU as the highest BCS team.</p>

<p>Oklahoma State has a decent chance of being beat in the Bedlam. I honestly don’t think they are as good as Oklahoma. God knows which Tech team will show up. As for Stanford, I think Oregon will handle them. As good as they are, Oregon’s only loss was to LSU and they’ve been able to score all over Stanford the last few years.</p>

<p>Have been sitting on my hands!!! Oh how I would’ve given anything to be at the game and we were supposed to be…darn those in-laws!!! The Stanford component ya’ll are forgetting is Andrew Luck…remember him…no 1 guy in the Heisman race… but I am hopeful that Oregon can get it done.
As for Ok State- Ok if the focused OK team shows up then I do believe that OK will pull off and upset. #59 of Oklahoma Donald Stephenson lived with us his senior year of high school. DH talked with him last night on the phone for over an hour…they want OK State BAD!!!
Finally on just a tiny different topic …tonight at 7pm Central on ESPN is the special 1 hr documentary “Roll Tide/War Eagle”. NJ…you might want to break out the scotch or Lorizapan for this one but it has been reviewed well and we will be watching it here in KC. Here is a link to the article on their website:
[ESPN</a> film “Roll Tide/War Eagle” will entertain you | al.com](<a href=“http://www.al.com/sports/index.ssf/2011/11/espn_documentary_roll_tidewar.html]ESPN”>ESPN film "Roll Tide/War Eagle" will entertain you - al.com)
Roll Tide!!!</p>

Andrew Luck needs Owusu…is he going to play considering he just suffered his 3rd concussion this season? Stanford has a few injuries that will probably keep them less than 100%. It’s going to be a tough battle!
We’ll be rooting for #59 Stephenson and his Sooners to kick some CowPoke butt!</p>

<p>aphimommy: After reading your post above I was thinking I would say thanks for the reminder on the ESPN special tonight… but had to go answer the phone first …as I go near the counter where the phone is I see husband had taped up an index card with big red lettering “Roll Tide/War Eagle” ESPN 7pm tonight…haha! Thanks anyway :slight_smile: He has quickly become all things BAMA…as has DD who enjoyed attending the exhibition men’s BB game last night which UA won!</p>

<p>I won’t be able to watch that show due to blood pressure concerns. Something tells me it will be a hit piece on the obsession of Bama fans and a tribute to those damn trees.</p>

<p>The less I see of those (still not dead) trees, no teeth Gene Chizik, and the phony lying hypocritical scumbag cam newton the better. I fear for my tv as I’m likely to throw anything around me through the screen when I see those cow molesting cheating bastiges.</p>

<p>If we don’t beat those sheep daters by 50 this year and send their fan base scurrying back to hide under their trailers I’m gonna be ****ed.</p>

<p>Thanks for getting me all worked up now ahpimommy. You’ll be receiving a call later from my Doctor most likely :-)</p>

<p>I see husband had taped up an index card with big red lettering “Roll Tide/War Eagle” ESPN 7pm tonight…haha! Thanks anyway He has quickly become all things BAMA</p>

<p>That’s why I love that AT&T billboard that reads…“Proud to Love, Support, and Obsess all Things Alabama.”</p>

<p>NJ dear, calm down, we need you alive, well, and with a TV in working condition. :)</p>

<p>Don’t worry. We’ll kill them this year. LSU beat the hell out of them… the difference is, we hate Auburn enough to run up the score.</p>

<p>NJ…I’m sorry!!! didn’t mean to get the blood pressure boiling :). Being to optimist I am …I am hoping that it will be fair air time to all…I will have to mute it when Carson Tinker is on, every time I hear him speak about April 27 I cry! If you send me your address I will send you a bottle of scotch for causing you such duress :). I noticed there is s section for comments under the article on ESPN’s site…I would encourage you to take your frustrations and put them down there …maybe it will make you feel a little better? BY the way have ya’ll seen the youtube clip on visiting Alum chapter get watch parties in NYC? Alabama is included and Greg McElroy is at the bar/restaurant called The Ainsworth. He’s the link but since y’all know I am not a techno guru this may not work (Disclaimer) <a href=“- YouTube”>- YouTube;

<p>Think about how I feel. I bought 2 PSL’s for the Carolina Panthers when it was initially offered way back. When I heard that they were going to draft the “SCAMMER” and they did follow through on that, I put up my PSL’s for sale.
To this day, I can’t get the picture of the “SCAMMER” prancing around Bryant-Denny after their win last November. I just couldn’t root for him and the Panthers.</p>

<p>…it’s Fall. PSL in my world refers to Pumpkin Spice Latte, which actually sounds quite appetizing right now. Thanks, BBfromNC.</p>


<p>I’ll DVR the show for you. Then you fly out to Hawaii, where Rose808 and I will get you properly tuned with Mai Tais. </p>

<p>We’ll set up a big screen tv on the beach, put you in a comfy UA-logoed lounge chair (staffed, naturally, by bikini-clad attendants who will fan you with palm fronds), and let the show Roll Tide Roll. </p>

<p>Whenever it appears you’re about to boil over we’ll hit the pause button and take you into the surf for a little cool-down. Once properly soothed, we’ll re-adjust your, ahem, medication and resume the show. </p>

<p>It’s a tried and true therapeutic intervention. Just send us the dates and we’ll arrange the rest. </p>

<p>On second thought, perhaps the bikini-clad attendants might not be such a good idea, given your condition. :)</p>

<p>NJBama - perhaps a little video will calm you down? </p>

<p>[SquidBillies</a> Auburn Sucks(I like) Driving In My Truck) - YouTube](<a href=“- YouTube”>- YouTube)</p>

<p>Proud to say that was produced and edited my brother (which makes him uncle of my son, Bama class of 2016). Can’t credit for the idea, though - we were not Bama bound when this was done.</p>

<p>Dr just gave me the all clear, malanai. He said bikini clad attendants is just what I need. I’ll be on the first flight out in the morning :-)</p>

<p>lol thanks for the video Class2012mom. Good stuff with a message all people should hear and live by. auburn does indeed SUCK!!</p>



<p>Continental has a non-stop from Newark.</p>

<p>D & a bunch of friends got tix to the screening of the ESPN show at the Alabama Theater last week via the SGA. She thought it was a “little biased” because they spent a good amount of time talking about Auburn. I did have to remind her that whether she liked it or not, they did win the National Championship last year (grumble, grumble, grumble.)</p>

<p>Too much “Scam” Newton for us! And well his attitude was a a little cocky…my husband says amend that… a whole lot cocky! Agree wit RobD’s D…it felt biased. NJ…they gogt those tress in there alright! We were wondering why they didn’t interview more Bama greats …maybe Broadway Joe? My H thought it was interesting, considering the legal trouble he’s already in, that Updike was featured so heavily.</p>

<p>I liked what Charles Barkley said about Updyke… that a lot of uneducated, wild Bama (and Auburn) fans give the “cool Alabama people” a bad name.</p>

<p>I didn’t think it was biased. Obviously, there had to be a lot of talk about Cam, and last year’s Iron Bowl, and Updyke. I thought it was well done and could be enjoyed by fans on both sides and even people who have no preference.</p>

<p>Here’s the thing. The rivalry is not 50/50. It’s 60/40 at worst in Bama’s favor. So any story giving the barn equal time and footing is biased in my opinion. And if you’re doing a story on the rivalry then why does last year weigh more heavily than any other year? </p>

<p>Bama doesn’t need auburn. Our tradition stands on it’s own. auburn would be nothing without Bama to link to it. Thus the reason why they so desperately are fighting to maintain UA as their one traditional rival if they move to the SEC East during realignment. Bama on the other hand doesn’t give a damn about the barn and we only care to preserve UT as our traditional rival. </p>

<p>Screw auburn and to hell with their damn trees. The only thing I regret about Updyke is he didn’t chop the damn trees down and shove them up Cam Newton’s arse.</p>

<p>Well, I am sad about the trees dying, but I find it odd that everyone in the media conveniently forgot that those trees were already dying, from years of pressure hose washing after the goofy toilet papering post Auburn wins. </p>

<p>Also, why is there no video footage showing Harvey doing the deed? There are cams at Toomers Corner so why is there no proof of his guilt? I personally think it is possible Harvey had nothing to do with it, other than to call the Finebaum show and claim he had done something to the trees. He should never have called in and claimed he did it. He just spread hate and vitriol. Not classy. An embarrassment to UA fans everywhere. </p>

<p>But again, there were internet news stories years prior to Harvey’s claimed poisoning, announcing the poor prognosis for the dying trees. Why has this received no attention?</p>

<p>And yes, Cam was very arrogant. I wouldn’t be so confident about his case being revisited by the NCAA at some point in the future. I think it is bizarre that he could not understand the anger of Bama fans over the lack of fair application of the NCAA rules.</p>

<p>Well, because it was easy for the national media to just pin it all on Updyke, I guess. But still, he’s embarrassed all Bama fans. Didn’t they find traces of herbicides in the trees, though? If he didn’t do it, who did?</p>

<p>And I would be sad about the trees dying, too. After all, it is one of the great traditions in college football and I do have a lot of respect for it.</p>