Late admissions acceptance at A&M?

Does anyone know if a student who did not accept admission for the class of 2023 can revive their application for this year, or if they have to re-apply? It doesn’t look like this would be a transfer application, since she has no college enrollment/coursework yet, and her TAMU application portal is still active, but the deadline was May 1. TIA!!

I believe the student has to reapply. Unfortunately, the deadline has passed. Below is a link to admissions. Your daughter needs to reach out to them right away to clarify her situation. Good luck!

Please keep us posted as this is something that I haven’t seen pop up before. Best of luck to your daughter.

@Cece16 Do call asap and find out. When my son was at NSC for fall 2016, which was June 30/July 1, he got a call from another university he had applied and been accepted to, to inquire if he was planning on attending or not. He had accepted his admissions to A&M but had not declined the admissions offer to the other university he was admitted to. In this instance, he still could have attended that university, as he had not declined the admissions and it was well past May 1.

Whether A&M will act the same, I do not know.

Thank you all! She did speak with A&M, and they will not revive her application for Fall 2019 admission (understable, for sure). She will re-apply as a new Freshman to start in January. It isn’t clear if she has to submit all of her records again, as they are changing their software for this year and don’t have much experience with it yet. Fingers crossed that we don’t have to submit everything again but of course new essays are required.

One follow-up question - I read in another thread that if our DD wants to apply as a Freshman for January 2020 (she is an auto-admit), she can’t take any college credit coursework this fall/prior to her admission in January. The A&M admissions office didn’t mention that, although I did ask the question - does anyone have any experience on this front? If it’s helpful to know, she is applying to Mays business school.

She becomes a transfer and might be subjected to a minimum of credits before they would consider her application.

@Cece16 Once she takes any course AFTER high school graduation, she becomes a transfer student. As @airway1 said, she’ll become subject to minimum requirements depending on major as well as required coursework. Best bet is to hold off, take a gap semester, work, volunteer, (chores, hee hee) etc. til January. If she’s automatic, I wouldn’t risk it. Especially if she wants a coveted major.

Thanks so much - this makes perfect sense.

Thanks so much!

Thanks for reporting back, @Cece16. I’m sure this information will be helpful to somebody else with the same question.

@Cece16 Your daughter will need to submit everything all over again, in addition to the SRAR, as she is considered a new applicant for Spring 2020.
Note that the deadline for Spring 2020 is Oct 15.
Do NOT take any college credit courses this summer or fall 2019. If she does, she then becomes a transfer student as others have said, and brings with it certain criteria and she will lose her auto admit designation.

I would also imagine that applying for spring is subject to availability, as Mays fills up in the fall and auto/academic admits who apply after Mays is full, are offered second choice major or to select an open major.

Thank you!

@AggieMomhelp I am a student from Blinn planning to transfer to the COLA in the spring. I was wondering if the grades I made in some dual credit courses in high school, will affect my transfer GPA that will be considered for admission? The reason I ask is because my gpa at Blinn is a 3.9 after two semesters, whereas when combined with the grades of the dual credit courses it is brought down to a 3.4. I made one B and two C’s in those courses.

@texasboy12 yes, dual credit counts in your blended GPA for transfer. However, it will look very impressive that you have improved your GPA while at Blinn. The trend is upwards and they like to see that. Write a compelling essay and if there’s a reasonable way to address that issue, then try to do that. Maybe in the summary where you’re stating your final case. “The grades I made in my dual credit classes do not reflect the college student I am today, blah blah blah”

But a 3.4 is nothing to sneeze at either, so don’t worry too much!!! What major?

@AggieMomhelp History! And thank you for your help, I was getting so many mixed answers. Would you by any chance be able to give me an estimation of where I might stand with that GPA applying for History? The minimum is a 2.75. I have completed all 3 required coursework with 3 A’s, and have complete 1/3 recommended coursework with an A in that as well. I am fixing to take the last 2/3 recommended coursework in Summer II starting next week.

I think you stand an excellent chance. Getting the recommended done as well, is fantastic! AND if you get As this summer, your GPA will be over a 3.5 so that’s great too! Work hard, finish strong and then it’s time to work harder as an Aggie!!!

@AggieMomhelp Awesome! and there is one last concern. For my two semesters at Blinn, I was a part time in both(taking 9 hours the first semester and 10 the second). Should this have any effect on my chances of admission, and does it look bad? I know I should have taken 12 hours both times but found no point in it since I entered college with 9 hours already through dual credit, putting me well over the required 24 by the end of freshman year. Right now I am sitting at 31 completed hours(22 after HS graduation) and will be at 37 completed hours after the summer II semester.

Under the transfer course sheets for my intended major(history), their is a bullet that lists “Transfer applicants should have completed a full semester (spring or fall) course load of 12 transferable hours (minimum) after graduating from high
school.” I was confused as to what it meant exactly. I initially read it a few weeks ago and began to panic because I thought it wanted me to have completed 12 hours in a single semester, which I haven’t. I called the Office of Admissions about it, and they said that all it meant was to have completed 12 hours after high school in general(it didn’t have to be in a single semester). Thoughts on that?

You’re fine. You have enough after high school credits to look strong. I know many that have 12 and 12 (DC and then one semester) and apply for following summer. No sweat.

@AggieMomhelp Hi again! So I recently completed my Spring application on August 10th and received the transfer audit on the 19th. I was wondering how long you think it will be until I hear back? I have 35 completed hours with a 3.43 GPA, applying to the COLA as a History major, with a 2nd choice major of Performance Studies. Also, I am curious to know if the 3 drops I have on my transcript will affect my chances? I’ve dropped 3 courses already heading into my sophomore year (I know that’s a lot) :frowning: