Likely Letters

<p>she applied to tourism, rec major. 3.8 gpa, 26 ACT. visited this summer, beautiful school. she is very excited!</p>

<p>Got my likely letter today. They only have a 1940 SAT on record, 3.87 GPA. Also being considered for “direct admission” into Krannert, so who knows. I’ll see what happens when I get all my decisions.</p>

<p>We are OOS. I forgot to post my daughter’s stats in my previous post, so here they are: 3.9 GPA (unweighted) 4.3 (weighted), 31 ACT, top 2 or 3% of her graduating class. Also has a lot of EC’s including being an officer in the National Honor Society and volunteering every Sunday morning at a local hospital. She is applying to the school of engineering. She’s a double legacy - both my husband and I graduated from there in the 80’s. My husband was an engineering major and I was a management major from Krannert.</p>

<p>Got likely letter today in California. Stats 2320 SAT, 4.0 uw GPA, top 1%. Applied to engineering.</p>

<p>My son received one today, too. We are in CA and he applied in early Oct. for engineering. I do not think these are intended to be admit letters. Does anyone have info on these letters?</p>

<p>LadyHam - our daughter is a sophomore, ME major. She had almost exactly the same stats as your daughter…but just a “single” legacy - my husband was an ME. We are also OOS (Oregon), and our daughter was/is a state champion musician…she was awarded a Trustee Scholarship…good luck to your daughter!!! My husband says the only reason our daughter got the scholarship was because he went to Purdue!!!</p>

<p>My D received her letter yesterday. She is OOS with a 4.0 weighted average (all honors and AP classes), 29 ACT.</p>

<p>suebinor ~ I hope my daughter has a chance for some sort of scholarship because the OOS tuition is quite hefty. She’s leaning towards going more to UIUC (our instate Big 10 university) or Minnesota (very cheap for OOS, plus w/her stats she will most likely be granted instate tuition there) simply because of the difference in tuition. She loves Purdue, but the tuition is what is holding her back from going there. If she got some sort of merit money, it would definitely make it a top contender. How much money a year is the trustees scholarship?</p>

<p>Looking at the stats that have been posted so far (which is not too many) it seems that Purdue is looking more at GPA/class rank than they are at ACT/SAT scores, which is good for my daughter. My daughter is one of the top students at her high school, but is not a really good standardized test taker. She took the ACT 4 times and scored a 30, 31, 29 and 31 respectively. She sent in her 30 and her 2 31’s. I personally think GPA is more indicative of how well a student will do in college than a standardized test score. She knows many students at her high school that scored higher on the ACT than her, but their GPA/class rank are much lower than hers.</p>

<p>ETA: I just look at the Purdue website and the trustees scholarship is 12,000 -16,000 a year for OOS and 10,000 a year for instate. The presidential scholarship is 6,000 - 10,000 a year for OOS and 4,000 - 8,000 for instate. Wow, that is a lot of money! My daughter would be happy w/anything! If she could get 10,000 a year off of tuition, it would definitely make Purdue one of her top choices. Hopefully, her double legacy status will put her in the running for some sort of scholarship.</p>

<p>I’m a sophomore ChE major at Purdue, and I had received a likely letter. I also ended up getting an 8k(instate) Presidential Scholarship in one of the last rounds of scholarship letters.</p>

<p>For those of you that got likely letters, when did you apply? I applied right near the early cutoff date (Oct. 15th) I haven’t gotten anything, and I’m worrying. Do they send them in order of application date? I too, am OOS and thinking about the tuition etc. Thanks!</p>

<p>Cheg17 ~ I don’t remember the exact date, but it was really close to the deadline when my daughter submitted her online application. She had her transcripts sent and her ACT scores sent in the beginning of October and then probably like a week before the October 15th deadline her counselor submitted the counselor form and she submitted her online application.</p>

<p>ETA: I just looked at the email that Purdue sent us indicating they had received her online application. It was dated October 11th, so she probably submitted her online application a few days prior.</p>

<p>D applied in August. We are OOS. Highly Ranked HS in NJ</p>

<p>Well, okay. Thanks for the responses. I’m hoping to get a likely letter too, just to know! My stats are:</p>

<p>applied right before Oct. 15th
ACT: 35 (S 36, M 36, E 33, R 34)
GPA: 4.3 W</p>

<p>applied to Chem E </p>


<p>D applied very early Sept.</p>

<p>I applied 10/14.</p>

<p>Hi all! I recently got my likely letter from Purdue (11-9-12) and I was wondering what exactly a likely letter is supposed to mean. Does receiving it mean I can feel safe about being accepted? Has everyone who got the likely letter gained attmitance into Purdue?
Stats: 1900 SATS 28 ACT 4.0 GPA weighted, first generation college attendee.</p>

<p>Im curious about these letters! I applied about a week or so before re Oct. 15th deadline but my major is much smaller than engineering, which seems to be what most people on this thread have gotten letters for. I applied animal sciences they take about 120-130 students only will a small major like that send letters too? I have a 4.2 W gpa and 31 ACT now that I know about these I’m keeping my fingers crossed that ill be getting one soon!</p>

<p>Say does these likely letters apply to only those that Applied by Oct. 15? Or does everyone get them at one point in time?</p>

<p>My son also got his likely letter. Purdue is his top choice. But we are keeping options open, especially since we need to see if he will get any merit or other aid. Anyone have any information on when this might be provided?</p>

<p>What is a “likely letter”? What does it say?
I’m waiting on the December 7th notification…is this letter something different?</p>