Mays Business School Fall 2019 Transfer Acceptance - TAMU

Howdy, a little late to the party here but wanted to know how my chances should be.

Applied: 1/1
Audit received: 2/1
Account Major
All A’s in required coursework at Blinn
3.8 GPA with 49 hours done (11 more In Progress)
Eagle Scout
Work roughly 25 hours a weeks as an Inside Sales Agent

Haven’t gotten tabs or anything yet so feeling a little stressed

@gnoce20 Have you taken MGMT 211?

@alirhasan96 Yes I took it at Blinn and got a B

@gnoce20 Maybe all the 4.0 and easy acceptance applicants got their tabs and theyre still discussing the below 4.0 comptetitive ones as there are limited spots. I also got my audit a few days late and it had an error in it that I got corrected. I don’t know, im just coming up with possible excuses to why I didn’t get my tabs in my head. Guess we just do a little more waiting. Super disheartening but gotta keep a positive head.

@alirhasan96 That seems to make the most sense, but hey we’ve waited this long whats a few more days haha. Best of luck hope we hear soon!

@ExcGunnar @Walker03 @aggie21 what do you guys recommend? Should I do business at uh for one year maintain a 4.0 and then transfer to A&M or should I go to some community college like blinn based on yalls experiences?

@sma1234 Either way works. If your overall goal is to end up at TAMU and Mays, then I recommened that you keep a 4.0.

One year of UH will not be enough credits for you to be competitive even with a 4.0. You need to complete all of the courses on the transfer course sheet provided by TAMU admissions for transfer applicants for Mays. I have 65 hours, others have around 55-70 credit hours. For transfer they look at GPA and how many hours you have completed… especially for Mays where they only accept 100 applicants a year.

For the choice between UH and CC I would lead you to either direction because both can get you to that end goal; however, CC is a lot cheaper than University and Blinn students can experience the Aggieland life while attending CC. It’s really up to you, just remember that your GPA and hours completed are the most important.


Follow the transfer course sheet for Mays to a T if you want to be competitive and TALK TO AN ADVISOR EARLY!

Even if you have help with funding, I would recommend you do CC if you’re dead set on becoming an Aggie. Save the money whether it’s your money or your parents and invest it towards grad school. Also, I wouldn’t recommend Blinn outside of online for MGMT 211. Mays is very selective as you know, so it is not a safe bet to full commit to a significantly more expensive CC like Blinn. Local is best. Best of luck. Ask any questions you may have.

@sma1234 I think you have to decide-do you want Engineering or Business? No way to transfer into Mays after a year, and even with ALL requirements it’ll be TOUGH. You’ve got TAMUG Engineering offer, and UH Business…two completely different majors/programs.

@sma1234 I am currently going to blinn and I love the school. Blinn and A&M courses are compatible so there is no guessing if it will transfer or not. A&M also knows the students they are getting when they go to blinn. If you know you want to go to A&M I would recommend blinn, however I’m not the one that has to make the decision. Good luck on your journey!

Does that mean I won`t be able to transfer into Mays after a year no matter if I still have a 4.0? Also does everyone that tries transferring do more than one year at some other school for buisness and then transfers into a&m becasue most of the people have like 65-70 hours here so it must be more than a year right? Like wow! How do you get 65-70 hours in a year?

@sma1234 Many of us have been in college for 1.5-2 years making us Junior ready, which Mays prefers.

@sma1234 Yes like @Walker03 stated, we all have been in college for 1.5-2 years. I took 15hrs for 3 semesters and received 15hrs of AP credits, so this semester has been basically an off semester for me. Seriously talk with an Aggie advisor ASAP so you can start planning for your future here.

@sma1234 @NoScreenNameAv I went to TYLER JUNIOR COLLEGE 70 hours and am in the process of taking BUSI 2371 aka MGMT 211. I recommend going to a local community college to save money and then transferring. CC classes could be a bit easier with the smaller class sizes and more one on one with the prof but the grades are all the same. DON’T BELIEVE THE HYPE that TAMU takes into consideration or prefers one college over another it is actually illegal in Texas to do that for admissions.

Howdy everyone! I have been looking at this thread for quite some time and decided to make a post. I got my Six Tabs and I DO NOT have a 4.0 GPA.

Accounting Major
GPA: 3.94
Req Coursework Completed
54 Transferrable hours
strong essay A

Volunteer: Marketing director @ LSC Montgomery + SPCA Volunteer
Work: Accounting internship + other jobs

Applied: 1/1/19 (I was the 25th applicant all across applytexas)

Good luck to other students here!

I got tabs but now dying for AIS to update to admitted it’s non stop checking until I officially get in lol.

@Walker03 I’ve been checking like a mad-man too lol. I’m sure we’ll hear by the end of the day unless AIS only updates on specific days.

Official acceptance in AIS guys.

Got it as well!

Got my Acceptance too! Congrats Everyone!