Mays Business School Fall 2019 Transfer Acceptance - TAMU

Same here XD

Got my acceptance as well!! Congrats to all of the New Aggies!!

@wonderlust1 @ExcGunnar have yall applied to upper level business yet?

GPA: 3.74
All required coursework complete
Took MGMT 211
Only 2 of the required courses were B’s, rest were A’s
Great Rec Letters
Business related work experience

any opinions on how ill end up

@123ghost I’ve got the pretty much the exact same stuff besides GPA, I’m at 3.85. Honestly think we both should be good but ultimately have no idea. Not getting tabs when everyone else did really put me in doubt but it still doesn’t say we were denied and still being reviewed so I’m trying to stay hopeful. I think we both should have a pretty good shot but I’m ready to expect anything.

Having no tabs is definitely keeping me on edge. Hope is running low at this point, but itll all work out in the end. Best of luck! Keep me posted on your admissions decision!

@123ghost @alirhasan96 I wanted to let you guys know that I went and spoke to a person from the admissions office and was informed that the Number 1 Factor in getting accepted to TAMU Mays is making all A’s in the recommended and required course work. Your GPA is a close second. But She made it SOUND like you had to have all A’s in the required and recommend courses to get in, she wouldn’t tell me if the all A’s in the required courses/ recommended courses where required but said that it was “what they looked at”

@wonderlust1 Hm, that’s a little concerning as I made 2 B’s in math 1324 and 1325, all A’s besides that. Might be why y’all got accepted so fast.
Thanks for letting us know!!

Overall GPA: 3.89
Total Hours: 70
Transferable Hours: 55
All Req completed
MGMT 211 completed
Relevant Extracurricular: Beta Alpha Psi, Accounting Club, Student Economic Association, etc.
Service: A lot
Relevant Honors/Awards: Accounting Star - recogn. by Acc dept., Deans list every semester, and a bunch of other honor societies
Work: Summer Job as server 45 hrs/wk
Applied: 2/13
Audit: 2/27
No Tabs

I’m a little worried I applied too late, but how much weight do they put on that? Also, my only 2 B’s were dual credit history Fall 2015/Spring 2016.

@simpleman10 Seeing your stats and you not having tabs yet makes me more confident we’ll all get them soon. Can’t see how someone with your GPA and stats won’t get in.

@Walker03 yeah I have applied for the upper business level. Haven’t heard anything back yet

Has anyone received their financial aid package yet?

@wonderlust1 I think we will find out after Spring semester ends, that’s what it says on howdy after I applied. It said that we will be notified on the decision after the end of the graded semester.

@simpleman10 You or anyone else hear anything back yet? This is getting pretty annoying now lol

@alirhasan96 I talked to an advisor this week and was told they had only filled about 25% of the spots available. I’m just hoping that no news is good news, although I don’t know if they have actually denied anyone at this point either.

@jk91512 Did they say anything at all about when we can expect to hear back?

@alirhasan96 unfortunately no they did not have any information regarding a timeline.

@jk91512 hey I noticed we both have a similar GPA. I have a 3.67 but I am an ambassador for my current university’s business school, work 15hrs/wk with alumni relations for my current business school, and had an internship overseas last summer so I’m hoping those things will help boost my chances and make up for my GPA! It’s good to hear that not all the spots are filled up, I was worried about hearing others hearing back already so thank you for sharing this info. Hopefully they will let us know soon! Good luck to you!

I spoke to them yesterday and they told me that they plan on sending out more decisions this upcoming week. So keep your fingers crossed.

@blake9817 Oh boy, really hope they do. Good luck everyone.