Merit Aid, University of Pittsburgh, class of 2028

That might be it. DS was applying to CS.

My high stats daughter (CS) also got minimal aid in 2021
 only $2000. She ended up attending UPenn.


Is it ok to post his stats? It must be very good.

Sure, here’s a link to a previous post. He had a good app but nothing crazy. Not like Vulcan’s kid by any means. He did get his app submitted in October which didn’t hurt, I’m sure. He also got another $2K in grants (I think they might have been merit based?) added later for a total of $22K.


Has anyone received merit for Neuroscience? I know this is a major that Pitt is well-known for, so wondering if not a lot of merit as they don’t need to incent students to attend (?)

Question : when merit appears is it only in the my Pitt doc center app or also in the HighPointCX app under financial aid / awards?

Only in doc center

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No merit yet.

S24 did get an invite tonight to the GAP program in International Affairs


Same here, anxiously waiting for merit for my daughter who got accepted on Oct 13th.

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Hi BoroDad,

Quick question
when did your child get acceptance letter vs the GAP program invite? Gives me hope to still receive GAP invite for nursing:) Thanks!
*Still no merit for here.

None here either. Accepted 10/25 OOS

@AAAA13 GAP came 7pm tonight

My daughter is accepted to Nursing with 10k merit per year. Another friend received merit and grant money (last year). Is grant money FAFSA based or awarded later on in the cycle?


@Liz13 , did you receive the merit today? Thank you

A couple of weeks ago.

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FWIW, my D24 was accepted to Nursing on November 1st and received GAP letter on same day. Still waiting on merit.

same here. Show me the money!! lol

Been a little quiet on the merit front lately. I doubt it means anything, but I do wonder if it will pick back up before the mid-December early notification period for a lot of other colleges.

It was the Panther Pride award. It’s confusing because it seems to be need-based, but I’ve heard some people say they were already under their EFC and got it anyway? And my kid got 2 different Panther Pride awards a couple months after his initial $20K merit offer and one of them has “merit” in the title. So we were confused.

I don’t have access to the award info anymore, but when I look in my spreadsheet, I have the following listed for Pitt:

Merit aid offered: 22000
Need aid offered: 4000
Total aid offered: 26000

That got us right about to our EFC, by the way.

I just looked at a post I had made here in Feb and I say

“I wouldn’t have thought to check the portal except for these posts. Surprised to see that S23 just got another $6K in what I assume are grants? “Panther pride award” and “panther pride merit award”. I hadn’t even thought about that happening.”

I think the $4K must have been the “Panther Pride Award” award and the $2K was the “Panther Pride Merit Award” which is why I entered it in the spreadsheet the way I did?

Looks like no merit awards were given this week. No one has reported so far.

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