Merit Aid, University of Pittsburgh, class of 2028

Did you commit before or after the “panther pride merit award”?

My son does not attend Pitt, so neither. It was within budget (barely) but he had several less expensive offers so it fell off the list.

If there is zero merit awarded, does the student receive notification of zero merit?

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As I understand it, if you applied for need-based aid they will communicate your total aid package to you. I am not sure they will ever say definitively there will be no merit, but if there is no merit there by the time of decision day, then I think that is pretty much your answer.

No, there is no notification if you don’t receive merit, only if you do.


As a FYI, my D24 was admitted to one of the satellite campuses and received a letter in the mail today with a merit scholarship of $10,500 per year. There was no letter in the document center and nothing under the finance tab in the portal either.

So if you are in a similar situation, check your snail mail! She was admitted on 11/6 and received the merit letter today.


Wow congrats! Which campus and are you in state or OOS?

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We are OOS and the letter did mention that it was a scholarship for OOS students (based on academic performance.). This was for the Bradford campus.


Anyone here received merit aid from Dietrich Scholl of Arts and Sciences? If so can you please share the application and acceptance date? Were any financial related information shared with the college before the merit aid was awarded?

Applied in September, got admission in Oct 1st week, however no updates after and wondering if any other information is missing.

Also is it correct that LORs are not considered by UPitt for merit aids/honors/GAP?

Thank you for your time.

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If you scroll up in this thread there are several. I took a quick look and there is one $2k in state and one $15k OOS. There might be more

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My son received merit aid from Dietrich. He applied 8/2 and was accepted in later that month (I forget the date). He got an offer of merit aid in early October. They did not have our financial information at that time and he sent no letters of rec. with his application. Hope the info helps!

@Madd123 , merit awards from Dietrich were reported here for a few weeks but none for last week and this week. Probably, due to thanksgiving. My daughter got accepted on Oct 13th but no word yet on merit scholarships.

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Accepted end of August and got the merit letter last week.


Congratulations, Satellite campus might be quicker decision then main Pitt campus.

Thank you for the reply. If you do not mind, would be great if you can share the stats or in a message. Just wondering if no financial information was shared what other factors for Dietrich. Thanks either ways.

Has anyone received merit for College of Public Health? I havent seen any.

4.39 weighted
(AP’s, Honors classes, Dual Credits)
Varsity Athlete
33 ACT
10/29 applied
11/7 accepted to College of Public Health
11/26 snail mail acceptance

The unknown of will she or won’t she get merit is quite stressful.

Yes, my daughter was accepted to School of Public Health and received $10K per year OOS. She was accepted 9/28 and received merit notification 10/18.

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