Miscellaneous Life Ramblings

Hey guys, I think we’ve all had issues with this rollout. It’s still unusable on my iPad, for instance. The development team is taking input and prioritizing issues that are posted on this thread:


So, make sure you post there, too, for help and feedback. I’m flagging @CC_Mike for @buuzn03’s issue. He is active with updates on that thread. It’s worth a read to see what other’s are experiencing and what the dev team is working on .

When the only flags and errors from your computer’s spelling and grammar checker are from the school’s Gateway/SAO questions, and NOT your kid’s essays…


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@Golfgr8: I hope you’re better. How are you feeling?

Thanks for asking @ChoatieMom!

I had another bad few days - but this morning felt up to getting online and checking CC (a good sign). My lungs and heart were both impacted by COVID. I go to a pulmonologist tomorrow for imaging and an update. Waiting for an echo. It’s actually really difficult to get into a doctor and to get imaging these days.

As I shared with other friends on CC, the first symptoms I had were different than those you hear about - but they are symptoms that my doctors have seen often! The first symptom was intense heartburn and chest pain…Turns out that the person that infected myself and GolfKiddo also had those same symptoms. If you have something that feels like GERD or intense chest pains, it could be the first symptom. After that both GolfKiddo and I experienced flu-like symptoms, chills, headache, etc. My Kiddo is almost 75% recovered - but still physically weak for someone who is a multi-sport athlete. PLEASE DO NOT GIVE UP BEING VIGILANT AND BEING CAUTIOUS! This thing hits everyone in a unique way.

Thank you all for the good wishes! Please stay safe!


@Golfgr8 I’ve been thinking of you and sending you my good wishes from afar. And thank you for taking your diminished energy to pop on here to say hello. And to remind everyone to be cautious. Sending you all hugs. J15 wasn’t the same without you, and all the other veteran parents here. (I blame Covid AND the new interface.).


Hugs, @golfgr8…Hope you and golfgirl are doing much better!

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@Golfgr8 - so glad things are looking up.

It’s the stories from the athletes that scare me the most. And it is their warnings that catch my attention, and hopefully others’ attention as well.

Thanks for checking in and letting us know you and your daughter are doing better.

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@Golfgr8 I hope you both feel better soon! I’m sorry that it was so serious. It’s so important for everyone to stay vigilant.

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Good luck with a speedy recovery.

Not that CC is the most important thing to worry about, but you are missed around here!

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Thanks everyone for the good cheer! You all have been a source of great support over the years. You all know me well…and for me to miss out on writing a “T’was the night before…” poem for admissions deadline was not like me. I am looking forward to being back in prime poem form by March 10th with another poem.

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So sorry to see you were sick @golfgr8. I haven’t been on CC much and just popped on and found this.

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It is getting close to cocktail hour…Will entertain recipes of drinks, hor d’ouvres and desserts along with suggestions of good shows/movies to watch to distract!

Calling all my old CC friends who are so good at getting us parents through this hump (I, personally, just cannot read the Freakout Thread-- I need adult distraction, please).


A simple drink we made over the holidays was bourbon, cranberry juice, ginger beer.

My other obsessive hobby, besides college (and I guess now BS) admissions is drinking. Not in excess, I’m too old for that. But quality. I’m that guy who spends an hour browsing at a liquor store. Give me a couple of things you like and I will give a couple of suggestions!

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You inspired me (to waste time, but let’s not dwell on that part) and I found the next one I am going to try:

1.5 parts Hendricks Gin
3 parts coconut water
1 part cold brew coffee
couple dashes of xcolatl bitters

I have several other bitters here (the secret to a well balanced cocktail) so I’m not going to buy another one just to try for one drink. But this may be on the agenda for tonight.

Let me know how it is! I like your ginger beer recipe, too. I LOVE a good strong ginger beer. My favorite has cayenne in it.

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The classic old fashioned is a staple in my house.

I put a bit of sugar in the bottom of a glass, bitters and bourbon of choice (my wife likes Makers Mark, I like 4 Roses as a good for the money bourbon, but anything works). I then swirl it around until the sugar is pretty much dissolved. Occasionally I will make simple syrup, which simplifies this process.

I squeeze a small orange slice garnish into it, and fill glass with ice, then add a cherry. You can do a splash of club soda if it’s too strong.

Also please don’t use one of the neon red cherries that just taste like sugar. Here is my current favorite:

Stonewall Kitchen Fire and Spiced Maraschino Cherries, 13.5 oz (383 g)

They have other flavors, but the cinnamon and pepper give things an interesting twist. They are half the Amazon price at my local grocery store.


Anyone who’s been here a while knows I prefer an arctic martini, up with a twist and multiple olives (preferably jalapeno stuffed):

But DH, who is the head of the Bourbon & Cigars club here, prefers Manhattans and has quite a selection of bourbons and whiskeys:

(I may be responsible for the diminished state of the Angels Envy.)

But, they must be made with Antica and Bittercube Cherry Bark Vanilla bitters:

His latest endeavor is smoking his alcohol, either in the bottle or by the glass:

Obviously, he has too much time on his hands. :wink:

Is it 5:00 yet? :cocktail:

(@dadof4kids: I like Old Fashioneds, too, and agree about the cherries.)


ChoatieLT, who was raised properly, is also a connoisseur of fine spirits and received this in his Christmas box from us this year:

(They are filled with a coolant. You keep them in the freezer and use them instead of ice so as not to dilute the alcohol).


How exactly does he do that?

Kinda off topic but assuming we ever travel again:

If you are a cocktail connoisseur and you ever go to Vegas, you NEED to go to The Laundry Room. There is no wine, no beer, no coke, etc. Only high end mixed drinks, every drink the same price ($16 as I recall the last time I was there a couple years ago). I think 12 max capacity, and that’s regular occupancy not COVID reduced. You have to text ahead of time for a reservation and are limited to 2 hours.

There is a menu, but that’s not why you go. You tell them what flavors you like, they then make you a custom drink. They don’t want to know your alcohol preferences or dislikes, only flavors you like. I had a few great drinks there, but they had a bunch of incredients that I don’t have. The bartender would mix something up, taste it (dipped a straw in it and then tasted that) and occasionally tweak, then serve. The best was a request for “Orange, smokey, boozy”


I have some stone cubes from my son that are for the same purpose. Depending on the drink sometimes I like a bit of ice melt, but if you don’t want that these are great.

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