Move In Packet

<p>We leave Thursday and have 2 days/chance to get it before then. Nothing like cutting it ridiculously close, huh?</p>

<p>We leave Wednesday morning and it hasn’t arrived. I emailed housing and they responded that they’d send it by email if we didn’t receive it tomorrow.
This is our first thumbs-down experience with UA. It feels like this shouldn’t be so last minute.</p>

<p>Well, the only e-mail S got today was the generic one that I’m sure your kids got saying that the pass would arrive today or tomorrow. Not too helpful since we leave at 7 am tomorrow and it didn’t come today. I guess I’m calling again tomorrow, and hopefully this time they will send the pdf pass.</p>

<p>Lisa, please email <a href=“”></a> if you are leaving in the morning. We can go ahead and email you a parking pass tonight.</p>


<p>Thanks Janine - will do it now.</p>

<p>This has been very frustrating indeed. I made several calls trying to check on this before we left home and was bounced from person to person. Sure hope we get an email parking pass. Do you know what the ticket amount is if you park without a pass?</p>

<p>SpaceCoastMom- I wouldn’t fret over it too much…there is an email link in this thread, if you are leaving soon I would go ahead and email them…they can email you a pass. I also read somewhere that they will wave your first ticket, if you should get one.</p>

<p>We got ours at midnight last night - Janine was working late! Definitely last minute but we got it. </p>

<p>I believe they would waive any tickets anyway, assuming it was your correct move-in day. But better not to have the hassle. </p>

<p>We are on our way! :)</p>

<p>We leave tomorrow morning and haven’t received our pass yet here in CT. Just checked today’s mail and nothing. I have sent an e-mail requesting one to be e-mailed to us. Hopefully that works.</p>

<p>Today’s mail: NOTHING. </p>


<p>where do we get the instructions as to where to get in line???</p>

<p>It wasn’t in today’s Tennessee mail either. We don’t leave until Thursday so we still have tomorrow, but why didn’t this make it out earlier? If you know folks will need it - and some need it early - get it done. That being said, why not just e-mail it to everyone on August 1 or before and tell them to print it and put on their dash during move-in instead of printing and mailing all of them?</p>

<p>I wondered the same thing…we get more mail from the University than all other mail combined…hate to see their postage expenses…and. nothing in Dallas’ mail today.</p>

<p>TXA - email the address above. Janine was working well into the night on these yesterday and I’m sure it will be the same today, so I’m sure you will get it before you leave. You can also call the housing office. </p>

<p>I’m guessing something got messed up along the way - I doubt they intended them to be this late. Didn’t someone say they were told a third party company was handling it? Maybe that company didn’t “handle it” and now housing is having to do them all on short notice.</p>

<p>I sent an email. And got an "out of office " reply. Im sure it will come…if not…ill deal with it when we get there. We dont actually move in until thurs morning. If I dont get a reply…ill just go down to the store and get me a piece of poster board and make me one :)</p>

<p>I sent an email and got the auto response.</p>

<p>I figure one of you nice CCers would know, and could tell me where the line starts for Ridgecrest East???</p>

<p>Are the locations of where to que up for each dorm published anywhere?</p>

<p>What I read on line had general instruction: arrive at your assigned time, pull up and the volunteers would help unload on the cart, student would escort things up and families were supposed to go and park and then walk back. Instructions on where to park and drop off would be included in the packet with your parking pass…</p>

<p>If you don’t get something before it is your scheduled time, I would just pull up out front and look for the “volunteers”</p>

<p>Last year there were lots of signs pointing to the various dorms and many volunteers to point us In the correct direction to line up and unload.</p>

<p>Then will ROLL with it!</p>
