Move in scheduled!

<p>Hmmm. Got 2pm slot @ RCS. Same day they are supposed to report for MDB. Guess we’ll have to label everything so DD will know where her stuff is.</p>

<p>8 a.m. On the 19 th. maybe traffic won’t be bad yet. Hahahaha</p>

<p>Finally got in! The earliest slots that we wanted were gone, but we’re still in the morning. Mission accomplished.</p>

<p>Finally got in. Second choice but fine with that. 11 am Sat RCS-N</p>

<p>Ridgecrest South is available for 8/10 also</p>

<p>Wow - I just put up a reminder about sign up, but it looks like you all remembered already :)</p>

<p>go to this link:
[Move-In</a> 2012](<a href=“]Move-In”></p>

<p>the big red letters at the top of the text say: </p>

<p>** Sign Up For A Check-In Time (Sign up for, cancel or view your check-in time) **</p>

<p>Like slippy said- click on that red text, not the link on the right side of the page…</p>

<p>see if that works</p>

<p>Wonder what those who have to report for MDB on Friday but can’t move in until Saturday will do??</p>

<p>Jeez, now I feel like I am late. Is everyone else doing AA or sororities?</p>

<p>Finally! Lot’s of earlybirds on the 18th, couldn’t get in til 9:00.</p>

<p>missread- contact housing. I am sure they work something out…</p>

<p>I’ll probably regret the 8 am time, but didn’t want to hear my hubby complain about the heat. He can always go back and nap at the hotel why D and I settle her room. Does anyone know what time on Sunday AA starts?</p>

<p>Kay- RUSH move-in for us in Tut. She chose to forego the Honors Dorms so traditional matchbox dorm room here she comes ;)</p>

<p>NRDMOM, are you interrupting beach time to schedule a move-in time? That’s dedication!</p>

<p>Question - in looking at the schedule and thinking ahead to next year, do all returning students move in on the last Sunday (unless they are involved in an activity that lets them move in earlier)?</p>

<p>For those moving into the new East Edge apts, the East Edge option is currently not showing. Contacted Housing and they are working on it.</p>

<p>According to an email we received from East Edge the agreement with Housing says all students contracting through the UA will move in the weekend of the 18th/19th based upon a meeting with EE and Housing earlier in the week. There isn’t an early move-in option.</p>

<p>Thanks cc friends…if it weren’t for you telling me to click on the sentence about move-in, I would still be waiting to sign up. I clicked on both the right link, and the link on top and nothing. It is so good to be part of this forum. I am so glad there are wonderful parents like you to help others like me.</p>

<p>Not trying to move in early. The only option we currently see is Lakeside West (where D originally was). Was told we still had to sign up for a move in time.</p>

<p>^^Gotcha…I just thought I’d share that the email said after meeting with Housing it was determined that move in would be the the weekend of the 18th & 19th for those leasing at EE through the UA.:)</p>