My D just got admitted for Spring 2010

<p>She applied for Summer 2009 as FTIC:</p>

<p>Status page says:
Congratulations! After a careful and thorough review of your academic record, you have been admitted to the 2010 Spring University of Florida freshman class! </p>

<p>The Admission Committee made every effort to accommodate your preferred term of entry; however, this year's highly qualified freshman applicants along with the university's limited space made this impossible. </p>

<p>Your official notification and additional materials will be mailed to you in the next few days. </p>

<p>Darn, this is her dream school, but what to do until then? Already accepted to FSU and UCF.</p>

<p>If she is die hard on going to UF then she can take classes at the local community college or at Santa Fe, or she can work the fall semester and start in spring.</p>

<p>I would recommend taking the Santa Fe route. That way she will get accustomed to the city and to campus. Two close friends chose that route when they were dealt the Spring offer and are glad they did.</p>

<p>Hearing the options for getting into the Spring…that doesn’t sound as bad as not getting in. <em>If</em> I get into UF I will already be going there with a guaranteed 18 college credits and depending on my AP classes 30-40. Getting financial stable before you enroll sounds quite nice…</p>

<p>What are her stats?</p>

<p>UF GPA 4.0
ACT 25 (SAT a little lower)
Good ECs
Grandparents alumni
Instate public school
7 APs (4 in senior year) -</p>

Was she top 10% in her HS?</p>

<p>Second the SF route.</p>

<p>xNYer, she was ranked 79 of 585, so 14%.</p>

<p>She should be extremely grateful she got in.
The average SAT of the 2008 freshman class was 29…</p>

<p>Congrats, how wonderful! My niece got in with these exact stats and it just shows you that they reward hard workers; 4.0 and 7 AP’s is nothing to sneeze about! Anyway, we had a friend in this situation last year. She wrote a letter to admissions about why she wanted to start in the Fall instead and they changed it for her! Another friend took classes at Santa Fe and started at UF in January, no big deal (1 semester will fly by). I am really happy for her!!</p>

<p>Go to Santa Fe and knock out some classes that would be huge at UF (like economics).</p>

<p>Yes, that’s what we’ll do. We need to get a definitive answer whether you can take 12 hours or does it have to be less than 12 to still be a FTIC freshman. UF said they are discussing this and the admissions materials will have the details spelled out for Spring admits. </p>

<p>Hopefully the real status tomorrow is still good news!</p>

<p>Remember to write a letter and tell them why you would rather start in the fall; it worked for our friend. Alternatively, SF is great. My son is there and has 20-25 kids in his classes and has had a few professors who also teach at UF. You can find out by looking at rate my professor. Great one on one attention!!</p>

<p>UF never had a spring term listed on their application. Summer B and Fall, why would they admit a freshman to the spring term? Spring Term, from what my friend, who attends UF, is only open to current students at UF.</p>

<p>Just an addition to what g8ergrrl said, if you take an eco course at Santa Fe, take Macro. Macro at UF with Denslow is much more difficult than Micro with Rush. Minor point but it might come in handy.</p>

<p>Helpfulmom, good idea on the appeal to change. I think we have good reason to request a change to summer based on the Prepharmacy curriculum.</p>

<p>Ks1615, I am a Mom (duh) and they do admit some students to Spring when they have reached their Summer/Fall quota and still want to give an acceptance offer. We know a few who it happened to last year. As a matter of fact, my son dated a girl at Santa Fe back in the Fall who was starting at UF in Jan since that had happened to her. As I already said someone we know appealed the decision and was changed back to Summer of Fall (I can’t remember). Why would we make these things up? We are here to help others!</p>

<p>Yes, UF offers admission to Spring for some freshman FTIC candidates who apply for summer or fall. It is “overflow” when they cannot offer everyone a spot. You don’t apply for it, but they can offer it. There are always freshman who do start summer or fall who do not return for spring for a variety of reasons, grades/family illness/homesick. Others might do a semester abroad. If you want to go bad enough, you wait and start in the spring. There are many U’s and LAC’s that offer this. It is in lieu of a waitlist and it beats a denial.</p>

<p>I applied to UF last year to get accepted to fall of 2008, but I was dissapointed when I got the same letter admitting me to spring 2009. I did not want to start school at a different time and almost decided on going to UCF. But then I was told that I could petition for a change of semester. I asked if I could begin in the fall of 2008, and it worked! I am currently a freshman in my second semester at UF. The person I emailed was <a href=“”></a>. His name is Mr. Miller (I don’t recall his first name). I simply thanked him for the acceptance but made known my preference for a different term. Although he did not let me know until April 22nd, I got in, and I am glad I did it. It can’t hurt to try!</p>

<p>^quite a wait, but at least it worked, so how has the UF experience been so far?</p>