<p>Well, what with all of the debate over whether or not myspace.com is safe and all, are ya'll still on it? Were you ever? I never was, but I was just wondering. At my school, they blocked it, but, of course, people here aren't stupid. They found a million ways around the block.</p>
<p>It's funny because my school just had assemblies for freshman and sophomores about how unsafe the internet is, the consequences, etc. They talked about how myspace can be a danger.</p>
<p>I was on myspace for all of two days. I removed my account because I simply don't believe in it. I find it to be a stupid waste of time. Users add a million "friends" so they can look good, and in reality, they just look pathetic. Now, I'm not trying to attack anyone, but it's so clear that a lot of myspace's users fall into this category. People need better ways to spend their time instead of making insipid comments and posting pictures so that people can tell them how hot they look. Myspace serves as a way to be popular and as a way for individuals to receive a boost of confidence. Alas, it really isn't in a positive way.</p>
<p>And I'm sorry if you're on myspace and this isn't you. Just go about your daily business. :)</p>
<p>I see in MySpace the ability for unpopular or shy people to open up, and get false accolades for doing so. I also see it as an extension of popularity clique systems into cyberspace. Finally, I see it as becoming a major place for pedophiles to gather-I wonder how many of them spend the whole day on MySpace looking at the girls?</p>
<p>I used to have it and I was pretty obsessed with it, and then I decided to delete it for no reason in particular. It was the best thing I ever did. :)</p>
<p>I never got one simply because I found it a little confusing at first. When I finally figured out my friend's MySpace, I was like, "This is it? This is the hype?" lol</p>
<p>I have a myspace and i like it. o well.</p>
<p>myspace makes the internet sad.
It makes people love the internet for all the wrong reasons.
You should love the internet because of what it already is, not because you can make it an extension of your current prejudices and annoying real life quirks, not because you can prop up your social life with thousands of "friends" while belittling the social lives of others, nor because you can write about the boring things you've done and have people you already know tell you how "4w3s0me roxxors" these events were.</p>
<p>you are way too cynical. :) myspace =siick.</p>
<p>Well, I have a MySpace, but I don't abuse it by making 234534623423 friends and try to become popular or anything like that. I just use it to keep in touch with my friends. As long as you don't go wandering off, talking to strangers, or looking at explicit pages, MySpace isn't like some bomb that will explode and endanger your life. You can limit your page to only allow your friends to view it if you're really concerned for your safety.</p>
<p>i concur. people way overexaggerate like myspace is this terrible monster. the media is having a field day appealing to parents alerting them of this terrible site that will doom their teenagers' lives. chat rooms are much more of a danger then myspace. my page is private. lots are. and u can be all 'different' and abstain from using myspace because its popular but i like them a lot better than other sites like xanga where people whine about their lives in blogss. arghh.</p>
<p>Yeah, I just recently signed up for it. One of my best decisions in awhile. I forgot to get the email address of a friend of mine from skiing, from a different town. She's a senior, so I didn't know if I'd ever see her again now that skiing is over. She looked me up on MySpace about 2 days after I signed up. We now have contact. It's rockin.</p>
<p>I have a MySpace for about a year now, I only accept people that I know for real as well. There are more than just the stereotypical emo, pre-teen/teenagers, wanting to add a billion friends, fawning over the top 8 people. As for myself, I know what to expect on the Internet...at my schools, I control the BorderManager box and check the logs of users in my school. </p>
<p>Just recently, they decided to get all the students that bypassed the BorderManager box, and sent them to our disciplinarian. Of course, I was pretty much the only student that had the truth about why they were being caught, and knowing that their denials of saying that it wasn't them, was false. Our logging server logs the IP of the computer on our network, as well as the user that is logged on to the station.</p>
<p>As for being safe on MySpace, I feel that a lot of people nowadays don't even give a damn about who they talk to on the Internet. It's all just some big game on MySpace to talk to the 'hottest' people you can find, as I've seen of the majority of it's users. People need to get some common sense on the Internet, I swear. Do some background checks if they can, like I did before pursuing any kind of romantic interest online.</p>
<p>Every time a myspace account is created, a baby seal chokes on plastic.</p>
<p>A lumberjack told me that.</p>
<p>I think CC is much more dangerous in many reasons.</p>
<p>By the way, I'm not a n00b. Made this account b/c i got banned.</p>
<p>why'd you get banned?</p>
<p>What was your sn before? Wasn't your name similar to what it is now? Did it just not have the period?</p>
<p>exactly how does one get banned? expletives on boards?</p>
<p>I am really sure it would only take you 1 minute to think of a way and to try to get kicked off CC. </p>
<p>If you really wanted to.</p>
<p>Martha: read the Terms of Service.</p>
<p>Most people are banned for spamming or for talking trash about people on the boards.</p>
<p>True, myspace is unsafe. It is chock full of sexual predators, pedophiles, molesters, rapists, murderers...they might as well start a myspace group and announce it to the world.</p>
<p>Yeah, people at my school have found ways to outfox the ban/lock. i remember my friend telling me about entering the url on some site like stupidcensorship.com orsomething.</p>
<p>I am still on it, but I think I am fairly cautious when needed.</p>