National Hispanic Scholar NHRP Class of 2019

Has anyone received their letters yet?

No but I will keep posted

Does anybody know hoe to change my address on collegeboard? I moved this summer and haven’t figured out how!

@Class2023GetsLit On the College Board website, click account settings, verify your password and scroll down!

I’m super excited to hear back from the NHRP too :))

Does anyone else hate waiting or is it just me??? :))

last year people were posting right around now!!! I called and they also told me end of September. Lets hope for a pleasant surprise soon!

I spoke to a perspective college’s National Merit office and they said that the College Board “identifies” students on Sept 1 but then has their own schedule for notifying students. So National Merit Semifinalists get notified on one schedule and National Hispanic on another. Perhaps like National Merit, the info gets mailed to schools earlier and not supposed to be announced until late September?

So today my son was told by counselor that there were 2 level tier hsrp & they’ll find out next week.

What does this mean, exactly? There were two levels of the award? Please post when you find out more.

Similar to semifinalist and commended but for NHRP. We’re supposed to know which one next week here in Ohio.

I just called NHRP 866 number and spoke to the nicest lady ever. She said it is NOT like NMS in that "for NHRP, if you meet all the requirements, you are named as a “finalist,” or, as we put it, a “National Hispanic Scholar.”

She also said we wouldn’t be able to find out till end of the month. But what she said sounds to me like if you have the PSAT score, the GPA, and are 25% Hispanic, it was pretty much a lock? Trying not to get too excited tho. :slight_smile:

What number did you call?

@dreamschool19 There is email and phone contact info here:

I called 1-866-545-8467 @dreamschool19

@chunkylegs What you were told by College Board is correct about the requirements to be named an NHRP. It’s pretty straightforward. I’m a parent of an NHRP 2018. She received her notification around this time.

@MangoLover11223 When students are enrolled in school, parents/guardians are asked to provide a birth certificate and this can indicate race and/or ethnicity. School registration forms also request race and ethnicity since this information is collected by the Federal Gov.

I just spoke to the NHRP office. They said they are going to try to get letters out next week!

@oreomollykona looks like I won’t have to be checking the mail every day after school for much longer!

I have to echo the comments from Midwest67. My DD is a sophomore this year on the Patterson/NHRP scholarship. She also felt that we “forced” her to go to UK for the scholarship and was very unhappy about it. We are in TX and she wanted to go to A&M as they have a great engineering program. She now LOVES UK! She is in the Engineering Honors Pathway. She joined a sorority last spring, volunteered as a K Week leader this year, is on the Dance Blue Morale committee and is a Society of Women’s Engineers officer. She even started working at the Visitor Center last year! She leads a tour at 10AM on Mondays and Fridays - be sure to ask her about the Patterson if she is on your tour! Her name is Brittney.


That’s wonderful! Go Cats!

Is the Patterson automatic, and how do you prove you’re a NHRP scholar to the school??