NMH Stats?

I was just wondering about if anyone who applied to NMH is willing to share their stats and whether they got in or not. I know there’s a thread for this but very few people who applied to NMH were a part of that thread. I also can’t seem to find any old threads that might mention this information.

there is a thread. I got in, my stats are on the “2021 stats ec thread” right here: M10 2021 Stats/EC Thread - #6 by lilyesh

Yeah I saw the thread. There just weren’t many people who applied to NMH on that thread but I can check again. Thanks.

If there aren’t many people this year, I think we have similar threads going all the way back to 2012 or so, so you can check there! Just search on CC something like “M10 2020 Stats/EC Thread” or “M10 2017 Stats/EC Thread” etc.

Here’s all of them that I could find!


My daughter applied and got in last year. Stats on last year’s stats thread, but 80 SSAT/3.8 (I’m thinking? can’t recall) GPA. Solid but not impact athlete, strong ECs and interview skills.
NMH is a great school!


Wow, thank you I’ll read through those.