Northeastern University Early Action / Early Decision for Fall 2023 Admission

maybe the rejections come out tonight :joy:


Responding to post 2048. Funny. Lol

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I know I shouldn’t be that frustrated over terminology but it really irks me that they said decisions would be released over the next 3 days when they knew they weren’t going to release anything until monday :sob: like why say that then? guess this college decisions process has made me real sensitive


i definitely agree. they are fully aware that we are all waiting. they could have at least told us how many waves will be released.


Reflects how the schools thinks it’s appropriate to handle a situation impacting 18 year olds.


Srsly. Also nervous 52 year olds. I want a voice! Remember when researching stuff on the internet felt useful?

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I’m a recently accepted student. I was wondering if I should agree to the terms of admission even if I’m not sure I will commit yet.

I am questioning the seriousness and professionalism of a university that does the following:

  1. leaks partial admission decisions via email on a Saturday morning (certainly, mistakes happen);
  2. in response to said leak, informs students via Instagram that decisions will be coming in waves “over the next few days, and all Early Action applicants will receive their decision by Monday evening”;
  3. fails to release any decisions on Sunday (which is one of the “next few days,” by the way); and
  4. reveals via Tik Tok that “good things happen on Mondays.”

A couple of thoughts:

a. Adults do not communicate important decisions regarding something as serious as college admissions via Instagram or TikTok. My applicant is 18 years old, not a middle school student, and this is admission to a university we’re discussing, not the results of sorority rush. An email to the student is the only proper method of communicating this information. Having lived abroad, I cannot imagine any foreign university engaging in this behavior.

b. I am very happy for those who will receive positive news tomorrow. Congratulations in advance! I would think there will also be some rejections tomorrow: certainly not “good things happen” decisions, which should also be treated respectfully. In the unlikely event that they accept or defer everyone (in a way to correct their mistake on Saturday), what would have been the point of Early Action? In the likely event there will be rejections: this will be further evidence that the system is broken and mishandled.

This is a woeful mess.


I will say it is becoming increasingly common for colleges to announce decision dates on Instagram, however it’s a problem that they posted misleading info on Instagram and then posted correct info on TikTok, leaving tons of Instagram comments asking what time the wave would come out today. I’ve had to tell them that there is no wave coming out today, because NEU admissions didn’t put that same Monday update on Instagram


We have had high-level government officials whose primary choice of communication has been Twitter. I don’t think NU’s choice to communicate via social media, especially with a group that doesn’t like email, was their biggest issue.


I understand everyone’s frustration but I don’t know if I would categorize it so terribly. I agree with @TomSrOfBoston that they likely planned on releasing last week but there was some reason they weren’t ready. Unfortunately nobody told IT and those emails were sent.

They made good on it though by sending decisions on the same day of the mistake to the people who did receive the emails, and it is clear that they were the NUin acceptances. I’m guessing that the reason all EA applicants didn’t get their decisions yesterday is the same reason they didn’t release last week - they weren’t ready. We can only speculate why but we will likely never know.

Communicating via Instagram and Tik Tok is meeting the students where they are. Every school my kid applied to has done the same thing. I have to remind my student to check her emails because, as I’m told, email is “so 2005”.


I understand parents are stressed out, but all NEU said was that decisions will be released before the first day of February
 which is still standing to be true. All these speculations have been curated by the applicants.

I mean I am still confused why I received a botched email at 5am about my acceptance, and the fact that they never told me that my application portal has been updated with a decision was annoying. I just found out after accidentally refreshing the website while watching a tv show on a different tab

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Do you mean in order to create a myNU account? That does not commit you to anything. You are commited only when you accept the admission offer and pay the deposit.


no lip stick on the pig. It is a terrible job. Why nobody told IT to stop the emails going out? No excuse.


well, they posted on IG that decisions are coming out in waves during the next three days yesterday. Their word, not mine.

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Parents with kids in global scholars are you paying full or got merit offers? How has been the experience?

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Yes can anyone clarify the full cost of each program and that you only subtract merit from that price? You can’t use financial aid for NUin or GS right?


Unless something has changed, NUin and Global Scholars is full pay, no merit scholarships or financial can be used.


Merit scholarships ARE able to be used for NUin, as can any need-based Northeastern funding. Grants, loans, or work from federal or state sources cannot be used for the semester abroad.


There wouldn’t be a chance that Northeastern announces EA decisions earlier in the day tomorrow (Monday) right? We should expect after 4pm for sure?