Northeastern University Early Action / Early Decision for Fall 2023 Admission

Last years cycle admissions was super tight with admits bc they had an exteremely high yield for Fall 2021. They said they were going to try an achieve a fall (Boston) class of around 2500 and it seems they came close. Their higher ED rate reflected that bc they needed to track how many were actually committed to coming. I can’t find the article from the fall, but it seems NUin/NUbound (now to be global scholars next fall) was also lower this last cycle bc of yield management As those students will also impact housing and class enrollments etc.
Lots of colleges use the alternate admissions programs like first semester abroad, spring admits, sophomore transfers, etc and no one reports these bc then it would not be apples to apples. The four year admits to Oakland and London are totally new and wouldn’t matter for the Boston admissions anyway.
NU is a very non traditional learning environment and offering various programs just offers that to more students.

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This is great to know. I recall asking this question during an admissions presentation when we visited his junior year but the person said she was unsure and I forgot to follow-up. Thanks-I’ll try to reach out after the holidays.

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As I stated earlier, the financial pre-read we received from Northeastern estimated a COA of about $31.5K per year. If my son is accepted into the program where he studies abroad the first semester (NUin) it states the 2022 cost of the program FOR ONE SEMESTER was $37,750 which includes the main things like tuition, housing & group flight fare. Is this exactly what we would expect to pay or would financial aid or merit be applied? He put Boston as his top choice, followed by NUin (likes the Spain* options.)

*BTW-would classes be in English and only with American students, or is there a chance he could have some in Spanish and with native speakers (which is his preference)?

When my S21 was accepted for NUin, he received 10K in merit - no FA. They structure it so freshman year it all went to the spring semester and it was broken up by semester the following years. Not sure if they still do that or if it applies to institutional financial aid.


Federal FA does not apply to NUin or NUBound (now global scholars) bc you are not matriculated at NU until you get to Boston. NU aid might apply. Originally no aid was offered for NUin, but over the years, I have seen people mentioning they can use NU aid for NUin, but def not Federal FA. (Maybe they give you NU aid for the equivalent of federal aid for that first semester.) Things are always changing so you’ll have to see what is offered at the time.

Also, my sense is all classes are taught in English with NU students. Maybe he can take a higher level Spanish class while there.


Thank you, that makes sense :+1:

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S23 was accepted ED two weeks ago, but the financial award was pending as the asked for additional documents. A little anxiety over here. Today it arrived, and it was slightly better than the pre-read. We think they adjusted for 2023-24 tuition. So, YAY, we have a Husky in the house. Also, perspective for EA applicants that the pre-read was accurate.


We got this too. Still figuring out. So anyone with any suggestions please help.

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EA app here. What is a preread?


Back in, I think, early November, NEU offered a financial preread for those considering applying ED. It was a little more in-depth that the NPC. We were pleased with ours, but then when we did the actual CSS, Northeastern asked for additional information. So my son was accepted for admission with no indication of the financials. It just came through and was still what we expected.


New jointer to this thread. Apologies if this topic has been discussed, but is there good recent data on NE’s ED2 and RD acceptance rates? It seems that this school’s acceptance profile has dramatically changed in the last few years.

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Look back through the threads for details… last year (fall 2022) had higher ED1/2 acceptances bc they needed to seriously manage their yield since they had an unexpectedly high yield in fall 2021. Overall acceptance rate was 6.8% or something very low. We have not seen official numbers however. My sense is it will loosen up a bit this year, but not much bc they are still managing that high enrollment which is impacting housing, advising, classes etc.


Thank you


My NUin/neuroscience daughter just got back from her semester in Dublin and she LOVED it!! Such a great city and she and her roommates also traveled to Rome and Madrid. It was a fantastic way to start her college journey! Good luck to your daughter!


My daughter just got back from her NUin semester in Dublin. She didn’t get need based aid but she did get merit from NU that was applied to her semester in Dublin.


My daughter just returned from NUin Dublin. They take classes with NU and Irish students but their housing was just with NU kids.


Good to know that they will apply merit aid for NUIN, but this of course is NU aid, not federal aid.

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That is correct. I remember back in the spring that a student who was accepted into NUin had issues with figuring out the finances and ultimately was unable to go. I don’t know if the school worked with him or if he matriculated elsewhere. In any event, those who know they need federal aid should talk to the financial aid office before committing to NU/NUin. I don’t remember those details being so obvious when my daughter committed, but then again we were just focused on the merit number.

My daughter was admitted EA last year and was invited to apply for the music scholarship. I believe that she was asked to submit a video. She did not end up receiving the scholarship and I’m not sure how many are given out. She was a first chair and section leader in honors band since sophomore year so I thought she had a shot but she plays a more obscure instrument which can help or hurt if they don’t need one that year. The letter did not specify if the scholarship would be on top of any other merit $ the school had awarded but I would assume that it is. If your son has any AP credits or will be taking any AP tests this spring they can really help to bring down the cost at Northeastern. Northeastern will give up to 32 hours of credit (the equivalent to 2 semesters of school) for APs. Some APs, I believe AP Bio and BC calc in particular are worth 8-10 hours. My daughter was able to get the 32 hours of credit so she will graduate in 4 years including 2 co-op terms, which means that we will only pay for 3 years of tuition. You do still pay for housing during co-op but since co-ops are paid, students can certainly save a nice amount during this period and use that money towards the cost of room and board if needed.


[quote=“piperfitch, post:739, topic:3617385, full:true”]
My daughter was admitted EA last year and was invited to apply for the music scholarship. I believe that she was asked to submit a video. She did not end up receiving the scholarship and I’m not sure how many are given out.

This is very helpful info! Sounds like the music scholarships are limited and may take a little luck. So a student must be invited to apply for one?

If your son has any AP credits or will be taking any AP tests this spring they can really help to bring down the cost at
Northeastern will give up to 32 hours of credit (the equivalent to 2 semesters of school) for APs. Some APs, I believe AP Bio and BC calc in particular are worth 8-10 hours.

He will have:
5 AP classes, including AP Bio
2 SUPA classes (Syracuse University classes worth 3 credits each)
And is taking the Spanish CLEP exam (will definitely get 9 credits but his teacher thinks he can do the essay part which could yield 12 credits)

So that would be huge if he could finish in 4 years, including 2 co-ops.

Really appreciate this info!