Northeastern University Early Action / Early Decision for Fall 2023 Admission

I’m sure anyone can apply for the scholarship but my daughter learned about the award via an email inviting her to apply. The email linked to their website where there was additional info: Scholarships & Financial Awards - Northeastern CAMD

Here’s the AP credit breakdown: . Hope that helps! Also another huge perk–class registration happens in order of credits taken (people with more credit accrued registered ahead of those who have less which makes Freshman the last to go). Since my daughter came in with the 32 credits she was one of the first Freshman to get to register for spring semester which really helped her to get all of the classes and professors she wanted.

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I wasn’t aware that NU accepts CLEP exams. I do know that NU is very picky about giving credit for Spanish, at least that is our experience. My student came is with 2 ECE spanish class credits which did not fulfill the language requirement. They were accepted as electives, but they still had to take a placement test with a world language professor and take intermediate spanish to fulfill the language requirement. This is in CAMD, so each college may have their own policies.

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Northeastern’s College of Professional Studies (mostly part time adult students) accepts CLEP for credit but I do not believe that the regular programs do.

@AmyIzzy Has Northeastern told you that they will accept CLEP?

No, but our tour guide told us she was easily working towards a Spanish minor because she came in with 1/2 the needed credits towards the minor so I assumed she was referring CLEP credits. When I google it, I see one response that says they don’t accept CLEP credit but then I saw this on the Northeastern site (but it’s a little confusing to me.) This would be very important information to know. My son’s SUNY options take all his credits so we need to weigh the pros and cons of all options if he gets into Northeastern.

That is for the College of Professional Studies (CPS) only. Call NU Admissions next week to confirm but I am pretty sure that they do not accept CLEP for credit in the full time colleges.


Unless something changed recently, NU does not take CLEP credits outside of the College of Professional Studies (which is different from the regular program). As I said, my student came in with 2 ECE college level credits in Spanish. They were accepted as elective credits, but they did not apply to the Spanish minor, which requires a total of 5 classes. I’m sure the tour guide was telling the truth and had taken classes that did transfer towards the minor, but in our case we had to start from scratch.
You might want to check the NU transfer credit data base to see how the Syracuse credits will transfer to NU.


Not sure EA gets a pre read since it’s not binding.

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I think the purpose was to help decide if applying ED was financially feasible. We did the pre-read, was pleasantly surprised, and let S23 apply ED. There were people who did the pre-read and decided it wasn’t financially advantageous to make the commitment of ED.


Yes, Northeastern is definitely my son’s top choice school so he was considering ED and requested a pre-read. We were also pleasantly surprised (COA about $32K) but we knew he already had schools that would be in the low $20K range and others where he had a chance to compete for full tuition or even a full ride and needed to keep our options open. His end goal is PhD in clinical psych so keeping undergrad cost low is a priority. We aren’t ruling out NU if he gets in, would obviously have to weigh the pros & cons, but committing to ED would not have been wise in our case since we are chasing merit and want to see all packages before deciding.


I’ll be watching to see where your son ends up. Good luck!

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Me too! I’ll keep you posted. We were lucky to be able to visit most of his schools (or at least do a virtual tour) and he said he could see himself happy at any of them but would obviously be overjoyed if he gets into Northeastern and we could somehow make it work. I know waiting on decisions is tough but this year is flying by, so I think we will all blink and it will be decision time!

My S21 applied EA to Northeastern and got in through He was torn between that, MIZZOU (husbands alma mater and SEC vibe), Bentley, and Denver. He also got into UF. He didn’t make his decision until the third week of March! So being decided before Christmas is very strange for us!


I recently logged into my portal and saw that my application says regular decision when I applied early action by the deadline and my portal said early action up until today. Has this happened to anyone else? Could this mean deferral or is it simply an error on my part or a system problem?

My DS was accepted into the Global Scholars program, and as a result, he has until May to make a decision. Is there a separate accepted student day for Global Scholars, or would he be invited to attend the regular decision accepted student day? delaney.roe ?

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Ours is still EA, as applied.

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My son’s still says:

Your current application category is Early Action.

Is it possible they didn’t receive a needed document or your CSS profile on time?


My son (accepted ED1 NUin) also has SUPA classes. How did you figure out they are worth 3 credits each (instead of 4 credits like AP classes) and how can we figure out exactly which classes he can place out of? I found the info for AP classes but not SUPA. Thanks

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This could be it actually - when I went to IDOC to submit documents for regular decision schools it said that some documents were overdue, and these could have been for Northeastern. CSS was very confusing for us and it’s very likely we missed something. Thank you!

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My '22 is in the NU Bound program. We went to the Admitted Students day in Boston last year and there was a session devoted to the NU Bound program.


Check the NU transfer equivalency data base.

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