Northeastern University Early Action / Early Decision for Fall 2023 Admission

This is my school with a weighted gpa! Hopefully this is a bit more realistic :))

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What’s the SAT average


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What is your school profile? Seems not very competitive.

Oh how I wish our school used naviance


I’m trying to post mine and it won’t let me :frowning: It’s very competitive at my new england school

Ability to change major has been disabled. Note says it will be reactivated on Feb 1.

Also, a new link to Defer Your Application in the source that is commented out.

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It’s a charter school in Boston with a majority minority population. It’s a semi-competitive school, but then again, we’ve only been open for 4 years so we’ll see (and our graduating class is pretty small. They’re never more than 90 students).

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The scattergrams show stats from your high school only. They are not helpful to people that go to a different high school than you. The average for my son’s school is SAT 1497 and GPA just under 94.

Thanks and then I don’t think your data is a good indicator due to the sample size. Our school is a big public school with a graduating class of 1300+ and there are ~70 NMSF from the class.

lol my graduating class is literally 14 :slight_smile:

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As a charter with majority underprivileged enrollment in the same city as NU, they may have a special relationship with Northeastern. Those students may do pre-college programs there or may be part of outreach programs by the city’s universities and therefore they may get a boost in admissions.

So he may have a reason to feel relaxed based on his HS history. But my son wont be letting his guard down. I predict a deferral coming our way.

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Agreed and that’s why I was saying the data presented not a good indicator for the mass.

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Yes the naviance data for our school is very different. Northeastern comes out as a reach school with very high average SAT/GPA

Here is my New England public school’s naviance graph. Still very competitive with decisions all over the place!

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It’s not. I think everyone still has the option in their portal.

Here is my high school’s Naviance graph for Northeastern. It uses a weighted GPA on the y-axis and SAT score on the x-axis.

So basically Naviance tells you nothing. This is a perfect example of what happens. Some with the exact same grades and scores get accepted and some or in this case most don’t.


Most of the schools my Texas student applied to have had historically 3-5 students that applied so Naviance doesn’t tell us much. It also doesn’t provide any indication to the competitive nature of the program or a comparison based on demographics. Applicants are more than just a GPA and SAT score, specially when SAT scores are no longer a requirement for acceptance. As a Hispanic, STEMS applicant with no SAT scores and a high GPA and good number of ECs, my student has been quite successful in the process so far. I’m going to base my future expectations on that rather than Naviance where 3-5 students aren’t enough data to work with.

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Any chance decisions come out today?