Northeastern University Early Action / Early Decision for Fall 2023 Admission

My D got email. We are from Texas. Not sure how to react.

Hello from Northeastern University! You can now claim your Northeastern online account, allowing you to access the many university services, systems, and resources that support members of the Northeastern community.

Claiming your Northeastern account does not commit you to attending the university; it only provides access to certain university systems and services. Submission of your enrollment deposit is the formal confirmation of your attendance.


Are you EA or ED?

Exactly right. Very unfair to keep all these kids hanging for a few more days after an inexcusable mistake like this.


Early Action


DS got in ED. Did not receive this email until after application decision fyi.


The portal still says awaiting decision. Not sure what to make out of it.

Sounds like whoever got this email is in and a monumental fumble on NEU’s part.

My S23 did not get the email and still has the option to withdraw his app in the portal. I’m tempted to tell him to push the button - you cant break up with me NEU, I’m breaking up with you first!
Of course, that probably isn’t the best advice 
 but something the admissions office should consider this weekend.


They need to clear this up by this weekend. They cant have people waiting till Wednesday to find out. This is ridiculous. On the email it says Welcome to NEU would be heart breaking if its false.


That made me laugh. Take that Northeastern :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Crazy that they would make this kind of mistake twice! As my current NU student says (and she loves the school!), they don’t excel at administrative tasks

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My DS did! Applied to Explore Program (undecided)

There is nothing on NEU’s Twitter handle about this fiasco also. The least they can do is tell folks what happened - stuff happens, but when you don’t even communicate then that’s not a good way to handle your prospective “customers” (students !)


in fairness its like 10am on a saturday, would their social media media admins be working?

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I have a D there too. She loves it- currently on CO-OP working for a member of the House of Representatives- remotely- from a ski resort in Wyoming where she is also working. Makes me rethink my college experience.


Was it the same email?

Did ED folks get this email after they got in? Was it the same email?

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My son has a classmate who applied ED1 and then switched application to EA days before ED1 decisions came out in December. She didn’t get any portal change when ED1 came out two days later but then got the “claim your account” letter you all describe. She thinks she got in ED1 and NE yanked the admission letter but forgot to sync the IT database for the other notifications to admitted applicants.

My son got in ED1 and I think I recall his portal having a link to register for an admitted student webinar of some kind a few days before the decisions came out. But it was quickly removed from portal. NE makes mistakes like this.

For reference he got the letter to “claim his NE acct” a week after his acceptance. Don’t know for sure but I think the letter today bodes well for students who received.


I am assuming I did not get in; otherwise would have seen something on the portal or gotten the email. Congratulations to the folks who got in !!!

Onwards and Upwards.


Remember that even if these emails went to students who are being accepted EA, that doesn’t mean that you were rejected if you didn’t get one. NU EA has tons of deferrals to RD. My D22 was one of them and is now happily enrolled with merit after having to wait until March last year.