Northeastern University Early Action / Early Decision for Fall 2023 Admission

Remember how in December there were mistaken invitations to NU Accelerate (an ED-only program) on lots of EA applicants’ portals? People were wondering at that time whether they had gotten in, too…


Yes my son got in ED1 and received this email after decisions came out.

So lousy, how can they educate our kids if they dont know how to not make the same mistakes multiple times. It is worth 85k, I wonder! Write on their insta asking for an explanation, hopefully lot of impressions there will force them to clarify! NUAdmissions


So if you didn’t get the email Is that a sure sign you didn’t get in? :frowning:


DS didnt get the email either. Im assuming WE got accepted and everyone else denied! :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


Lmao one can hope


They are known for playing yield protection games. I would bet if she didn’t get in, she is deferred, not rejected. She probably stands a good chance if she makes clear that they are first choice.

Didn’t they offer FA pre-reads to ED 1 students this year?

Ignore the email. We only have to wait until Wednesday!


A good friend of mine got it ( he totally has the stats to get in ) so I wouldn’t be surprised if the email is legit




Fingers crossed this all works out :crossed_fingers:, yesterday was rough getting rejected from Wisconsin and deffefed from Miami :melting_face:

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If one assumes the emails are an indicator of acceptance, keep in mind NE has several different programs: Global Scholars, NUin and Boston campus. Depending on which programs the student applied to would impact the decision. Perhaps no email could signify a deferral because the student only applied to Boston campus, whereas others may have indicated a desire to be considered for all of the programs and were accepted into one of the other programs. Not sure if that makes sense…


I don’t know. She said her family doesn’t qualify for need so she’s applying to schools where she can get generous merit. She’s more than qualified for NEU. It’s hard to handle a deferral for yield protection. This process is really toxic.



If we are speculating from IT systems perspective, it could very well be that one batch file got processed by mistake and the sys admin realized and shut down the rest of the file/files from being processed. That if we assume email indicates acceptance. On the other hand someone could have been testing the email system and sent email to a random group of applicants with no bearing on decision. Just remember entire flight system got shut down for many hours because someone accidentally deleted a file. Way too many conjectures. Everyone will know by next week.


My son did not get an email, but I thought it was a reach for him and was not expecting him to get in. So many amazing kids that there aren’t enough spaces for everyone. Congrats to those who do get accepted!

Mails are going to student email accounts. Check the spam folder too. Few of my son’s friends got the email too


I didn’t get the email. :frowning:


Seems like more people on this thread than not received an email. That doesn’t seem like it would correlate to NEU’s acceptance rate where approximately 2 out of every 10 kids are accepted.