Northeastern University Early Action / Early Decision for Fall 2023 Admission

For the people who received this email, are any of you not EA applicants?

That is, was the email received by anyone in ED2 or RD, or by anyone who was in the ED1 round and already received a decision?

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My son accepted ED1 on 12/8 and got that letter 12/15.

The process really has become toxic for a lot of high achieving students.

Keep in mind that Northeastern’s stats have gone way up in the last couple of years. The 2020-2021 IQR was 700-760 V and 730-790 M. Some of that may be down to test optional but I don’t think anyone can say they are well above the stats anymore. And Northeastern is a T50 University and having EA and ED drives up applications and allows them to keep admit rate low and yield high. Beyond burnishing their reputation, a high yield also allows them to more accurately predict enrollment
 which is a major issue for them with housing.

Your friend may very well get into Northeastern but even if she doesn’t, I am sure she will have many great options!

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Thanks! I am just trying to figure out if everyone who received the email today was in the EA applicant pool.

If they only sent it to EA applicants who might have been on a list to receive admission offers last Wednesday, it seems like it MIGHT be meaningful, because the timing could be similar to the same email in ED1. But if today’s email went to others who would not have expected to receive an admissions decision this week, I would think it would be more likely to be a glitch (like the October 2022 glitch that sent email to law applicants from the previous year).

I know it’s been asked before, but don’t see any response. Has anyone that applied EA from NJ received this email?



My son was EA and received the letter. Did anyone who received the letter try making an account through the link?

Yes I did but for some reason the network “crashed” when i tried logging in. The account was created though

Northeastern’s stats going way up absolutely has to do with test optional. At our tour yesterday the AO was very explicit that students should only submit test scores if they are “above last year‘s median.“ Of course, that means the published median test scores are going to rapidly approach perfect scores. We will never know what the actual median test score of admitted students is, because soon only people with perfect or practically perfect scores will be submitting them.

Yes my son EA’d and got this email this morning, we live in NJ.


my son got the email this morning and he was EA

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So you were able to make an actual account (despite the crashing)?

I was able to make an account with a username and password. I haven’t really done anything afterwards though

I just want to know if that email was an error or not because I feel like sm people got it


Yes, we’re NJ. A friend from the same school did not get the email. Both applied EA.

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My son is from New York, applied for psychology (school of science) and he did NOT get an email. It’s possible one batch went out and they realized the error, but going to infer he didn’t get in or will be offered another program other than direct admit to Boston. He got into 15/16 colleges but NU was his top choice so will be a bummer, but not totally shocking, if bad news.


Apparently someone who applied RD got the email too.

Let’s hope for the best. Even I and a few of my other friends didn’t receive the mail, and we have almost perfect test scores.


me too

What email is everyone discussing? What was in it? My son is EA for NEU and received nothing but it still shows Awaiting Decision in the portal.

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Anyone in this group received this email who applied in pharmacy school?

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