Northeastern University Early Action / Early Decision for Fall 2023 Admission

My friend is CS major just like me so idk about the wave

Totally unrelated to NU but out of Rutgers, Auburn, Indiana, and Ohio state which would you guys lean to if you had to chose out of that bunch

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What major?


Not gonna lie a semester in oakland is the last thing I wanna do as a Ca hs student. Shouldnt have check that boxā€¦


I moved from NJ so im biased but rutgurts haha


Engineering (mechanical)

Page down on the portal page and you will see tabs for financial aid and for merit aid letters

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Both my parents went haha

People at Ohio State seem to be really happy and satisfied. I donā€™t know anything about their specific programs or opportunities though

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I would say Rutgers or Indiana. But I would choose Rutgers

I was going to apply to rutgurts engineering to find my way back to NJ, forgot whyI didnā€™t do it :frowning:

Out of those Iā€™ve only visited Rutgers and auburn, so Iā€™d probably take a trip to see Indiana and Osu before making a final call

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I applied mechanical as well to all my colleges

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Yeah engineering is what Iā€™m geared towards since Iā€™m better at math than any of the liberal arts

DS is in!Q. program, then Boston second semester. He applied for first year exploratory studies.

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One thing that is absolutely certain is that CC represents the top end of the scaleā€¦ but Iā€™ll share stats fwiw:

-1490 Sat

  • 3.81 uw gpa out of 4
  • 2 completed APs (5 on both)
  • 3 current APs, A grades
  • ECs decent, but nothing spectacularly outrageous (did do some high level research projects, but wasnā€™t able to cure cancer)

DID get email this morning, DID get into NUinā€¦

So basically what I think is if you checked off NU In on ur application and didnā€™t receive an acceptance today, then most likely rejected or deferred unless youā€™re a genius with fantastic stats and go into Boston (aka not me)

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I think so too, I think they sent out all their acceptances to avoid their blunder this morning.


Did he sign up for Boston only? Where was he accepted?

welp. there goes any remaining hope i might have had

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