Northeastern University Early Action / Early Decision for Fall 2023 Admission

Merit is based on stats of each student. Doesn’t mean they are considering them less attractive. We can speculate all we want but there are many reasons for which a student is accepted and with what merit. They could have been deferred to RD but they were not. Again, they don’t need to hand over acceptances unless they really want them, the school has plenty of over qualified applicants to chose from. This isn’t a school that needs the numbers…

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It’s my understanding that you have to fill everything in order to get merit. They want to make sure you don’t qualify for any aid before they give merit.

Son Accepted Early Action for (did select this program and regular 4 year at NU as application options)
34 ACT (superscore)
4.17 (weighted) GPA
7 Dual-enrolled courses
2 AP courses
EC (Chess Club Captain, Soccer Referee, Volunteer work and internship/capstone work experience)
Out-of-State (Virginia, Public School)


NMF is not half tuition. Their website clearly says “Students who are admitted to Northeastern and are recognized as National Merit Finalists* or National Recognition Program Scholars** will receive a competitive merit-based award, and may also be eligible for financial aid.” Regular merit aid can be “up to” $28k but that is open to all applicants based on how admissions determines merit. With a big shift to TO, merit is reviewed on other matters than a test score.
Ten years ago, NMF was full tuition, then around 2015 it shifted to $30k, then it has been a “competitive” scholarship ever since. In the last couple of hears, it has been maybe $5k added to whatever merit you’ve already gotten if any change at all.

See national scholarships below

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Plenty of people seem to get merit without applying for aid, but since you filled in the fafsa, they may think you are interested in FA. However, for FA, they do require CSS and sometimes additional info (like tax returns etc.) you can call them Monday.

My understanding is merit aid is offered through admissions, and FA of course comes from the FA office.

Do we think they are doing it by major? Has anyone heard back from college of science - psychology?

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It was definitely a buzz kill seeing the "You are in " across the screen and then getting offered Global Scholars NU In when you chose that you did not want this option.


I think there might be another wave the same time decisions came yesterday. Just an assumption.


yesterday, decisions were released at 5:15 ETish so if it is released at the same time again, it should be around then


ALSO IMPORTANT! some people weren’t able to view their decisions on one of their devices when they were emailed saying their decision was out. make sure to use another device to see the decision


The high yield from Fall 2021 (post 2020 covid year) at 4500 students was published in a school newspaper and was the highest ever causing major ripple effect issues with housing etc. For Fall 2022, they intentionally managed their yield very tightly to get a small (Fall) class at around 2700 with an acceptance rate below 7% (since they had 90,000 applicants) NUIN was also managed last year as well as they did a good job bringing down the numbers to balance things out. While no one knows, it is expected that they’ll be targeting a yield of around 3500 again (2800 fall admits, 700 NUin.) now that they have the 4 year London and Oakland options too, who knows how many will be planned for there. My sense is NU Oakland will likely have separate CDS reporting because it is an American campus, but not London. NUIN and (now) global scholars are never reported bc those students are not matriculated in the fall semester which is what is reported for CDS.


That’s what we are waiting on too! I think I heard of a psych major getting in NUin but haven’t heard of Boston campus admission for psych majors yet.

Just a side note: we spoke to a psych professor during the NU preview weekend and he advised against the Oakland campus for psychology (not that students have a choice)

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What is their approximate deferral rate for EA? majority?

This is so stressful why couldn’t they have just waited a bit longer and released them all at once :sob:


I expect that to be the case.

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its so frustrating reloading over and over again and seeing nothing. hopefully they will release a lot of decisions today. thenagain, I think they needed to give the acceptances to those who got the email so it could clear up confusion. i think they originally meant to release all at once


We know a Freshman at NU and she had a great Fall semester but said it’s a noticeable difference when the NUin kids come back on campus for Spring. Lots of overcrowded housing and lines for food, etc. Just a very different feel I guess.


Is there any information on how many were actually enrolled for NUin last year? The capacity numbers for the various locations (on last year’s thread) added up to a lot more than 700, but of course they might not have filled them.

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In the past, they have released all EA on the same day in waves based on geographical locations (from 4pm -8pm EST.) this year is hard to tell. So far it seems that only some or all NUin and global scholars were released yesterday (prob partial) bc of their email glitch. With all the new program decisions this year, they could send them out by programs, or go back to geographical location for the remaining. Hang tight and until you get a decision, stay hopeful.
Also note however, that many EA students in the past were deferred to RD, esp if you are very high stats. I would still expect many deferrals too.


Were any engineering students admitted yesterday, or are they not part of the IN/Global Scholars program?