Okay, so you've convinced me to do the housing deposit at noon - what to expect?

<p>Am I going to have to fill out some big questionnaire for ds about his preferences for housing today? I am hoping all I am doing is logging in and giving them a credit card number for a housing deposit. Is this correct?</p>

<p>This is stressing me out! I did “practice” logging in and had success, but since it isn’t noon, there is nothing to do. Will there be a link once noon arrives?</p>

<p>Ack! Please calm me down!</p>

<p>I’m hoping it’s just a matter of logging in and selecting the dorm. I’m actually meeting my daughter at school. It happens to be during her lunch period, so we can do it on the school’s college center computer. She didn’t want me to do it, but wanted me around if she ran into any glitches. I’m free, so why not?</p>

<p>Oh, wow! We are picking a dorm today???</p>

<p>I thought that was the plan. Some fill up more quickly than others.</p>

<p>You are just putting down a deposit today. You are not picking out a dorm today. That will come sometime after the first of the year.</p>

<p>So the point if early deposit is to reserve an early slot when selection time comes?</p>

<p>Exactly Bamabound. When they open the room selection process ( I believe it will be sometime in March or April) the students will pick their room in the order they put down their deposit.</p>

<p>The incoming Freshmen will pick their rooms after the upperclassmen have picked their rooms.</p>

<p>Dorm selection is near the beginning of April.</p>

<p>Okay, thanks!</p>

<p>Today is not a big fanfare thing. This is why it is very okay for mom/dad to do this part w/o their S/D with them. All you are doing is paying a deposit. That is it. The room selection is done later in April and your time slot is determined by the date and time you placed your deposit. </p>

<p>Todays “event” will take only as long as it takes you to sign into MyBama and then enter your credit card information.</p>

<p>FTR, my D was upset at first that I did the deposit without her. Then when they received their selection times I was all of a sudden raised to the position of being her hero.</p>

<p>^^ I put my DD’s deposits in weeks before she was ready to commit during her senior year … then one day late-February she said to me that she wished she had decided sooner because she could have had more room choices … she actually hugged me and said the magic words of thank you when I told her it was already taken care of …! Best money I spent that year. She is in her second year now and loves it.</p>

<p>I plan on doing the same for my DS today, in hopes for a repeat experience.</p>

<p>My D is a freshman. We put down the deposit the first possible minute. By the time April came along she had 3 wonderful girls whom she was able to pull in. They were able to get the exact building and floor with the exact 4 people as planned. These girls have been a ideal roommate matching and I am so happy they got to be together.</p>

<p>Your kids may not know anybody now but there could be many opportunities between now and room selection for them to meet kids that they are compatible with. They could meet friends at Special Receptions, football viewing parties, Capstone Scholars Day, Greek Preview, Interview events, etc.</p>

The application now encompasses the roommate profile as well. Our software is different than last year (veteran parents beware when advising incoming parents/students!)</p>

<p>You will be given the option to fill out preferences, etc. Your student can go back and adjust that information later! You can also proceed just through the deposit screen and then come back later.</p>

<p>IMPORTANT!!! You MUST click Save & Continue at the bottom of the screen of your deposit receipt in order for your application to be complete. Don’t close out your browser when you get to the deposit receipt screen. Click Save & Continue once more, and THEN you close out. Your student can come back later to continue through the roommate portions.</p>

<p>Hope this helps!

<p>How do the students go back in and adjust preferences. I really don’t want to answer any of that for my DS!!</p>

<p>Your student can just go back into the application at a later date.</p>

<p>How do you know if you’re finished? I paid and filled everything out, but it didn’t give me a selection time or even a confirmation screen.</p>

<p>How long before we should receive an e-mail at the mybama account??</p>

<p>I thought I had done everything correctly, but no e-mail.</p>

<p>I don’t want to pay twice!!</p>

<p>See this thread by Housing:</p>

<p><a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/university-alabama/1558760-applying-housing-2014-2015-a.html#post16421064[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/university-alabama/1558760-applying-housing-2014-2015-a.html#post16421064&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Unless it has changed, you will receive your selection time closer to the spring. Paying the deposit early helps to ensure you receive an early slot.:)</p>

<p>Here’s an earlier post from Housing:</p>

<p>"The application now encompasses the roommate profile as well. Our software is different than last year (veteran parents beware when advising incoming parents/students!)</p>

<p>You will be given the option to fill out preferences, etc. Your student can go back and adjust that information later! You can also proceed just through the deposit screen and then come back later.</p>

<p>IMPORTANT!!! You MUST click Save & Continue at the bottom of the screen of your deposit receipt in order for your application to be complete. Don’t close out your browser when you get to the deposit receipt screen. Click Save & Continue once more, and THEN you close out. Your student can come back later to continue through the roommate portions."</p>

<p>Done by 12:05. Then went back and completed the profile.</p>