Other college acceptances?

<p>Speedy - I sent you a PM, so you should get that and can respond directly.</p>

<p>If you are serious about aero, here is a link you all should read - it covers the history of aero-eng’g at UA. It is a little bit out of date by now, but the history is still relevant. Also, my fave source for comparing apples-to-apples eng’g school/degree DATA is asee’s online profiles.
Here are the two links, respectively:

  1. <a href=“http://aem.eng.ua.edu/files/2011/07/history.pdf[/url]”>http://aem.eng.ua.edu/files/2011/07/history.pdf&lt;/a&gt; (this pdf is taken from the History tab of UA’s Aero-Eng’g webpage: [History</a> - About the Department - Aerospace Engineering and Mechanics - The College of Engineering - UA](<a href=“http://aem.eng.ua.edu/about/history/]History”>Aeronautics and Aerospace Engineering at The University of Alabama – Aerospace Engineering and Mechanics | The University of Alabama))
  2. [ASEE.org</a> - ASEE - Publications - College Profiles - Search the Profiles<a href=“data%20mine%20this%20site!%20%20it%20has%20fantastic%20things%20for%20you%20to%20compare%20between%20campuses%20-%20it%20strips%20away%20the%20glossy%20fluff%20and%20you%20are%20left%20with%20pure%20data%20about%20each%20school’s%20program%20-%20LOVE%20this%20site!”>/url</a> There is a useful summary paper of the compiled data, too, which is called “Engineering By The Numbers”, accessed here: <a href=“Page not found”>Page not found](<a href=“http://profiles.asee.org/]ASEE.org”>http://profiles.asee.org/)</a> </p>

<p>PM me if you have further specific questions.</p>

<p>Daughter so far got accepted at 5 schools…Alabama, Baylor, TCU, Tulane, and Trinity… All with considerable Merit scholarships… No rejections so far…uA is in top 3…, we need to visit before making final decision.</p>

<p>Son accepted at Alabama, Eckerd, U Tampa, College of Charleston, UNC Wilmington, and UNC Asheville. Great merit scholarships at first three, still waiting to hear about awards from last three. Also awaiting honors college acceptance at UNCW and C of C. </p>

<p>Applied RD to St Mary’s College of MD, FSU, Georgia, Clemson, and South Carolina so won’t hear from them until Spring.</p>

<p>I will be attending Bama from New Jersey in the fall of 2013 and I bypassed acceptances from Georgia, Ole Miss, and the unfortunate school called Auburn</p>

<p>My son applied and accepted to 19 colleges in the search for the best merit aid possible( He’s the oldest of 3 kids) Most of the schools have given good merit aid so far except Georgia tech but thats in state for us and we have the free tuition(zell miller scholarship) if he can keep his grades up. He is unclear at this point because he likes UA (honestly didn’t think he would get into GT but did) My husband works in downtown Atlanta and there is something to be said to know you can call your dad and meet up for lunch if you want. Plus 4 other boys in our neighborhood also got accepted to GT so there’s that too. here’s the list:
Michigan Tech,Central Michigan University,Ohio State,Indiana University,Iowa,Colorado School of Mines,Purdue,LSU,Auburn,University of AlabamaBirmingham,Clemson,University of South Carolina,University of Minnesota,Mississippi State University,University of South Florida,UGA,Georgia Tech and one more that for some reason I can’t remember right now…</p>

<p>I will be SOOOO glad when this is decided.:)</p>

<p>What non-Georgia school offered the best merit scholarship? That’s quite a list! I didn’t see Wisconsin.</p>

<p>^ So far it’s Mississippi State. OOS wavier plus $7,000/year and free housing for the first year. So far the only one he’s been bummed about was Clemson they offered $10,000 which makes it way too expensive. I didn’t know Wisconson had good merit aid.</p>

<p>You’re right, Wisconsin isn’t generous with merit aid.</p>

<p>My son has received acceptances from: Bama, University of Arkansas, Ole Miss (partial scholarship), University of Louisiana at Monroe (full ride), Tulane and Loyola-New Orleans.</p>

<p>Of the public schools, Bama is a very strong contender (even more than our flagship). He loves Tulane, too, but knows w/o serious financial and merit aid, it’s a real reach.</p>

<p>We will have to see how it all shakes out in the spring, but Alabama is definitely up there.</p>

<p>My DD is definitely in decision-making mode right now! Accepted at Bama. (presidential scholarship), Univ of Michigan (no info on aid yet), central Michigan University (centralis scholarship- full ride), Oakland University (free tuition, & $2,000 towards room & board), Grand Valley State University ( waiting to hear on scholarships). She is very quiet about her thoughts right now so we will see! Bama, UM and CMU are her top 3!</p>


<p>Since you’re instate, UMich does guarantee to meet need, but I think it uses CSS Profile, too. Have you used the UMich NPC to get an estimate of aid? </p>

<p>What is the instate COA for UMich?</p>

<p>DS accepted everywhere he applied: Baylor, SMU, Nebraska, Alabama. Will attend Capstone Scholars day next month.</p>

<p>DD has been accepted to Bama Honors College with the Presidential scholarship, Notre Dame, Miami (Ohio) and South Carolina. She won’t get a cent from ND. She is guaranteed at least 1/2 tuition, up to full tuition scholarship at Miami. She is also in line for some decent money from SC. She also has provisional acceptance to Clemson and has applied to Chapel Hill and Vanderbilt. </p>

<p>The big issue for her is our family history at ND - my DW and my BIL both went to ND. However, even DW thinks Bama is a better fit for our DD and fortunately our DD is definitely leaning to Bama based upon fit and atmosphere. The $60k/yr versus $16k/yr also hasn’t gone unnoticed since she wants to be a doctor. DD received Bama gear for Christmas told her uncle at dinner that while she was accepted to ND, she most likely won’t be attending. We will be going to Capstone Day - hopefully to seal the deal.</p>

<p>M2CK- COA for instate at MI is around $25,000. I don’t think we will receive aid there, but who knows, I will run the NPC. Thanks!!</p>

<p>We will pay in-state tuition at two flagships. They are better academically than UA, but they are also $10K to $13K/yr more expensive and I think UA has some unique advantages. UA appears to be a better value.</p>

<p>* They are better academically than UA, *</p>

<p>If you’re basing that on USNews rankings, then be aware that academics is only 40% of the rankings, so rankings really doesn’t tell you which are better academically.</p>

<p>I am not sure how to even figure out which college is better academically for my son. Is it better to go to an Instate college that is known to be difficult to get through , ie Georgia Tech where they say look to your left and your right, one of you probaby won’t be here next year and hope he is able to hack it or go to instead go to out of state college where they hopefully are more supportive than that?</p>

<p>I wish I had a crystal ball…</p>

<p>My D and her friend chose Bama over GT. They are having a great time in difficult majors. They do research and have jobs on campus. No telling what would have happened at GT but they haven’t looked back. </p>

<p>Roll Tide!!</p>

<p>for me, i would rather my kid go to a school where she would get a good education and also have time to have some fun. i think schools that try to wash people out of difficult majors are dumb. why accept kids into difficult majors just to try to make them drop out.</p>

<p>my daughter is in a difficult major. i am not sure she would still be in that major if she were at her second choice school. in fact, i probably would have discouraged her to even try for the same major at the other school.</p>

<p>in the end, she will graduate with an awesome degree and gpa from UA and be very competitive for the same jobs as those kids from the other school.</p>

<p>UA is what you make of it. there are awesome opportunities, if you just seek them out.</p>

<p>Choosing between Boston College, Northwestern, and Alabama. The aid Alabama gives is difficult to pass up for an undergrad degree</p>