Pitt Merit Aid thread - Class of 2027

Thanks to the tips above about checking the portal, we did find our financial aid award package and it’s not bad! If my son somehow gets merit too, Pitt may be a realistic option! It’s about $16K per year in financial aid (we don’t count the loans since those have to be paid back) This is what we see for Fall & Spring semesters.

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Thanks for the tips! We kept waiting for the financial aid letter to show up on the Document Center. Not sure why we didn’t think to check the portal, but it’s there!!! Thanks so much!


Great stats and sometimes Pitt thinks high stat kids like your son appy to Pitt as a safety. Trust me, I’ve seen this time and time again.

Pitt was my S19 safety but when he didn’t get off the Harvard and Columbia waitlists in June he committed in July. He was #1 too and his merit was substantial but the #2 and #3 kids in his class got snubbed by Pitt and ended up with better deals at Case and Notre Dame!

In the end Pitt has been an amazing ride for my son and he’s 10 weeks away from graduating with 2 complete degrees…so far a 4.0 in both degrees! Plus, not going to Harvard saved us the $75K+ during 2020-2021 Covid year when all sophomore were 100% online the entire year :slight_smile:

Your son will end up and be successful where he’s meant to be.


Forgot to add. My son was accepted for Computer Science and he got Pitt Success Grant and Panther Pride Award. We are OOS. Total grants $12, 400+/- a year. I can’t remember exactly.


Thank you for this note. While Pitt may be a safety admission wise, we are trying to make best informed decision of where he will go to college. Affordability is a huge factor, and I hope (at the cost of yield) that Pitt will offer merit aid to him independent of if he chooses to go there. Frankly, no college is worth 80k, Ivy or otherwise. I have brought it up elsewhere, but I do wonder if decision to admit a student or award merit aid is based on a college’s assessment of the likelihood of that student to attend their institution.

Great stat of your kid btw, he will do equally well in the job market. Best.


Happy for all of your students who are getting additional merit news. Sadly some of us have kids are very disappointed after waiting so many months to see that our out-of-state kids still have absolutely nothing offered and will now have to move on knowing that attending pitt is just not going to be a reality. So frustrating when other schools have offered at least some. Along the same lines I’m guessing there’s still lots of parents here whose kids don’t even have an offer of acceptance yet so wishing you all the best of luck as well

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23 received a small merit award. I’m surprised because they have a high GPA and all the things.

I’m not sure the merit is enough to make the school affordable and we sadly did not get Tuition Exchange.

We visited and enjoyed the campus. I’m not sure what 23 will do, yet I know anyone who goes will have a great time!

I feel a little sad about the situation! :cry: Going to get over myself now. :smiley:

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2023 housing rates - https://www.pc.pitt.edu/housing-services-rate-schedule-2023-2024

It’s a $720 jump from last year for a double at Litchfield.


Thank you!
I knew I saw it somewhere when my D22 was paying her housing deposit!

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For incoming freshmen many got their financial aid letters today and the OOS tuition and also room and board is much higher than what was presented on line. Big increases. Between that and no merit we are pretty shocked


Oh, No! Do you mind sharing the OOS tuition, room and board?
D24 really likes Pitt and plan to apply next year.

Her #1 (former #1??), Fordham, jacked up the COA for next year, and we are now likely priced out. I’m worried about this trend of big tuition hikes year to year.


I almost laughed when I saw the letter:
OOS Tuition and fee: 42650
Housing and meals: 13978
Total= 56628
Without any merit award, this is ridiculous. Where did they get the confidence that we gonna pay this much for a state school?


Wow. Is that about 8K (give or take) more than last year? That’s about the jump Fordham had. Heartbreaking for the seniors who thought they would be able to afford it, and now cannot. Tragic for any current students who cannot keep pace with that increase…

I am a local, and a lot of people don’t realize how expensive PA state schools are. Penn State has the highest tuition of all Big 10 schools. Pitt used to draw a lot of OOS students with larger merit. That is not the case anymore. So many states schools have much better in-state tuition rates, look at Virginia, Maryland, Georgia for examples. OOS, full-pay students are bread and butter for Pitt! And like I mentioned above, my son’s classmates did get better merit deals at Case Western and Notre Dame!

Convince your kids to love their state schools. I know it’s tough, my S19 also poo pooed his state schools at first but boy did we learn and we are so thankful fate worked out the way it has.

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Maryland? That and pitt are actually my daughter’s first choices and she’s accepted to umd but we were told not to expect merit from them. Maybe for super high stats?

Despite having lower in-state tuition at a Virginia state school such as William and Mary, their OOS tuition is even more ridiculous than Pitt’s OOS. W&M total OOS costs $64,000+ and they give ZERO merit to OOS students. They recruited my S19 hard but didn’t “show him the money!” Hard pass!

Pitt was about 23000 more than our state flagship (UMass), 15000 more than Case and 6000 less than Northeastern for my kid. With such $ differences, I guess the admission Pitt gave us was just a joke. It didn’t really wanted my kid.

Penn State isn’t the most expensive for out-of-state students. It’s FAR less expensive than, say, Michigan.

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Just realized the tuition varies greatly, depending on the specific college at Pitt.

For 2022-2023
Dietrich OOS tuition = $36K
School of Nursing tuition = $45K

Computer Science, Engineering, etc, are somewhere in between. What a big range!

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Sorry, but UVA is $80,000+ for OOS COA.

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