Pitt Merit Aid thread - Class of 2027

My son’s merit aid was awarded in a letter in the document center.

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I’m only aware of the March 1 date, the last date that Pitt will give out merit. Where did you see the April 1 date?

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My daughter thought she saw it online. I guess we are fortunate to have received merit at other universities.

Thanks for the info….

I would call admissions with her student # and just verify that no merit was offered. That’s too bad if that’s the case!

Pitt been a strange merit aid experience for my son. 5 years ago my daughter received full OOS tuition waived, for my S23, nada. Even though he has absolutely stellar academics. 1/400, 25 DE/AP classes, all with A’s or 5’s, 36 ACT, NMF, most rigorous college level work at our flagship, good ECs, LoRs, varsity sports and such. I can’t imagine his essays were that bad! With OOS surcharge Pitt is completely unaffordable.

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That really IS strange!

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Their decision doesn’t have to with your son. Years ago, they had to “pay” or discount to get kids to attend. Their plan worked. Lots of kids apply now.

Now? They don’t have to discount. Their institutional priority changed from “get people in seats” to something else.

Your son is amazing and so is Pitt but they just didn’t need to discount the seat.


Agreed, but it seems yield protection has moved into merit aid arena (kid will attend if we entice them) to fill the class they want, as opposed to traditional yield protection for admissions (kid just won’t come to our school). My son was admitted and also to honors program. If the goal was simply to increase the number of applicants (to appear more selective), merit could be the catalyst to get there.

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My daughter applied in 2021, 33 act, 3.9 UGPA, offered $8000, which at the time I thought was low. I’ve had 5 in college and have watched merit offers coming in lower and lower every year.

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My daughter applied in august and received small merit
Also in honors college w no additional merit
Not affordable

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Daughter got substantial merit aid 3 years ago and son with very similar stats got nothing this year. Both are in engineering, and it is certainly possible they were trying to attract more women engineers. He did get into honors, which is certainly something. That said, daughter’s experience at Pitt has been strong. She got in as paid researcher in sophomore year, listed on one research paper and is lead writer on another by junior year. Fantastic 8 month co-op experience at a pharmaceutical company. It’s been stressful for her, but also rewarding. As we tour programs for our son we are that much more impressed with what Pitt has had to offer due to daughter’s experience.


Haven’t received any Merit scholarship from UPitt, should I?
I got admitted for BioChem at Dietrich college on pre-med path.
W GPA 4.038
SAT 1570
APs taken until Junior 6
APs in Senior 5
I believe I have strong ECs: Founder and President of Red X club, Dr. Shadowing, Phlebotomy TA, Varsity Discuss, Honors society, student body member.
I am quite interested in UPitt due to strong Med path, however being OOS I cannot afford such a large debt with plans of going into Med school.

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I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but we were at Admitted Student Day on Saturday at Pitt, and they announced from the stage that all merit aid has been distributed at this point.

There are no guarantees with merit. We have seen quite a few very strong students like yourself who did not get merit this time around.

Pitt only reviews for merit through March 1, so all awards would have been given by now. Make sure you check your document center for a letter before giving up hope.

Pitt does not use a formula to award merit, so there is no “should have.” Like many schools, they use merit to try to influence decisions, not necessarily entice applicants with the highest stats. They may have assumed that Pitt was a backup for you and a merit award would not have made a difference in your decision.

In general, Pitt does not offer a lot of merit because they are focusing more or enhancing need-based aid.

Good luck with your decisions!

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hi , would you share how your daughter got the research opportunity and co op ?through honors college ? Thanks .

I do not believe these opportunities came from the honor’s college. The co-op came via one of the bio engineering job fairs. I apologize but I don’t know how she got linked to the research opportunity.

These are already past, but I think they have job fairs every semester to help these kids get co-ops as well as jobs after graduation. Co-op & Internship Job Fair

Every student is different, and it depends on the intended major and probably other factors as well. I was lucky enough to appeal and received a slight bump for merit for both of my DDs, in 2019 and this year, which made it more affordable for OOS tuition. For those of you who are interested in pursuing with Pitt, DM me, and I can share more details on my experience with the appeal process.

DD had 1400 SAT. 4.67 W. 3.98 UW Dietrich… OOS. 7 APs all 5. Got nothing.

I don’t think it is at all uncommon at Pitt. Can be disappointing for sure, but there are in state kids with those stats who didn’t even receive an acceptance.