Pitt Merit Aid thread - Class of 2027

Months, I believe.

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My daughter applied this year in early September and received merit award in October.

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Hi everyone. For my D23 in state
Dietrich - Biological Studies
uw grade avg.: 4.0
w grade avg.: 4.4
Class Rank: school doesn’t rank
34 ACT
5 APs (her school doesn’t offer that much, rest of classes were CHS)
Pretty average ECs – caption varsity XC and track, varsity soccer, soccer coach for urban youth league, NHS, meal prep for city mentoring program, dental shadowing,
I do think her CC essay was good, it went through a couple of different teachers for edits, but who knows.

I believe she submitted 10/3 (I wasn’t watching portal so not sure about when buttons appeared). Got her acceptance 10/20. Received scholarship letter 11/2 20K, 5K/year In state.


Our girl got her merit award letter dated 11/8 (they seem to get posted on Tuesday nights/Wednesday mornings per the dates I am starting to see here and on the admission thread). It was in her portal, no email yet.

Applied 9/30
All documents in and being processed 10/11
Accepted 10/28
Merit 11/8

20K per year
4uw/4.85 weighted
1550 SAT (800 Math)
Very busy kid in terms of clubs, band, etcetera
NM Commended and AP scholar with distinction

Hope this helps, other’s posts have definitely helped us!


Great insight about merit awards seeming to come out on Tuesday nights/Wednesday mornings, @aimboat ! My daughter was also notified 11/8 of her merit scholarship in the document center of her portal. No email yet either.

Applied 9/11/22
Completed SRAR 9/12/22
“Received application” and “moving to review” emails both received from Pitt 9/15/22
Accepted and invited to apply for PA GAP 9/20/22
Merit scholarship letter in Document Center 11/8/22

10K per year
4.0 UW/4.42 W GPA
Applied test optional
4 year varsity sport that spans 2 seasons each year, good ECs, PT job in off-season, relevant experiences and volunteering
4 APs (2 5s last year, taking 2 this year)
NHS and other honor societies

She has applied for the Physician Assistant Guaranteed Admission Program - essay and 3 LORs are all in, waiting to hear.

I am pleasantly surprised with the 10K!! Especially because she applied test optional. It was a nice surprise for sure. If she gets into the GAP, she will have a pretty tough decision because she’s already gotten into her top choice school.


What school did your student apply for admittance? Thank you

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Oops. You provided major. Sorry!

I was going to ask the same question. I havent seen merit for ANY Pitt Computer Science admits on multiple forums.

DD23 received $10K/yr for Computer Science, OOS. We were very surprised!

Test optional, 4.0 UW, 4.46 W
12 APs, VP of her class and a few other leadership ECs
Class Rank 10/500

Applied mid/end of August, accepted 9/15, merit letter 10/25


Swanson School of Engineering


My daughter received a scholarship in the school of Computer Science, but not major of Computer Science in October. Details are earlier in this thread.

It never hurts to ask!

Which school were they accepted to inside Pitt?

Accepted 10/6 or so
Demonstrated interest with visit
5K per year
3.88 UW (straight As with one B)
4.2/4.4 weighted
6 out of 12 APs taken
In special STEM program
4-year varsity sport that takes 15-20 hours a week in season with awards won
Various academic honors at school
PT job
Leadership roles
Excellent essay


Swanson (engineering)

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Accepted 10/17 OOS for CS. JUST received a welcome in the mail from admissions today. Hopefully some merit offer will come in the next few weeks. :crossed_fingers:


They don’t start reviewing for merit until October.

Keep checking your “Document Center”. Our kid’s merit offer showed up there yesterday, but they haven’t emailed him about it yet. That was just over a week after he got his acceptance email. He’s engineering, so I don’t know if CS follows the same patterns. Seems like they may not give as much in $ to CS (?) but not sure about timing of award notice.


Applied 10/13 – finished SRAR 10/31
Notice of app in review on 11/02
Buttons appeared 12/02
Acceptance 12/05
Merit award ($20K/yr) in Document Center 12/12

Swanson (engineering)
1510 SAT
Class rank 3% (big school)
6 APs, 1 CC class
Meh ECs: jobs, academic teams, music, almost no leadership
Good essay (I think?)

