Pitt Merit Aid thread - Class of 2027

D23 applied 10/14 - notice of app in review 10/27
Acceptance email 12/6

Merit award 10k/yr (email notification 12/15)

School of Computing and Information
Digital Narrative & Interactive Design major indicated
4.0UW 8APs completed, 12 by graduation
1510 SAT (submitted)
comp sci & music ECs, year round pt job in IT, club leadership

she missed the deadline for getting in an honors essay, so that’s off the table I guess, but this merit award makes Pitt a truly viable option for her!


S23 submitted to Swanson Engineering 10/11,
application went to review 10/17, official acceptance 11/6.

11/16 received Cathedral of Learning Scholarship for $80k ($20k/year)
12/20 received Swanson Eng Excellence Award for $24k ($3k/smester)

4.3 w (school only does weighted and doesn’t rank)
1550 SAT
10 APs (rest all Honors)
2 college courses for credit in STEM field (at well-known tech university)
National AfAm Recognition Scholar
Varsity captain of 2 different sports (not recruited though)
Top 5 finish in a state competition
A few other extracurriculars in both STEM and non-STEM
Average volunteering

Accepted ED at another university so declined admission


Since you are passing, can my son, accepted CS, have your merit? :wink:

Pitt doesnt seem to like CS applicants for merit. Think I’ve only seen one kid back in September. Best of luck!


Yeah. CS is looking brutal from what I’ve seen.

I wonder if some more money will become available as students accepted ED or EA make decisions to go elsewhere. There’s always some movement in December and again in February. My son’s guidance counselor follows up with everyone accepted ED to make sure they withdraw other apps ASAP.

Fingers crossed for your son. It’s not over yet!


i applied to pitt on september 20th and i didn’t finish my SRAR until october 4th, but i was still accepted on october 7th. i got the $60,000 ($15,000/year) cathedral of learning scholarship on october 25th! i also got guaranteed admission to their school of public health.

in state
major: psychology
32 ACT
4.0 unweighted
8 APs and 11 honors

multiple leadership roles in school clubs
national african american recognition award
district & regional choir awards

hope this information helps anyone curious!


Son was accepted on 12/15, but we have not received anything about merit yet.
In-state, 1500 SAT, weighted GPA is 4.3 or 4.4, I can’t remember.
Accepted to Dietrich, math major.
I was thinking he had a shot at the 5k/year merit award but it’s been almost a month and there’s no update in the document center.
Anyone else waiting expectantly?

We are OOS and got aid offer 1 week after admissions. The holiday could have interfered in your case.

Did he do the PA Scholars application?

He did not. I don’t even know what that is :grimacing:

Oh that’s a special app for the PA resident Stamps and Nordenberg scholarships. Notices for those come out later than normal merit aid. But the app deadline has passed.

So it’s probably just a holiday delay in your case. Schools vary, but some won’t do anything with apps the entire time classes are out. Pitt got out mid-Dec and just starts back today.

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Makes sense. Thank you!
I wish I had known about those scholarships!


Sounds like my in-state DD. 36 ACT, 4.0 unweighted. Acceptance mid November, math major. No word on merit.

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Don’t worry, it is given to up to 10 students (combined). Even if you have high stats; the chances of getting the award are remote.


I did find the descriptions of them and he probably wouldn’t have gotten either! So no harm, no foul :slight_smile:

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thank you!!

Did you all get an email re: acceptance? It’s been more than 8 weeks since D23 applied and has heard nothing…

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Acceptance to the school or for merit?

For the school, there was an email with a personalized video.

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She got in!


Wonderful! Congrats!! Did you search for the email and find it was sent a while ago or did it recently show up?

In our case, CC folks mentioned they were getting in so I had 23 do a search in their email to find the acceptance. lol! Their email is overloaded with college marketing messages, and I don’t know why they don’t unsubscribe to the schools they’re not interested in attending.

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I suggested she take a look and it was updated, coincidentally, just yesterday, 1/10. The email will probably get here today…they said in the update in her portal that merit aid decisions will be sent by March 1. She did also apply for the honors program.

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