Pitt Merit Aid thread - Class of 2027

And it appears that virtually NO CS majors in the School of Computing received any merit this admission cycle.


I was under the impression it was more about applying early to be notified of merit earlier. My son had his app ready to go in September but was applying to honors (the essay was due Dec. 1st) and mistakenly thought they had to be turned in at the same time so didnā€™t turn in the app until Nov. 30th (wanted to take extra time on the essay.) So that might come back to haunt us as far as the merit award, Iā€™m not sure.

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It took more than two months for my son to receive his merit award, after he was admitted. But it was worth waiting, since he received the $20k yearly award. Good luck to all of those still waiting!


The anecdotal reports from last yearā€™s thread seemed to indicate the same. I think Pitt used the waitlist for CS last year, so I was predicting that they might award more merit this year for CS so that their CS yield would be higher. I guess not!


Just found out that DD got the TE scholarship! Full tuition.


Ahhh thatā€™s amazing! Can you give some background on that? Did it require an extra app or interview? Wow!!!

Itā€™s a scholarship available to employers who participate in the Tuition Exchange. My husband is a professor at another University. Pitt awards less than 10% who apply.

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Oh yes, I didnā€™t make the connection seeing TE. Those are REALLY hard to come by! Congrats-that could be a deal breaker Iā€™m sure! How wonderful!


Congratulations! Did they email your DD regarding the TE award? Thanks.

Yes she got an email yesterday.

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Are there additional awards related to the honors college? Are all honors college admits announced at the same time? Weā€™re pretty sure my son applied for honors (college application seasonā€¦ infinitely more confusing than I expected) but have not bene notified. Itā€™s down to Pitt and one other college and we are comparing on a very deep level.

All honors college decisions are announced at the same time. There are no automatic merit awards with honors college selection.


Thank you! Just reading about the chancellorā€™s scholars tooā€¦ was not aware of that. Will just keep waiting to see if he is asked to apply


Wow, congrats to your son! Thatā€™s amazing.
ā€œProbably decent essay (did not read it since he does not share)ā€ this made me LOL, same with my kid. :smiley:

Still no word on merit. Acceptance email was 1/24. Trying not to get nervous at this point. We did sign up for the MVP event on 2/24 and he is doing the accepted student event the next day 2/25. Pitt is covering the hotel stay which is very nice. I have a feeling the accepted student event will be very similar to the Blue and Gold Day visit we had, but hopefully he will learn a few new things and get more of an overall vibe with this visit.


We are visiting Pitt on 2/25. From upstate NY. Quick question - how is Pitt covering hotel stay? That is amazing.


I posted in more detail if you see my post from 9 days ago but he was invited to the MVP multicultural visit and I think they want to attract more minority students so they offer reimbursement for travel and hotel, which we are very grateful for as these college visit costs can add up fast! My son is Hispanic and received the National Hispanic Merit Scholar designation as per his PSAT, although I think they target minorities who did not get this recognition too.

ā€œThe Multicultural Visit Program is a one-of-a-kind on-campus event designed to show how our campus community, combined with Pittā€™s incredible academic and experiential opportunities, will help you find your fit at Pitt and beyond. This event is specialized for admitted students and families who have historically been underrepresented in higher education to connect with university leaders, staff, faculty, and students to see firsthand our commitment to creating a diverse, equitable, and just campus for everyone.ā€


Thank you for info. That is really great they are paying you. Every bit helps.

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Just wanted to mention there are discounted rates for visitors here:
Local Hotels | Purchase, Pay & Travel | University of Pittsburgh

The Oaklander is really nice but pretty pricey. Wyndham is a good location!


Oh shoot. Already booked the Wyndham and didnā€™t know about a Pitt discount. I should call themā€¦