<p>Well, with a title like that, how can I not respond?? Maybe this’ll get the ball rolling:</p>
<p>I (stupidly) didn’t even find OUT about TAG until January, so all I know about it is from reading about it here: [UCSB</a> Admissions](<a href=“http://www.admissions.ucsb.edu/prospective/LSTAGCriteria.asp]UCSB”>http://www.admissions.ucsb.edu/prospective/LSTAGCriteria.asp)</p>
<p>Now, you say your GPA will remain above a 3.00, so you’re good on , and you say it wasn’t for your math req, so you’re good on that.</p>
<p>Here’s my question:</p>
<p>Is Calc 2 fulfilling a pre-req for your major?</p>
<p>Here’s my advice:</p>
<p>Step 1) BREATHE- it will all work out. It always does. As long as you are in control of yourself amidst this scary situation, you can succeed.</p>
<p>Step 2) DON’T call any admissions counselors YET. They really don’t like dealing with “what if” scenarios. That’s what regular counselors are for, and usually they don’t much like dealing with it either. WAIT until you get your grade.</p>
<p>Step 3a) IF it’s a C, you’re good!
Have fun at either university.</p>
<p>Step 3b) IF it is actually a D, NOW call the admissions counselors to inform them of your situation. If you feel you cannot explain it properly over the phone, email them, and have someone you trust look over the email to make sure you are 1) clear and 2) concise. They are very prompt at emailing back. Sometimes it’s nice not to have a hyperventilating student on the line hanging on their every word. So consider it.</p>
<p>I hope I’ve helped in some way. Not trying to be blunt or cynical. Just trying to keep it simple for you! I know you’re probably really scared, but you’re among friends here. Just remember, above all, to keep moving forward. That doesn’t have to mean be cheery and positive, but it does mean, no matter what, keep making progress toward your goals.</p>
<p>Good luck!</p>