Postponed Applicants

<p>Oh. It’s my #1 school. I had a 30/3.5+ and all the regular extra stuff to start and sent in a 4.0 this semester with 3 aps, 2 more letters of rec, and an essay saying how much i want to go there. Now I just have to wait…</p>

<p>Looks like you will definitely get in, btw are you from Stamford CT? I also have not received a decision yet.</p>

<p>@stamfordsw6 nope i didnt. same exact thing as discountedwilly, they didnt send me an email and my status didn’t change, but my notifications page had another “decision letter” option (besides the first decision letter from when i got postponed).</p>

<p>@pranksta No, I’m from WI. It’s a stadium name in England and then sw6 is the street. This is killing me… I’m not gonna be able to fall asleep til I know.</p>

<p>UW waitlists? I thought they just accept, deny, or postpone.</p>

<p>I’ve lived in Madison all my life. I applied there because it’s an awesome school, and if my others fell through, I wouldn’t mind going there. I got accepted to two schools I like better, so I just wanted to see if I’d get in or not.</p>

<p>Maybe more are coming tomorrow? Mine isn’t there. This is beyond frustrating.</p>

<p>Just got in. I didn’t get an email and my postponed status wasn’t changed. There was an admission letter in the notifications tab. So be sure to check that. The wait is almost over.</p>

<p>Well, the descision has come in. I got waitlisted.</p>

<p>I know Wisconsin is a hard school to get into, but I’m shocked. I have a 35 ACT, I volunteer like nobody’s business, I row for literally the best team in the state (8 years running state champs, thankyouverymuch). I got stellar recommendations, and sent in one more when the postponed me. My GPA wasn’t great, but my courses and highly-ranked public school should have made up for that.</p>

<p>Wisconsin was not my top choice (I didn’t really have one), but I would have visited if I had gotten in. Now I’ll never know.</p>

<p>Sorry to brag/rant, but I’m seriously ****ed.</p>

<p>Kylearobb: A 35 ACT score is amazing. I don’t know what your grades are, but Wisc Madison does seem to emphasize grades more than test scores. Still, I understand where you are coming from. In my world, short of horrible grades or a sloppy application, a 35 ACT should guarantee admission for all but Ivy and Ivy-type schools. </p>

<p>I am getting a little frustrated by Wisc-Madison’s admission process. My daughter applied back in October. They claim that email is their primary means of notification. We have received exactly one email to date…one on October 28 acknowledging receipt of application. That is it. They said we would get email notification to check the student center for admission decision…nothing. On January 19, she was postponed, it was posted at the student center and they did send us a letter by mail, but no email notification.</p>

<p>In the postponed letter, they wrote, “plan to self report your mid-year
or trimester grades online, preferably before February 10, 2012. Our office will provide further instructions by email on reporting your grades.” No instructions were ever emailed to us. We self-reported through the student center on our own.</p>

<p>Then there is the confusion about the notification deadline. It says online on its website that postponed students will receive a decision by March 15. It is now March 16, no email, nothing on the student center except the receipt of application notice and a copy of the Jan 19 postponed letter.</p>

<p>In their defense, my daughter’s application was sent to the Center for Academic Excellence, and the letter says she will receive notice “by early April.” Still, this conflicts with all of the other information about decision notices for postponed applicants. No notice from the Center of Academic Excellence saying they are considering her application, nothing. My daughter applied to about 10 schools, and Madison seems the least interested in her through their lack of communication. We get more emails from schools wanting her to apply than we do from Madison. Of course if she gets accepted this will all be forgotten, but why make the process so annoying? It was 10pm yesterday, and postponed people still hadn’t heard. U of I Urbana gave a specific date and time…this shouldn’t be so sloppy Madison is a great school and we really hope our daughter gets in, but the lack of communication leaves the impression that Madison does not care much about its applicants.</p>

<p>If decisions are delayed, why not just send out a mass email saying thank you for applying, but because they want to carefully review applications, decisions will not got out until another specific date? Or a week or two before March 15 send out a mass email that decisions will trickle out on March 15, and that some people may not receive word until strange hours like 10 or 11 pm.? Just as it is an honor to be accepted to Madison, they should consider it an honor that so many fine students want to go there, and they should treat there applicants with the respect they have earned.</p>

<p>E-mail came in a little after 4:00 a.m. Denied. Hugely disappointed. Congratulations to all who got in.</p>

<p>In a bizarre way, it’s fascinating to watch all this unfold. Many of us are expecting some logical, easy explainable equation to the Admissions Process. Yet for many students, there’s no clear rationale for decisions. Applicants with 35 ACT’s rejected, applicants with 25 ACT’s accepted. Applicants with tremendous GPA’s denied, applciants with GPA’s below 3.7 UW in. We’ve all heard about the holistic review, and considering all factors…it’s just that many of us don’t really believe it.</p>

<p>On expectations for dates, we all need to keep in mind, there are many categories of applicants, and it’s possible for each category to have a different date range of notification. Regular freshman early notification, freshman regular, international students, transfer students, etc. all could have different dates. It appears that some on CC learn that they’re Postponed, and then jump on the Postponed date for another category of students. In cases where Wisconsin told you a specific date, follow-up directly with the University, don’t waste your time posting on CC. Nobody here can give you a solid answer on your particular situation. By reaching out to the University and seeking clarification of your date, you are expressing sincere interest, which can only help your cause. If you’re afraid to call, then e-mail. For those of you that are big FB fans, the Wisc. Admissions Facebook page appears to be pretty active, with Admin Counselors replying to individual questions the same day they’re asked (much to my surprise). My guess is that they’re glad to respond to FB, because odds are they’re interacting with students, vs. many of the helicoptor parents hanging out on CC.</p>

<p>For the helicoptor parents, (you know who you are) - here’s to hoping your kids are as interested in the Admissions process as you are. If they aren’t, maybe that came thru in some way on their application. Just say’n.</p>

<p>If you were referred to a specific area of the University, like transfer students, a particular Center for somthing, International Students, Grad programs, professional schools, etc…then contact them. Don’t wait for them to contact you, those areas are working off of a different set of dates, have different staff, and in many cases are really busy tending to students already on campus vs. those who want to be on campus. The Office of Admissions has a single focus, many of the areas like grad schools, Centers for Something, etc. have ongoing responsibilities with existing students.</p>

<p>In the case of not getting e-mails, check to make sure they have your correct e-mail address as registered with your Net-id. Also, I’ve read on other Boards about spam filters blocking thousands of college e-mails due to the volumes of messages being transmitted at this time of year. Set your spam filters to allow messages with a .edu to get thru to you (if possible by your filter). </p>

<p>This will sound cliche, but if you want to be coddled, don’t consider a super-large public university. Look for a small L&S college where the ratio of student support staff is much larger than at Wisconsin. In general, the smaller schools will provide the personal service and attention. If you’re looking to be “recruited” and convinced that Wisc is the best choice for you, as an individual, you are going to be disappointed. Right or wrong, they don’t need to do it, and they aren’t going to do it. If you prefer the “everybody hears at the same time and date” method of Admissions, Wisc is the wrong place for you. Maybe the single date and time solution is better, but many schools (like Wisc) do it differently.</p>

<p>Please don’t misunderstand my post…I’m not defending the University, nor is it my intent to criticize, merely trying to offer some opinions from someone who’s been thru the process. I’m also not directing my comments to any single person on CC. These are opinions, ideas, and suggestions. </p>

<p>I wish for the best for all of you!</p>

<p>I had an email at 4:42 telling me my decision was up and it was right on the student center page where it previously said postponed. Waitlisted, good luck to everyone else!</p>

<p>Nobody is looking to be coddled. Our email settings are fine, and the student center shows all emails sent…which to us was just one acknowledging receipt of application, not the other promised emails. And if a big university is so busy, why do they have time to answer after-the-fact questions individually, rather than clarifying the process to everybody up front? If you call coddling expecting to the university to do what it said it would do (send email notifications) and to simply clarify when decisions issue, then I guess coddling is needed.</p>

<p>My d was denied admission to one other school…no complaints, just disappointment. Same for Madison…no complaints…just disappointment…if not accepted. They have a lot of great applicants, understood.</p>

<p>“Postpone: Applicants that upon initial review who are neither admitted, nor denied. Postponed applicants have strong qualifications and the potential for success at UW-Madison, but would like to review midyear grades and other supporting material. Decisions on postponed students will be made by, or on, March 15.” [Freshman</a> Applicants: Decisions - Office of Admissions at the University of Wisconsin-Madison](<a href=“]Freshman”></p>

<p>Looks pretty clear to me, but no decision. Nothing about some postponed freshman applicants not being notified by March 15. It’s not too much to expect they will do what they say they will do and to expect a clear description of the process. But I guess, according to you, it is the students’ fault for not pestering an admissions counselor and asking for clarification of a process that should be clear from the start.</p>

<p>Again, I assume decisions will issue shortly, and in the long run this will not really matter, but they could definitely do a better job of clarifying the process, doing what they say they will do, and communicating with applicants.</p>

<p>Waitlisted… Disappointed but it wasn’t my first choice, and I’ve already been accepted to one of my tops. I also never visited the school, which probably played in to that as well. I can’t pretend I’m not a bit shocked though, seeing as I had all of the stats, recs, ECs and essays to get in. Oh well, congrats to everyone accepted !</p>

<p>Checked first thing this morning… Accepted! Beyond excited.</p>

3.3 UW (not sure W)
2120 SAT</p>

<p>Definitely feel like I barely made it!</p>

<p>Accepted as well!</p>

<p>Waitlisted is just that. After all the final deposits are made they may or may not go to the waitlist if they have any slots left. Sometimes they do and sometimes they don’t. Anywhere from a few to a few hundred will get in eventually.</p>

<p>From Facebook, posted a few minutes ago.</p>

<p>UW-Madison Office of Admissions
We recently released a number of admission decisions and have notified those students by email. Check your application status online to see if there has been a decision on your file. Invitations to join our waitlist have also been sent out.
Check Application Status - Office of Admissions at the University of Wisconsin-Madison
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LikeUnlike · · Share · 3 · 16 minutes ago · </p>

<p>I’m just sharing for those of you not on FB.</p>

<p>I ended up getting accepted, i’m euphoric!</p>