Postponed Applicants

<p>Gotcha. I’m not sayn they set up the CAE to discriminate. I’m saying it feels like that’s a by-product. Ignore the discrimination thing. Maybe that’s stupid. What’s your opinion on my question? What info will they have in April that they don’t have in mid-March when all other postponed candidates hear a decision? Why can’t they just tell us in mid-March?</p>

<p>I really have no idea. Maybe some other poster may. From the link to last year’s letter, it was dated March15, 2011. So it looks like last year they decided on the 15th. Perhaps it is because they may get late referrals from admissions. I really don’t know. In fact, I’m not even sure you will find out on the student center, as that is part of admissions. Maybe the CAE notifies admissions on the 15th, and it take admissions some more time to process, or maybe admissions needs to give final approval. I can only speculate.</p>

<p>Darn. If I only get offered admission through this program, it looks like I can’t attend. I am going on a mission trip right away in the summer for a month. :(</p>

<p>Oh well, if I don’t get admitted without CAE, I have plenty of schools that actually want me to attend! What a bummer.</p>

<p>We have to go during the summer if we get accepted through this!!! I’m sorry but that sounds absolutely ridiculous. My stats are up to par with any other Madison student…just because I am Hispanic, I am put in this track thus deemed to need extra help/schooling to attend in the Fall? This is extremely disheartening…</p>

<p>Is it possible to get admitted without CAE? Or once our app is transferred over there it’s CAE or bust? This whole thing is so confusing.</p>

I’m kinda with ya on the disappointment. The more I think about this the more frustrated I am. I can’t tell if the CAA is the same as CAE. It looks like CAA is a subset of CAE. The page you posted about is:
[University</a> of Wisconsin Madison - Academic Advancement Program](<a href=“]University”>
For the CAA program you get forced to basically go to summer school. For those of us planning to work this summer - that sucks. Also the scripted classes and all the other requirements listed in the letter make me feel like I’ve been invited to attend a great high school, but they put me in the special education program. I guess I’m just pi$$ed.</p>

<p>When I complained earlier about Wisconsin’s communication, this is what I meant. None of this is very clear. If I were you all, I would take it one step at a time. First, see if you get admitted, and if you get a letter with conditions. If there are conditions and you can’t do it or don’t want to do it, I would call admissions and see if there is any way to have them reconsider. You all seem like my daughter, bright and independent people who do not need hand-holding. Especially call if you have made travel plans or need to work for $$ in the summer for school $$. Can’t hurt to ask.</p>

<p>You all will be fine…I am certain you have options. It’s nice to see so many of you take pride in your accomplishments.</p>

<p>Good news, Mariaaasa:</p>

<p>I just reviewed my d’s letter, and it reads: “Some students will
also be selected to participate in a summer bridge experience.”</p>

<p>It says SOME students. So it looks like not all get selected, and if you are selected, it may be possible to opt out.</p>

<p>Mrpapageorgio, </p>

<p>I didn’t catch that! Thank you, I just took a sigh of relief. There’s hope! Now I guess we just have to wait. This will be a long two weeks. </p>

<p>ihcim0812, madisonman22, and mrpapageorgio’s d, I hope for the best for us all.</p>

<p>My d was accepted to Wisc-Madison today!! Check your status…I suspect many are going out today.</p>

<p>BTW, there was no mention in the acceptance letter of CAE or anything like that…just a regular acceptance from admissions. So I am still confused about the process…will some go through CAE and others not, or will we get follow-up with CAE. All I know is the letter we got definitely does not condition acceptance on participation in CAE.</p>

<p>On the negative side, my d did not get the Chancellor’s Scholarship, but we knew that was a long shot, so no real surprise there.</p>

<p>i got in yesterday as well! wooh! Congrats to your daughter</p>

<p>Congrats, IHCIM!!</p>

<p>Was there anything about CAE on your acceptance letter?</p>

<p>Congrats Mrpapageorgio! You must be so proud.</p>

<p>still not accepted/rejected yet! But my notifications of letters disappeared on my student center… the wait is killing me!!! But congratulations to everyone who just got in!!! :)</p>

<p>Thanks, Badger. I am proud of her regardless, but I am so happy she has the choice to go to Madison, and that Madison recognized her accomplishments. </p>

<p>Mariaaasa, this am all of the letters disappeared from the notification section after she was admitted. It still says congrats on being admitted and to click the notifications link for the letter, but there is no letter. There used to be, but the postponed letter from Jan and her acceptance letter are now gone. Maybe they are having problems with their system and you should call tomorrow.</p>

<p>All my notification letters are also gone now in the Notification Summary, in the Student Center, where they once were. It says “There are currently no communications available for you to view for this application.” I guess i have a 50/50 shot now, I have not clue.</p>


<p>Congratulations on your daughter :):)</p>

<p>Did she get an email or letter yesterday to let you know? Or how did she find out if not?? Is she in or out of state?</p>

<p>Thanks so much, 5nonn.</p>

<p>We received an email saying a decision was made and was available to view on-line.</p>

<p>On the main page of the student center when we signed in, it said and still says this: “Congratulations! You have been admitted to the University of Wisconsin - Madison. We have mailed your official letter of admission and admission materials. Your online decision letter is available on the Notifications page.”</p>

<p>When we clicked the notification page, the letter of acceptance was there, along with her letter from Jan saying she was postponed. Now, both of the letters are gone from the notification page. The only notice left on the notification page is an application acknowledgment from back in October. But it still says she was accepted on the main page of the student center (in the area next to the link to the notifications).</p>

<p>We are out of state.</p>


<p>Thank you for the info. I am in California. OK, well… ahhhhhh
So, I will just wait for an email or just keep checking. I just want to know :)</p>