PSA - Fall "transfer" 2020 - Updates, Q/A, Information

@OMGdontblink - They will have to find a sublet or they will be responsible for the rent. I can’t see any landlord allowing them to just walk away, but I guess you never know. Son completed his first day and has his classes ready to switch tomorrow afternoon. He was placed in a Psych which he had already completed, so he is taking his social and creative arts electives. One is Guitar Heroes/Legends I heard Guitar Hero and was like, ummm I can’t believe I have to pay for you to play a video game. He did the combination sigh/eyeroll and let me know it was about famous guitar artists. lol.


I would’ve absolutely thought same thing re. Guitar Heroes!

My son too did Day 1 of NSC …said when they broke up into smaller groups in the Zoom meeting he recognized several faces from TAMUCC!

When you said your son was placed a in Psych class he’d already completed - where did you look to see that? Did the send him a possible schedule for him to consider based on his major/classes he’s already taken?

@Scotsfi What time was your son’s orientation session? Mine did his at 5:15 p.m. And on his howdy, his schedule shows up under My Schedule.


yesterday his session was at 1.15pm. He has nothing showing up under My Schedule at this point ~ maybe it’ll wing its way in this morning before class selection this afternoon.

@scotsfi I am pretty sure it depends on college of major. My son’s is Agriculture and Life Sciences.

@libbyshims @JaceyK @Scotsfi
My son said he did not recognize anyone from TAMUCC on the Zoom meeting. He was able to register for a few classes before he met with his advisor and they did show up on his schedule. There were two classes that he needed in his major (Math) that were full. His advisor manually put him into the classes because he has to take them in the Fall. I am sure he would have loved a Guitar Hero class (he plays guitar). He took Philosophy and Music Appreciation at TAMUCC. Currently, he has 3 online classes and two and a lab on campus.

Have you guys seen any refunds from TAMUCC in Howdy?

@OMGdontblink Your son is lucky to have gotten on-campus classes. ALL of my son’s lectures are online - his labs are on-campus. He isn’t exactly thrilled. He asked advisor about it, and she said that there are no more in-person slots available. What I don’t understand is why they gave impression that it would be a choice? At least that is the impression we got. Looks like being PSA transfer drew another short straw. :frowning:

And re: refund - my son won’t be getting anything - even though he moved out 4/3 and turned in form, he didn’t turn in his keys - finally mailed them in May. :neutral:

Double bummer, sorry. This is going to be a challenge for everyone. I can’t imagine having to take some of these difficult classes online. Praying for these kiddos.

It’s not just PSA students that got jacked up on classes. My son’s in his 3rd year and all of his turned to online. They are going to try to put him in an honors class since all of those are face to face.

Just didn’t want you to think it was due to PSA.

@AggieMomhelp I know - just hard pill to swallow when he keeps drawing short straw. He’s got a tough road ahead with more rigorous course work and with it being online, makes it even harder. But hey, this is what makes them stronger, right? :slight_smile: With all of this, he should be primed for medical school. lol

@JaceyK @OMGdontblink @libbyshims

So NSC - check! :wink:

My son’s class registration seemed very quick (College of Education - Dept of Health/Kinesiology)…at 2pm he submitted/indicated what he thought he’d needed /wished to be taking & the advisor checked it over & gave him the OK.
In the pre registration session he was told if a class showed as full then it was full - no wiggle room to add students in by advisor… so I’m guessing my son just requested classes where he knew he could get a seat?
At this point he has 3 on campus classes & 3 online

@OMGdontblink - thx for the reminder about that TAMUCC refund! I will follow up with my son. My understanding was the dorm payments for April & May would just be channeled over to his account at CS and off set some of this Fall’s tuition payment.

@libbyshims @JaceyK @Scotsfi

My son’s roommate apparently backed out of the lease last week (and didn’t tell my son - they are high school friends) and a new random roommate has been assigned? I thought he was at least allowed to approve of the roommate. He’s at Park West. He’s super bummed!

I’m sorry. I can’t believe the other kid did not tell him.

@OMGdontblink I’m sorry. That’s awful that his friend didn’t tell him. But alas, there is no approval process on roomies when you roommate match at an offcampus housing place. It usually works out, and if it doesn’t, most places will try to find you another room. Hang in there.

@OMGdontblink @Scotsfi @JaceyK - The TAMUCC refund for housing…yes…I reached out to the CS Business office and asked when/how the credit will show. The response was a bit concerning:

Is TAMUCC taking care of this for you? If so, do you know how? Our billing systems are NOT connected, so I am not sure how’d they send the funds to us. I think they would need to refund you directly, then you can use the funds towards your account as you please.

Ummmm…really? So I did what anyone else would do…I went to the TAMUCC Parent Facebook page! Apparently the refund is shown in SAIL under their financial aid tab, award for the upcoming year as CARES ACT - he also had received a message. Of course, he no longer checks his tamucc email, so thankfully he let me into his SAIL acct. When I pulled up the award section it shows the refund which (my math is awful) appears to be 2 months plus a couple weeks in credit. The date for the refund says August 10. I went into the BankMobile account to make sure everything was up to date. One thing i want to make sure is that this CARES ACT refund isn’t going to have an affect on his current financial aid. Still calling TAMUCC business office tomorrow.

For the roommate situation - one of the roommates decided it would be better to go to Blinn and pay rent than go somewhere else and pay double rent. So now, they are down 2. :slight_smile:

I’ll keep y’all posted on what information I receive tomorrow.


Thanks so much for sharing this. I would be very interested to know how you get on today with your follow up with TAMUCC today. However it is encouraging that you can actually see a refund is in place & scheduled.
I must follow up with my son to check out his SAIL account also.

If I knew how to contact you and @OMGdontblink @JaceyK directly I would but need some guidance :smile:

@libbyshims @Scotsfi @JaceyK
I also saw the post on the TAMUCC FB group this morning and I commented. I am Janet Hilton and would be happy to have you as FB friends. We have been through a lot. :wink: Please send me a friend request. When my son wakes up I will have him check his SAIL account. I am a little worried about his roommate bailing and him not getting connected at CS. He has 3 best friends from high school that all go to Texas State, all summer they are putting down TAMU and trying to recruit him over to Texas State. I am just praying he finds his tribe in CS.

@OMGdontblink I am so sorry to hear that about his friends. My son went through the same thing earlier this year with his friends who are out of state - so frustrating. Hang in there!!

Now it’s 7/23, and my son got one change - his Organic Chemistry went from online to in-person. We are hoping that his Calc 3 class will do same. The other two classes should be okay (Genetics and a poli sci (state/local govt I think). So fingers crossed that the calc 3 moves to in-person by tomorrow!!!

Dear AggieMomhelp and Community


I am overall happy with how the PSA program year went for my son - attended TAMU Corpus Christie and now accepted as a Geology major at CS.

One rude awakening however is that this 3.8+ GPA he earned at the A&M University satellite campus apparently is not credited to Texas A&M - sure the course credits are there but not the GPA. These GPA points are worth it, for averaging, and more importantly, he earned them.

Does it seem odd that a University with its own named campuses does not transfer the grades as well?? Understood that transfer from another separate University they may honor credits and not grades - but we thought at Texas A&M campuses, both would transfer. I hear rumor that Galveston campus grades would transfer, but that is not fact.

Has anyone researched this previously? I wish i could highlight this to other PSA students on the way in.